Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - Fyldeboy

MOT showed both discs and pads on the front as advisories.

I recently decided to get the pads ONLY replaced. I anticipate doing the discs in the coming 12 months (don't do much mileage) BUT, is it possible to replace the discs and then refit my part-worn pads, or will I have to factor in new pads.

If the latter, it might be cheaper to do the discs now as the pads have only a fortnight of wear on them.

Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - elekie&a/c doctor
Not advisable to put old pads on new discs . I would do both at once. Parts not expensive on these. What is the advisory? Min pad depth is 1.5 mm

Edited by elekie&a/c doctor on 15/08/2022 at 15:58

Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - Andrew-T

As your pads are almost new, get the discs done too, before the pads get fully bedded-in on the old discs. They will then happily bed in on new discs, which is what should happen, normally. These days, discs and pads commonly need replacing together - pads are harder than they used to be.

Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - bathtub tom

the pads have only a fortnight of wear on them.

Who gave you that information? If true, then I reckon it wouldn't have been an advisory, but a fail. I suggest you get a second opinion as you say you don't do much mileage.

Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - Adampr

the pads have only a fortnight of wear on them.

Who gave you that information? If true, then I reckon it wouldn't have been an advisory, but a fail. I suggest you get a second opinion as you say you don't do much mileage.

He had them fitted himself didn't he?

Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - edlithgow

the pads have only a fortnight of wear on them.

Who gave you that information? If true, then I reckon it wouldn't have been an advisory, but a fail.

Can't see how that would work. Admittedly I dunno how "a fortnights wear" could be specified, especially on low mileage, but if it isn't at the wear limit it should be a pass.

.IF they follow the rules, of course, which they sometimes don't

Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - Xileno

I read the post that the new pads fitted have only been on the car a fortnight.

Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - Andrew-T

I read the post that the new pads fitted have only been on the car a fortnight.

I read the post as the OP had new pads fitted a fortnight ago, after the advisory on the MoT. Seems straightforward to me ....

Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - John F

MOT showed both discs and pads on the front as advisories.

As a rough guide, on a carefully driven car, front pads should last around 40- 50,000 miles and the discs, with occasional attention to rust and ridging, around 80 - 100,000 miles. On some well made cars the original parts will last even longer.

.... the pads have only a fortnight of wear on them.

Nonsense. Distance, not time, wears pads. As a rough guide you should get around 5,000 miles per mm of pad thickness. Have a look and see how thick they still are. They only fail the MoT if worn down to less than 1.5mm, at which point they are still perfectly serviceable. Garages like to fail them too soon, even when they are still just as thick as the backplate (about 4mm) ...'won't last till the next service, squire...' because it's easy work at £80 per hour - and they can also make a turn on fully priced replacement parts which might not be nearly as good as the original parts.

Peugeot 308SW II (2015) - Pads / Disk replacement - Lee Power

FWIW - I traded my 6 year old 308 T9 in earlier this year at 43k miles, still had 6mm on front & rear pads which where still the factory fitted original items ( original disks to )