As far as I know - but happy to be corrected if I'm wrong - the emission band assigned to a car on its first registration stays with it, irrespective of whether there are subsequent changes to the system or the vehicle.
That's right.
As a public servant I had somewhat fractious correspondence with somebody who had a VW car registered before a change where, had it been a few months later at first registration, it would have been liable for approx half the VED it actually was.
Perhaps the only way to get it changed would be to go through the expensive certification process used by small manufacturers / grey importers of cars normally not sold in the UK /EU.
Even if that were possible (e.g. if someone took out the IC engine of a 'classic' [not those zero VED rated] car and replaced it with electric traction), it surely would cost far more than any monetary savings from a lower or zero VED rate.