My take on the meaning of the warning lights in the first image covered in the 'report':
1. Windy road passing by pond on the RHS and over fallen logs;
2. Stuck windscreen wiper;
3. Someone has keyed your car door;
4. Your windscreen washers are facing the wrong way;
5. You need to switch the darkened windows feature off;
6. You are going too slowly - speed up!
Second (larger) batch:
2. Big steering wheel!
3. As previous list No. 1 but passing pond on the LHS;
4. Overflowing windsreen washer fluid;
5. Partial tyre delamination;
6. Go NW;
7. (only available in German sports saloons) Use your b***** indicators!
8. Warning: Planet core ejection ahead!
9. Warning: Millenial or Gen Z person ahead - be careful when critcising!
10. Tourist Information Bureau ahead;
11. Imminent failure of suspension;
12. As 9 but warning of a fuel protestor in the road ahead;
13. Someone has glued your door lock;
14. Is this your key?
15. Radiation leak from car keys;
16. Warning: delivery driver ahead;
17. You may have the wrong shoes on;
18. Problem 17 resolved;
19. Krooklock not removed;
20. Logs and pond ahead;
22. LED lighbulb fitted - well done;
23. Halogen lightbulb fitted - not good;
24. No lighbulb fitted;
25. Keyboard ahead;
26. You've left your towbar unlocked;
27. Ride height adjustment system warning;
28. Red route ahead!
29. Bar-B-Q ahead;
30. Person sitting in the rear middle seat warning;
31. No Parking!
32. Warning: electricution by Lego brick;
33. Parking area for radio-controlled model sailboats ahead;
34. Car tool box open;
35. Suggested route around logs and pond;
36. Warning: lumberjacks moving logs by pond ahead!
37. Adjustable rear spoiler mechanism failure (Porsches only);
39. Beachball warning!
40. Tyres bald and delaminating!
41. Warning: Filling station with no roof;
42. No beachballs!
43. You spanner!
45. Warning: Unbulked trouser belt ahead!
46. Flintstone(mobile) running mode engaged;
48. Sinking ship ahead - only mast can be seen!
49. Warning - flabby stomach!
51. Deteriorating dumbells head!
53. Please untangle petrol pump hose;
54. Tyre tread depth warning;
55. Tree to NE - go NW!
57. Leaking oil can ahead!
60. Warning: Drage racing ahead!
61. It's raining - turn your wipers on!
The others I couldn't think of anything or previously covered. As you can tell, I'm bored. :-)