about my chances of getting a Parking Penalty Charge Notice retrospectively overturned.
Here's what happened. Last December (I know, b****y C*******s shopping) I got caught-out one dark gloomy evening in Central Milton Keynes. Parked in a spot that I thought was OK. It subsequently turned out to be for Community Transport Users (whoever they are) but was identifiable only by a small easily missable (in my opinion) plaque attached to a lampost!
I wrote in, told them as a long-term resident I was aware of the new regs but not this single bay adjacent to two end disabled spaces at the start of a row of normal free (2-hours max) spaces. Still with me? I pointed out that this single bay wasn't easily discernable amongst the plethora of other street furniture that currently adorns our every other nook and cranny, etc., etc. but begrudgingly enclosed my £30 remittance and would they reconsider?
The man, he say NO!
So I took it on the chin whilst simply making a mental note of the No. of the Parking Warden who'd ticketed me in the likelihood that our paths ever crossed again ? heh!
Recently, MK Council has begun to identify these single bays by painting them Apple Green with a Red surrounding border. Quite obviously then, they weren't that easily discernible to the general public and subsequently had to be identified much more clearly to avoid further confusion?
Sorry, but I'm on a bit of a 'mission' at the moment chasing/confronting people who've caused me 'fiscal disadvantage' in the past and this one is still on my 'To Do' list.
Sholud I simply let it go or do you feel it's worth pursuing?...
Write them a clear letter stating your point and what you want in return, sit back and see what happens. You might not get your money back but it will "soothe your mission."
Looks as if the Parking Restrictions Order was made under Schedule 3 of Road Traffic act, 1991
see www.tiny url.com/mzkq.
From what you say it would appear that you have little grounds for having the Ticket withdrawn.
However there may be something in the Order itself whcih should explain who can and who cannot park and where. Go to you L.A. and ask to see the Order or there may be a copy in the reference section of your Local library.
That should read
You say that you wrote saying it was wrong and paid the fine at £30?. The discounted rate, full fine £60, is for the guilty who hold up their hands and save the Council the agg of chasing them. Alterntivley you wait for them to send notice to owner, after tracing you via DVLA and make representations on the rejection of which you have a right of appeal to an independant adjudicator. That does however involve a punt on paying the full fine if you lose.If you pay the charge then in effect you plead guilty. Too late to appeal now. My feel is the same as DVD's, not worth wasting time on it.
For info on the appeal systems for parking see the Parking Adjudicators website at www.parking-appeals.gov.uk. and that for their sister organisation in London at www.parkingandtrafficappeals.gov.uk
Cheers guys. You're right ? this isn't worth the fuss. I'll seek retribution in an entirely more creative way!...
Had a similar experience recently. Was invited to do a presentation to health professionals at local hospital. They enclosed a parking sticker for me to use in adjacent streets because nobody (not even doctors apparently!) can park in the hospital grounds.
After dropping off several crates of computer equipment at the door, I took the car off to a side street down the road a bit. Again, I checked the street furniture and thought I had parked in a safe area. When I returned later in the day, I found a parking ticket on the windscreen. Had to pay £20 within 14 days or similar or £40 thereafter.
It turned out I had misinterpreted the signage. A post with a small arrow pointing in one direction said OK for 'voucher holders' and an arrow the other way was 'resident's parking'. I had even completed the voucher carefully with details of arrival time etc and displayed it prominently.
To cut a long story short, I sent off the cheque with a polite letter explaining how, under pressure, to arrive in time for an important appointment etc I had made a mistake about the rather confusing plethora of signs in that particular street.
Within a week I had my cheque returned with a letter of apology.