bmw 125d S/S - injector cleaner vs turbo cleaner (diesel) - carnut1980

guys/girls (and the undecided..) is there REALLY a difference between injector cleaner, and turbo cleaner? Both are added to the fuel, but surely, a good fuel/injector cleaner, will also clean the turbo vanes, via the fuel vapour?

I get a little smoke, at speed, usually around 75mph, no smoke under load/acceleration, no lights on dash, no lack of power!

Hydra DPB 100 works well, better power and MPG, with excellent reviews.

Would buying a 'specific' turbo cleaner, really make a difference? cheers

bmw 125d S/S - injector cleaner vs turbo cleaner (diesel) - galileo

guys/girls (and the undecided..) is there REALLY a difference between injector cleaner, and turbo cleaner? Both are added to the fuel, but surely, a good fuel/injector cleaner, will also clean the turbo vanes, via the fuel vapour?

I get a little smoke, at speed, usually around 75mph, no smoke under load/acceleration, no lights on dash, no lack of power!

Hydra DPB 100 works well, better power and MPG, with excellent reviews.

Would buying a 'specific' turbo cleaner, really make a difference? cheers

No fuel goes anywhere near the turbo until it has been burnt n the cylinders and is in the exhaust gas, which drives the turbine end of the turbo.

Nothing added to fuel can therefore clean the compressor wheel vanes or the compressor housing.

If the turbo has variable vanes in the turbine housing, these nay stick due to carbon build up from the exhaust flow, fuel additives won't clean these.

bmw 125d S/S - injector cleaner vs turbo cleaner (diesel) - Andrew-T

As said, I don't see how adding things to the fuel can affect the turbo much. As regards injector cleaner, I have relied on that in the past, especially just before an emissions test, but I now find that occasional use of super-diesel (e.g. V-power) has a similar effect and probably costs about the same overall. The engine clearly likes it anyway, judging from the sound and 'feel'.

Turbos stay happier with oil changes a bit more often than the makers suggest.