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Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - brambobb

I have read a lot about B10 Petrol recently and the possible issues surrounding this. My Honda Civic is the 1.6 Diesel version and I have been filling it with fuel from supermarkets, all of which have shown the fuel as B7 Grade.

Today, however, I was passing a BP garage where the cost was the lowest in the area so went in to fill up. I was surprised to see that the standard fuel was shown as B10 whilst the Super grade was B7.

This led me to wonder whether there are likely to be any similar issues with this fuel on diesel vehicles as there appear to be with the petrol version. Or is this just another way for the fuel company to extract more of our cash?

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - RT

That's the first I've heard of a B10 for diesel.

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - focussed

Honda: - Apart from vehicles fitted with a specific ‘B10’ fuel identifier, all Honda models are not compatible with B10 fuel.


Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - RT

Honda: - Apart from vehicles fitted with a specific ‘B10’ fuel identifier, all Honda models are not compatible with B10 fuel.


That link seems to clarify that B10 is a French thing - with most models not compatible.

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - thunderbird

That link seems to clarify that B10 is a French thing - with most models not compatible.

Just been Googling and one site simply says

  • B10is a newer type of diesel that contains higher levels of biofuel – to a maximum of 10%. It has not yet been introduced in UK, but has been rolled out in France.

The same site says E10 has been rolled out in the UK so must be up to date..

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - Andrew-T

<< The same site says E10 has been rolled out in the UK so must be up to date. >>

So presumably the pumps mentioned by the OP may be getting ahead of the game, while the fuel may contain up to 10% Bio but probably doesn't ?

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - focussed

B10 was introduced over here in France about a year ago - there were warnings on the pumps to check that it was compatible with your car before filling.

The fuel pump labels went from just "gasoil" (pronounced gazwaahl) to just B7 or B10.

The EU defined "The source of thousands of unnecessary regulations looking for a problem"

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - thunderbird

<< The same site says E10 has been rolled out in the UK so must be up to date. >>

So presumably the pumps mentioned by the OP may be getting ahead of the game, while the fuel may contain up to 10% Bio but probably doesn't ?

Think you misunderstood my post.

E10 is petrol and was introduced September.

B10 is diesel and is neither on sale or proposed to go on sale at this time in the UK.

Or is the OP's garage getting some cheap diesel from France?

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - RT

According to HM Government at www.gov.uk - "Diesel fuel will not be changing"

E10 petrol explained - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - thunderbird

Just looked on BP's website (it was a BP garage that the OP says was selling the B10) and there is no mention on there about B10 at all.

Me thinks he was mistaken. The fact that the B10 was the cheapest in the are probably means its E10 with a bad label.

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - Andrew-T

Me thinks he was mistaken. The fact that the B10 was the cheapest in the are probably means its E10 with a bad label.

Anyone who thinks the (perhaps fuzzy) letters on a label are more important than the colour of the delivery pipe (black or green) should perhaps revise his/her priorities ?

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - Andrew-T

<< Think you misunderstood my post. >>

I don't think I did, and I don't see why you think I may have done. I know that E means Ethanol, which is now added to any petrol we buy, while B means Biodiesel, which is apparently added to French diesel but not yet UK - tho that may come I suppose.

It seems the OP may be a bit confused though ?

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - brambobb

No I don't think so. I know that diesel pumps have been labelled B7 for some time but this is the first time that I have seen B10, which was clearly shown as such on the pump. The "Super" fuel was shown as B7.

It is possible that they are jumping the gun but I will not be using B10 again until it is formally approved for sale.

Fortunately, I think, I had nearly half a tank left so hopefully there would be no significant long term impact caused by the 25 litres that I put in.

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - brambobb

To resurrect this post I visited the same garage today andd filled up again.

However I am now concerned that I should not have done as I filled the car almost from empty. It was definitely labelled as B10 and I have a photo of the pumps. It seems that this garage is selling B10 as the standard fuel and B7 as Ultimate. I will call in on the next occasion I pass another BP outlet to check whether this is now their standard labelling.

The car does seem to be running fine so far though I did notice that the average fuel consumption gauge seemed to be showing a considerably lower than usual reading for my 6 mile journey home.

BP's website seems to be as clear as mud on this issue.

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - Andrew-T

It seems that this garage is selling B10 as the standard fuel and B7 as Ultimate. I will call in on the next occasion I pass another BP outlet to check whether this is now their standard labelling.

The car does seem to be running fine so far though I did notice that the average fuel consumption gauge seemed to be showing a considerably lower than usual reading for my 6 mile journey home.

If you are concerned about this, I must wonder why you didn't use the B7 pump ? And if the reasoning is similar to that affecting petrol engines, I would assume that any deleterious effect on your car affects the fuel pipework and will be long-term, not immediate.

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - Bromptonaut

However I am now concerned that I should not have done as I filled the car almost from empty. It was definitely labelled as B10 and I have a photo of the pumps. It seems that this garage is selling B10 as the standard fuel and B7 as Ultimate.

Have you asked the filling station apparently selling B10 for an explanation?

As B10 is not yet formally available in the UK I suspect a cock up of some kind, perhaps confusion with petrol blends. The fact that it's 'standard' diesel labelled as B10 and the premium stuff with the usual B7 would tend to corroborate that.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 02/09/2022 at 10:26

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - RT

The definition of B10 is "up to 10%" biofuel so it's quite legal to sell B7 labelled as B10 !!

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - Andrew-T

<< As B10 is not yet formally available in the UK I suspect a cock up of some kind, perhaps confusion with petrol blends. >>

In view of all the above, it may be safe to assume that the same stuff comes out of both pumps ? (in which case it is profiteering as they are priced differently) ?

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - Bromptonaut

In view of all the above, it may be safe to assume that the same stuff comes out of both pumps ? (in which case it is profiteering as they are priced differently) ?

I'm not clear how you come to that conclusion.

One pump is dispensing bog standard diesel.

The other is dispensing premium diesel, same basic product but with whatever fairy dust BP add to make it Ultimate.

Exactly as normal except the the pump dispensing bog standard has been incorrectly stickered B10.

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - Andrew-T

<< I'm not clear how you come to that conclusion. >>

'B10 diesel is not yet formally available in the UK'. So what is in the B10 pump, and where is it from ?

Premium diesel (e.g.V-power) has been available for a long time, but that has 'normal' biodiesel content AFAIK.

Edited by Andrew-T on 02/09/2022 at 15:28

Honda Civic - B10 Diesel - Bromptonaut

<< I'm not clear how you come to that conclusion. >>

'B10 diesel is not yet formally available in the UK'. So what is in the B10 pump, and where is it from ?

Standard UK pump. The B or E numbers, petrol RON, and premium branding are just stickers or pump labels.

The 'B10 pump' was dispensing B7 but had the wrong label attached. .