Mini Cooper S - Turbocharger warranty - Liam Cowan
In August this year the turbo on my mini went. 2K later the garage fitted a new one and said that an oil change after 500 miles is advised or it may void the manufacturers warranty. Low and behold I completely forgot about this and have only just booked it in for an oil/filter change 3000 miles later. I have two questions:

1) will this have damages the vehicle in any way?
2) will it have voided the warranty as 500 miles does seem very low?
Mini Cooper S - Turbocharger warranty - Andrew-T

[1] I doubt it.

[2] I'm not clear whether '2K' means miles or £2K ? If the warranty for the new turbo specifically calls for a 500-mile oil change, if it fails later and you can't prove that has been done, you may have no recourse.

Mini Cooper S - Turbocharger warranty - elekie&a/c doctor
The idea of an oil change at 500 miles , is to remove any further debris from the engine that may not have been flushed out during the original repair. Any future warranty claim on the turbo may have been compromised by leaving it too long .