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SORN Fine - tractorboy
I have received a nice invitation to pay the £25 for \'failure to submit a SORN\', how can I get around this? the DVLA fine collecting agency in Glasgow is uncontactable by phone as it\'s always to busy. (9 attempts)

I am the registered keeper, but the car has been at a garage for two months having repeatedly failed it\'s MOT and is awaiting parts, it can\'t be taxed as it\'s not got an MOT, but then it\'s not on the public highway either.

I am minded to fight this what are the chances of getting the bigger £1000 fine and conviction if I do?

SORN Fine - SteveH42
but then it\'s not on the public highway either.

SORN - Statutory Off Road Notification

Need I say more? Doesn't matter where it is, if it isn't taxed you have to declare it is not in use.
SORN Fine - M.M
Why fight when it is so clear cut. The reminder tells you either to re-tax or declare SORN. They'll just sting you for more as you argued.

You comment it is not on the public highway, that's what the OR of SORN means.

SORN Fine - Dwight Van Driver
Read Regulation 6 and 7 of the following;


Considering that they can hit you with &1000 fine or 5 five times the amount of duty then 25 notes seems to be a bargain you just cannot refuse.

SORN Fine - Hugo {P}
Now this IS interesting!

On receiving a car with a blown engine, I duly returned the Tax disk and registered it using the appropriate SORN/disk surrender form from the PO in accordance with requirements.

I have yet to receive the money for the tax disk, this was 6 monthss ago. It would not be the first time that the post was blamed (the log book for my van got lost when I sent that off after having bought it).

Now Tractorboy, the better question to ask is "What if I sent the SORN and it has apparently not been received?".

SORN Fine - Cliff Pope
This is a very real risk. I think it is serious fault in the system that there is no such thing as a SORN disc or acknowledgement. Apart from never knowing whether your SORN declaration has been received, it also makes it a risky buying a SORNed car because the seller cannot give you any evidence.

SORN Fine - M.M

There are always a few SORN'd vehicles knocking about here so I have to keep on my toes with them. You are right the lack of confirmation is bad.

I always copy the SORN form and keep it with a note of where I posted it to as well as the date posted. In the odd couple of disputes they have rolled over in the face of this "evidence".

Also no worries buying anything on SORN. As long as you and the seller properly complete the V5 you are only liable from that change date. If you are unhappy that the seller actually has it on SORN just get the form and send it in yourself with a letter saying you are unsure of the vehicle's status.

SORN Fine - teabelly
Instead of posting off the sorn it is safer to go the post office and make the declaration there. The P.O give you a receipt with the reg of the vehicle and the date on it so you would then have proof that you have the car on SORN.
SORN Fine - Thommo
Thank you for this post people (sorry its at your expense Tractor). I have a mate who has two motorcycles and a car in his (large) garage, all untaxed for a couple of years, he had never heard of SORN (and has not been contacted by the authorities) so will not believe its an actual problem. I have emailed him a copy of this thread.

As the advice above £25 sounds a good offer, I would take it.
SORN Fine - martint123
Thommo - your mate may be ok if they've been off the road for some time. I forget the details, but when I was reading the guff sheet that came with my tax renewal, it did mention about 'vehicles last taxed after xxxx date' or somesuch.


Statutory off Road Notification (SORN) applies to any vehicle taxed on or after 31 January 1998. A declaration must be made by the vehicle's keeper whenever the licence is not renewed or is surrendered for refund. Keepers acquiring untaxed vehicles must license them or declare SORN if they are kept "off road". If your vehicle was not taxed on 31 January 1998 (i.e. classic cars, vehicles stored away for restoration, etc), you do not need to take any action until it is next taxed.

SORN Fine - Pugugly {P}
SORN'd cars are marked up on PNC now as a client of mine found out to his cost when he was ANPR'd the other week. He got stopped and nicked (had some gear on him as well)- if he'd taxed it he wouldn't have been pulled. Guilty m'lud.
SORN Fine - guzzler
I had this recently with my bike which was damaged at the end of April, just before the tax ran out.

I sent off the SORN form and heard nothing until last month, when I got the offer of an out of court settlement of £25, rising to £45 I think. I sent back the form with an explanation, then I called them a week later, they hadn't received the 2nd letter.

They sent me another form which I filled in, last week another letter arrived saying that no further action was being taken.
Either the post offfice is not up to scratch, or the internal mail sorting in the tax offices isn't too good.

The point here is that they will not know whether you have sent them the form or not and will probably let it go if there is a reasonable explanation.

Worth a try :o)
SORN Fine - martint123
As others suggest - If registering SORN take the form to a post office just as you would to tax it. It removes all the hassle as you get a receipt saying you've done it.