I have a strange problem with a Crossland which I bought 6 months ago it is a one year old car. On two occasions, I believed I had pushed the gear into first but it shot back. I was totally confused and didn't know how this has happened as I was sure I didn't lift the ring on the gear stick to engage reverse which is left to first.
On the second occasion which happened 3 months later I was 100% sure I did not lift the ring on gearstick to engage reverse, I have been driving for 45 years and used to this kind of gearstick. I took it to a Vauxhall dealer but they have said they found no issues with the gearbox. This is an intermittent problem, but it makes me nervous to drive it when starting off now as I am never sure if it's going to fly back!
A mechanic friend has suggested it has a linkage issue or the gate between reverse and forts sometimes stays up. Can anyone shed any light on this please?