Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

my peagout after driving for 10 mins the temp gauge goes to max then the red stop light comes on so i stop the car turn off then back on again its fine .

ive had new water pump, new thermostat and housing ,new radiator,ive tried 3 new sensorscan anybody help before i scrap it ive had 2 mechanic's look at it but no luck any help would be appreciated

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - bathtub tom

Have you tried reading live data to see what the coolant temperature is?

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - sandy56

Looks like more of an electrical fault. Repair by changing everything until the fault goes away shows a lack of diagnostic skils. Not unusual thes days .

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

the temperature is fine the fan kicks in at 95 degrees its not actually overheating im baffled

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - elekie&a/c doctor
Remove the engine control module multi pin connector blocks and check for any water ingress/ corrosion.
Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

all connectors have been checked nothing found

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - elekie&a/c doctor

does this have a level sensor in the coolant expansion bottle?

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

dont think so but its not losing water

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - elekie&a/c doctor
If this car is fitted with a 2 speed cooling radiator fan , make sure it works on both speeds .
Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

how do i test that

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - elekie&a/c doctor
Only with suitable diagnostic kit that can activate various functions through the engine Ecu .
Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - bathtub tom
Only with suitable diagnostic kit that can activate various functions through the engine Ecu .

Or let it tickover for a considerable time with the bonnet closed and the A/C switched on?

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

so what is it im looking for regarding the fan ? the fan kicks in every time and continues for a bit when engine is turned off

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - elekie&a/c doctor
The fan is working, as you say , but if it’s a 2 speed type , you don’t really know which speed is operating. Can you post up the engine type fitted and it’s code designation? It’s in the Vin number .
Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

code ew 10a rfj

num lh4p 1444635

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - elekie&a/c doctor
Looks like we have a 2.0 petrol motor . This has a multi function control module for the cooling fan speeds activated from the engine Ecu . Can’t see any other way of testing other than via the diagnostic system .
Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

its had full diagnostics only came up with sensor fault which has been replaced 3 times

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - elekie&a/c doctor
Sensors don’t fail with this regularity. What’s the condition of the connector attached to it ? Pins probably need tightening or if they are corroded , new plug needed .
Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Gibbo_Wirral

Faulty temperature sensor. Common fail part on the 307. If its still happening then check the wiring.

Edited by Gibbo_Wirral on 09/08/2021 at 12:59

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

all wiring checked and plugs what i have noticed it doesn't do it when stationary and engine running only when driving ??

Peugeot 307 CC - over heating - Andrew Peter Dawson

fan checked it runs on both speeds