Dealer reckons that they can't get hold of one, and they've been good about a couple of other issues so I tend to believe them.
Thanks for the link, I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Enough surfing for one night - got to get up early in the morning.
I think if the 306 had been a current model a dealer might have provided a latest edition, but since even the cabrio is no longer current the handbooks may have been binned (though the cabrio handbook was a separate edition I believe). Try a more out-of-the-way dealership who may not have cleared them out yet.
I think there are one or two small-ad people who deal in past brochures and possibly handbooks - try the motoring press.
nwnw - I have just asked the Northwich parts dept (I know the guy there) who says they can still get handbooks for Mk.2 but not Mk.1 cars (pre-97). S plate will be Mk.2 so you may be OK.