Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts

Question about any make and model.....why is it, whatever job needs doing on my car, the garage/mechanic always wants it first thing in the morning and keeps it all day?

This seems to happen regardless of where i take it (talking about many cars over many years).

Often they already know what needs doing and say the part/s will be ordered beforehand. So why do I have to spend all day without transport for a job that takes 1-2 hrs?

Im not counting jobs where unknown issues may crop up.

If a job takes half the day max, why cant i arrange to leave it with them for either the am or pm?

Im not being sarcastic here, just genuinely puzzled.

Id appreciate any sensible helpful enlightening replies

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - elekie&a/c doctor
Might I suggest you ask your local garage to spend a day with them as an observer , to see what actually goes on in real life . I think you will find it a real eye opener.
Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - badbusdriver

Question about any make and model.....why is it, whatever job needs doing on my car, the garage/mechanic always wants it first thing in the morning and keeps it all day?

This seems to happen regardless of where i take it (talking about many cars over many years).

Often they already know what needs doing and say the part/s will be ordered beforehand. So why do I have to spend all day without transport for a job that takes 1-2 hrs?

Im not counting jobs where unknown issues may crop up.

If a job takes half the day max, why cant i arrange to leave it with them for either the am or pm?

Im not being sarcastic here, just genuinely puzzled.

Id appreciate any sensible helpful enlightening replies

What kind of car do you drive, how old is it, and what kind of garages are we talking about?.

I'm asking because my wife gets a Motability car, so our car is never more than 3 years old. Services can be done while I wait, but typically around 2 hours, maybe 3 tops. The car gets booked in at a particular slot and is dealt with within (more or less) that time slot.

On the other hand, I run a 2nd hand van for my work, currently (since late 2018) a 2010 VW Caddy and for 9 years before that, a 2006 Ford Transit Connect. Service and repair work is done by small independent garages. When dropping my van off for a service and MOT, it is left either 1st thing in the morning (or last thing on the day before) and I pick it up at the end of the day the work is being done. But I accept that because, having worked in garages, I am well aware of how things work.

In a small independent garage, what happens during the day is a highly fluid situation. As their profit margins are smaller, they can't really afford to turn work away unless they have to. In an older vehicle (like my van) there may be unforeseen problems relating to its age, such as nuts/bolts/screws etc being rusted on, or being broken off. There may be a delay in getting parts, the parts they get may be wrong. It is a whole different ball game dealing with older cars.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts

Badbusdriver .... Thank you so much. I wondered if it was something along those lines and yes my cars have mostly been older models and i do use smaller independent garages. I really appreciate your thorough, informative and polite reply

Edited by Bronte Roberts on 06/07/2021 at 12:39

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bromptonaut

I will suit them to have cars there from 08:00 to 17:00 as it gives max flexibility for planning work. On the other hand it means they've a waiting room full of punters at the end of the day all needing an explanation of work done and justification for the bill.

Ask the garage when you book it in if they can give you a more precise time slot?

If being without transport all day is causing you a particular issue with work, kids or whatever then explain that to them. You never know!!

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - ExA35Owner

Both my main dealers will agree a booking in time and it's possible to wait while work is done; coffee and wifi so I can work while I wait. Good service from two different franchises.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts

Both my main dealers will agree a booking in time and it's possible to wait while work is done; coffee and wifi so I can work while I wait. Good service from two different franchises.

Thank you for your reply. Im afraid i dont use main dealers as I can only afford older cars so use smaller independent garages.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts

Bromptonaut.....Thank you for your reply. I thought it might be to do with fitting in other jobs but also thought there'd be some kind of time frame. I do struggle without my car as I've always lived in rural areas and get anxious if i dont have transport. I have told them its difficult for me not having the car but probably haven't been clear enough. I do respect any professionals who have years of training and knowledge I dont have, so tend to just go along with them. Thanks again for your time

Edited by Bronte Roberts on 06/07/2021 at 12:40

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts

elekie&a/c doctor ..... Might i suggest you read the part of my question that states im not being sarcastic etc. I doubt any garage wants someone hanging about watching them all day and even if they did...whilst you may have the time to do so, i dont. Im sorry you couldn't take my query seriously.

Edited by Bronte Roberts on 06/07/2021 at 12:42

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - elekie&a/c doctor
No attempt at being sarcastic here . It’s just that when cars go wrong, times to repair can take much longer than expected. Also don’t forget previous days work and beyond can cause a backlog in the system and then you get the domino effect .
Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Andrew-T

You can book a time for a MoT test, which is usually allowed a predictable 45 minutes. Any other work will be allocated to mechanics as they become available, It may take longer or less time than expected, and occasionally (quite often in fact) they may have been sent the wrong parts, which will need replacing.

Unless you understand a typical working day in a garage you should allow them some space and time.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts

You can book a time for a MoT test, which is usually allowed a predictable 45 minutes. Any other work will be allocated to mechanics as they become available, It may take longer or less time than expected, and occasionally (quite often in fact) they may have been sent the wrong parts, which will need replacing.

Unless you understand a typical working day in a garage you should allow them some space and time.

Thanks for your reply. Understanding a typical working day in a garage is precisely why i posted the question. Its interesting that you mention wrong parts being sent as this has cropped up several times over the years (and indeed did, not long after Id posted this question, resulting in my being without my car overnight). It's something else I cant get my head around. I would have thought companies that persistently supply incorrect parts would go out of business. Why do garages put up with it? Is there a limited number of parts suppliers in any one area? Again, this is a genuine, polite query.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - galileo

Thanks for your reply. Understanding a typical working day in a garage is precisely why i posted the question. Its interesting that you mention wrong parts being sent as this has cropped up several times over the years (and indeed did, not long after Id posted this question, resulting in my being without my car overnight). It's something else I cant get my head around. I would have thought companies that persistently supply incorrect parts would go out of business. Why do garages put up with it? Is there a limited number of parts suppliers in any one area? Again, this is a genuine, polite query.

Manufacturers can change components over the production life of a car: the new parts are usually supposed to be fully interchangeable with the previous part.

If they are not, the manufacturer should notify its dealers that "from chassis number xxxxxx part number yyyyyy is replaced by part number zzzzzz."

These systems are not foolproof, and independent parts suppliers may not have been informed of the changes (a subtle way of locking you into paying more for dealer parts).

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts

Thanks for your reply. Understanding a typical working day in a garage is precisely why i posted the question. Its interesting that you mention wrong parts being sent as this has cropped up several times over the years (and indeed did, not long after Id posted this question, resulting in my being without my car overnight). It's something else I cant get my head around. I would have thought companies that persistently supply incorrect parts would go out of business. Why do garages put up with it? Is there a limited number of parts suppliers in any one area? Again, this is a genuine, polite query.

Manufacturers can change components over the production life of a car: the new parts are usually supposed to be fully interchangeable with the previous part.

If they are not, the manufacturer should notify its dealers that "from chassis number xxxxxx part number yyyyyy is replaced by part number zzzzzz."

These systems are not foolproof, and independent parts suppliers may not have been informed of the changes (a subtle way of locking you into paying more for dealer parts).

Bejesus, how fustrating and total waste of time for everyone concerned! Thanks for the explanation.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Andrew-T

<< I would have thought companies that persistently supply incorrect parts would go out of business. Why do garages put up with it? >>

As Galileo has said, the situation is much more complex than you may imagine. In theory, knowing the VIN of your car (which can be found from its it should be possible to identify any replacement part for it. But again, allow for faulty keyboard input at several points, unavailability or obsolescence, out-of-stock so need to try somewhere else - independent garages (which cannot keep comprehensive stocks for different marques) suffer as much as you do.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - DavidGlos
You could ask whether they have any courtesy cars available. The small independent garage that I use have several such vehicles. A ten year old Mazda3 recently, a Yaris before that and occasionally a Panda 100hp.

They prefer me to drop mine off in the morning and then collect at the end of the day. No charge for the courtesy car.
Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - The Heg
My local independent will give you a specific slot if you ask and book in enough time. He opens stupidly early- 0630- so I’ve dropped it off on my way home from nights and it’ll be ready when I wake up at 1pm.
Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - edlithgow

As well as the factors already mentioned, supplied components may be faulty, apparently a particular issue with aftermarket / remanufactured stuff. which can be a lot cheaper and more available than OEM.. South Main Auto on Youtube has a few video rants about this. That's in the US, but I suppose there are similar pressures on small garage operations in the UK

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts
My local independent will give you a specific slot if you ask and book in enough time. He opens stupidly early- 0630- so I’ve dropped it off on my way home from nights and it’ll be ready when I wake up at 1pm.

Sleeping while your cars being fixed is possibly one of the few good things about working nights....did it for 3+ years and it nearly killed me. Haha.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts
You could ask whether they have any courtesy cars available. The small independent garage that I use have several such vehicles. A ten year old Mazda3 recently, a Yaris before that and occasionally a Panda 100hp. They prefer me to drop mine off in the morning and then collect at the end of the day. No charge for the courtesy car.

I think a courtesy car may actually be an option with this garage (first time ive used them so i didnt think to ask and they didnt offer) but most times places ive used dont have one unless they have something old in for part ex.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts

<< I would have thought companies that persistently supply incorrect parts would go out of business. Why do garages put up with it? >>

As Galileo has said, the situation is much more complex than you may imagine. In theory, knowing the VIN of your car (which can be found from its it should be possible to identify any replacement part for it. But again, allow for faulty keyboard input at several points, unavailability or obsolescence, out-of-stock so need to try somewhere else - independent garages (which cannot keep comprehensive stocks for different marques) suffer as much as you do.

Sounds like it! If I could bear to use emojis Id be posting an "eye rolling" one! Thanks for the info.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Grenache

I use my local independent garage, and as I don't need the car every day I book it in but say that if they can't finish the job the same day then the next day is OK. I know they appreciate that as other jobs can over-run as others have mentioned. On the few times I do need it back quickly then I know they will always have it ready.

Ford Focus - Garages/repairs - Bronte Roberts

I use my local independent garage, and as I don't need the car every day I book it in but say that if they can't finish the job the same day then the next day is OK. I know they appreciate that as other jobs can over-run as others have mentioned. On the few times I do need it back quickly then I know they will always have it ready.

Unfortunately, for various reasons, its really difficult for me not to have a car. A day is stressful but anything longer causes all sorts of complications. I realise unseen problems can crop up (and often have done with my old cars) so i do my best to just let the mechanic/garage get on with it, but have in the past had to walk miles to work because theres no public transport for eg. I plan to run this car into the ground so I'll probably have plenty of opportunities to build a relationship with this "new" garage!