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Anyone got a Glass's guide handy? - carayzee
Looking at a current shape M3 with SMG next week. I was looking for an Z3 M coop but then this came up.

Can anyone value this car, I can't find anything on any of the online Glass's guide links I have, and Parkers is a joke.

It's a 51 plate, carbon black 54,000 miles, SMG, roof, 19''s (Hmmm....) and HK stereo.
They're asking £31k on Autotrader or £29985 on their local site - That's from a BM dealer.

I don't do a lot of miles so the high mileage will even out.

Worth it?
Anyone got a Glass\'s guide handy? - Dynamic Dave
Have you tried the link to the left of this message?

Anyone got a Glass\'s guide handy? - DavidHM
An online guide that I just looked at suggests a p/x value of £28250 for one in excellent condition, £31250 for excellent and £25k for poor. What would constitute poor in this case, I don\'t know, because it should be too new to have any major deterioration.

Those values assume average mileage (30k) but if you\'re only going to put 20k on it in three years I don\'t think you\'ve anything to worry about from the miles.

It doesn\'t have much warranty left (6k) but apart from that it is pleasantly cheap for a new shape M3 SMG. It\'s got to be £3k under the asking price of anything with average mileage, so on balance, assuming the car checks out, I\'d say go for it - especially if you can haggle an extra £1k off.
Anyone got a Glass's guide handy? - DavidHM
Carayzee - I've answered to the best of my ability and I suspect that DD will hit the edit button on my post.

However, in fairness - if you're spending £30k on a car, what is an extra 0.01% for a valuation?
Anyone got a Glass\'s guide handy? - carayzee
Point taken. This site has to be paid for somehow.
Anyone got a Glass's guide handy? - carayzee
Thanks David, that's what I was thinking. It's a good price from a main dealer ( I'm assuming it's in excellent condition) , and i will be pushing for an extended warranty or a free major service, in any case, at their lower price. I don't have to buy this particular car, but I'm tempted.
I thought that the warranty was 100k miles, but could be mistaken. Maybe it's less on the M3's. If it's only a 60k warranty then that might be why it's cheap.
I think it needs the extended warranty or they can keep it.