Over the past couple of weeks the car (1992 1.2i nova 73K) has developed a noise, which I initially thought was a wheel bearing. However on investigation it seems the differential is on it way out. I\'ve put the car on axle stands and found excessive lateral play in both drive shafts (at the gear box end), also when the car is run in gear (on the axle stands)a noticable humming noise eminates from the gearbox which increases with speed in any gaer.
Can anyone please advise what my options are, including approx costs and whether it is safe to drive the car. Bearing in mind the car is only worth a few hundred £s.
The worst case scenario for you is a breakdown - unless I am mistaken.
If it is the diff, you could try a low mileage replacement from someone like Universal Parts. My advice is set a limit for the cost of the job and parts involved. Get costs etc then decide which way to go.
73K is not much mileage for a diff though. Although I don\'t know the Nova mecanically, from memory my Regata, which I replaced a CV and boot on, used a sliding spline mechanism to join the shafts to the final drive. Are you sure that it\'s not these that are worn?
Another idea is to take your car to a reputable gearbox specialist, who will confirm or disprove your theory. Not wishing to insult intelligence here but this can save you a lot of grief.
I was convinced my clutch on my Regata needed changing at 50K and went to a clutch specialist for a quote. The chap looked at it and simply adjusted the cable (I had tried but failed) No charge, but I bought him a pint and got a further 30K out of that clutch.
73K is not much mileage for a diff though. Although I don\'t know the Nova mecanically, from memory my Regata, which I replaced a CV and boot on, used a sliding spline mechanism to join the shafts to the final drive. Are you sure that it\'s not these that are worn?
Almost sure its not the splines on the drive shafts, however would be interested to hear from anyone with previous experience of such problems. Still this does not explain the humming noise.
Oil level OK? I know that doesn\'t help the play though. Sure the play is in the diff? Not just the inner driveshaft joints?
Used transmision for this vehicle should be £50 (or less), easy swop. As you hint if you pay someone to supply/fit it might cost the value of the vehicle.
Yep the gearbox oil level is OK, as for the inner drive shaft joints they seem fine as well, the play is evident where the drive shafts go into the gearbox i.e. after the inner driveshaft joints and it seems to be the same both side 2mm lateral (up & down) play.
Having thought about the options today, I think I'm going to go down the second hand gearbox route and fit it myself. I wiill keep you informed of progress and costs.
Thanks Hugo and M.M for your advice.