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Famous Peoples Cars? - Phoenicks
I'm not into Hello and OK and all that carp, but i quite like finding out what cars the famous have. I know the Sultan of Brunei has hundreds of cars and a lot of special one off ferrari's and bentley/rr's, but of any other famous people does anyone have anymore info?

I'll start it off:

Ralph Lauren has 3 McLaren F1's

Elton John had a Jag XJ220 (which is currently for sale on www.tomhartley.com

Bill Gates has loads of porsches (his fave).

Any more?
Famous Peoples Cars? - Hawesy1982
I want an early '70's Capri like Craig David's got, it looks proper bo!
Famous Peoples Cars? - BB
Does the car stereo have a reeeeewind?
Famous Peoples Cars? - one_eyed_king
I once worked as a minon for Barings bank at the time it went bankrupt (Nick Leason and all that).
The Sultan of Brunai was at one point interested in buying it, so one day I turned up at work to see a fleet of Merc S-Classes lined up outside, each one with the numberplate SB 1,SB 2, SB 3 etc.
There must have been 10 of them.
I wonder what it would be like to be THAT rich?
Famous Peoples Cars? - Humpy
I once worked as a minon for Barings bank at the
time it went bankrupt (Nick Leason and all that).
The Sultan of Brunai was at one point interested in buying
it, so one day I turned up at work to see
a fleet of Merc S-Classes lined up outside, each one with
the numberplate SB 1,SB 2, SB 3 etc.
There must have been 10 of them.
I wonder what it would be like to be THAT rich?

Probably very boring?!
Famous Peoples Cars? - THe Growler
>>>>>Probably very boring?!

I was in Brunei the other day. It is.
Famous Peoples Cars? - DavidHM
And if it was a Fiat auto, it would be a Selecta.
Famous Peoples Cars? - Hugo {P}
Slightly different vein,

I am to have my car Re MOTed by a garage who's owner owns THE 1935 ambulance driven by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whilst she worked in a support role during WW2.

Apparently, it's off the road at the moment. He had a bonnet built specially for it at £400 but then later the chassis fell apart.

I'll try to remember to take a closer look at it next week and get more details.

****Signature? - Ideas on a postcard please anyone!****

****We never stop learning****

Famous Peoples Cars? - MonkeyFunk
ive seen keith harris in a white merc - about ten years ago

with the Reg plate 0RV1l !!

Famous Peoples Cars? - Ian (Cape Town)
Keith Harris? You classify him as famous? Ho9w sad.
By the way, please explain to this unenlightened foreign one who in God's Name Craig David is... what's he claim to celebrity?
Famous Peoples Cars? - THe Growler
Fiona Richmond ---FU 2. Yellow E-Type. OK, OK I know, but she blew me a kiss once at the Patcham lights on the A23 and I've never got over it.

Er, Ian, Springboks looked a bit soggy there the other night. Nice defence but I think the Aussies took the game.
Famous Peoples Cars? - bugged {P}
craig david is a singer (well some might call him that!! :-))

My dad once saw mel B former spice in a big 4x4!
and we saw Rod Stewart in a believe some sort of ferrari or lambo (was a while ago i cant remember) at a local flying club car park!!!
Famous Peoples Cars? - Wally Zebon
Jay Kay - Ferrari Enzo as well as numerous other super cars.

Just look at any premiership football clubs car park and you are bound to see a wad of Ferraris and Aston Martins with the exception of Dwight York who driver a Mini!)

Gary Glitter used to drive a red Merc 560SEC (before he took an unplanned vacation)

Famous Peoples Cars? - Ian (Cape Town)
Er, Ian, Springboks looked a bit soggy there the other night.
Nice defence but I think the Aussies took the game.

Oz tool the game, outplayed the boys in green, and TWO SA players suspended and sent home, for eye-gouging and a high-tackle respectively.
SA Up against the All-Blacks this weekend - I predict ANOTHER record score.
{by the way, my shirt is white with a rose on it!]
To bring things back to 'famous' motoring, one of our local famous rugby types - Bobby Skinstad - was out of the game for a year a while back, after ploughing his sponsored Ford Falcon into a tree at speed, after a night out on the ales. Some of my co-workers say he was so bladdered he couldn't stand straight as he left the establishment.
Being famous, and all that, there was no police investigation ...
Famous Peoples Cars? - THe Growler
Yes, not a good showing from SA, not gentlemen at all.

The way the All Blacks have been carrying on (and my Kiwi pals down at the local drinker right now are hubris on legs) it should be a good match. They seem unstoppable.

Growlette is resigned to all this, I just have her trained to call Domino's about 20 mins before half-time, to flit around looking desirable and keep the lads topped up with a cleansing ale.

Back to motoring: the mag you sent me has a Crossfire write-up. Is that car now on the market there?

Famous Peoples Cars? - scotty
No, no ... it's the monkey that's famous

I saw him on the M6 around Tebay just last year - same number plate but I guess he's bought a newer white merc. Made me laugh at he time and, let's face it, you don't get a lot laughs on the M6 ... :))
Famous Peoples Cars? - MonkeyFunk
not at Tebay or shap anyway!!! lol
Famous Peoples Cars? - robZilla
Saw Nick Knowles from DIY SOS(?) getting into a Honda CR-V at Sainburys in Chester.
Famous Peoples Cars? - AR-CoolC
I went past Paul Daniels on the M1 the other week, he owns a blue Rolls (might have been a Bently) reg MAG1C.

Famous Peoples Cars? - Dynamic Dave
I went past Paul Daniels on the M1 the other week,
he owns a blue Rolls (might have been a Bently) reg

Similarly, Jimmy Tarbuck has the reg COM1C on his Roller.
Famous Peoples Cars? - HisHonour {P}
Tarby USED to have COM1C on his RR. Now his son has it on a metro!

Jordan (rather pretty model) drives a 911
Famous Peoples Cars? - hootie
Rumoured from the ES last week, Arnie (T3 - the film, and not the Yaris model) is reported to be buying a London taxi
Famous Peoples Cars? - andymc {P}
Probably to replace the Hummer he squashed his dog with.
Famous Peoples Cars? - Rob the Bus {P}
Kenny Dalglish's Merc (7 KMD) was written off by a bus after the driver fainted and mounted the kerb because some little old dears were talking about their husbands' rather gory operations!

Also, Mark Lawrenson is rather fond of pedalling round the streets of Southport on a pushbike with several days worth of stubble (on Lawrenson, not the bike!).

And I once flashed Alan Hansen's very large Merc through a gap in trtaffic and was rewarded with a very courteous and friendly wave.

By God I need to get out more....


"Lord of Lard"
Famous Peoples Cars? - Hugo {P}
Well, as promised, I took a closer look at that ambulance the Queen drove.

It's a Morris Commercial 1935. It is in rather poor shape at the moment, the off side panel has come off above the rear wheel arch. Apparently up until 2 years ago it was going to rallies etc.

I think we're talking a large restoration job here!

****Signature? - Ideas on a postcard please anyone!****

****We never stop learning****

Famous Peoples Cars? - BobbyG
According to the AA used car check, COM1C is on a Volvo V70 !
Famous Peoples Cars? - HisHonour {P}
I suppose even Metros grow up eventually.