>>Things do exist north of Watford Gap...
In the unlikely event that is true and some people are living in the frozen north, arrange a meet up there and then you won\'t feel left out.
One of the reasons I don't usually "join clubs" is that once you become one of the organisers you can't get rid of the job, and when you do do something a small minority picks holes.
Well done that man! An excellent idea.
As I am in the frozen Northern industrial wasteland I won't be able to come to the gig, but it doesn't stop me thinking it is an excellent idea and a good effort. Is there any way I could put a pint behind the bar for the moderator? Unsung efforts should be rewarded.
Yes, I did say one. I am from the Northern industrial wasteland
Very good points, Crinkly Dave, and you're absolutely right about the hell of being the organiser. Dan has done a wonderful job here.
Don't forget there are 2 moderators, as well as the Dan that has organised this - so if there is any chance of you putting drinks behind bars, despite you being from the northern wasteland, they all deserve a pint!
Just had a nightmare thought - what'll happen if BogusH aka BogBrush
turns up ?
For anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of his company he'll be the one who communicates in interminable quotes and prefaces every remark with "hhmmmmmmmm..." or "errrrrrrmmm".
Given that he still puts lots of time into copying stuff out of here to his own place so that he can whine about it in peace, you can rest assured that he knows about it.
I doubt that he will be there, its not so easy to behave like that face to face. However, it would be interesting if he was.
Unfortunately I will be unable to attend. I will raise a glass or two for you, and be there in spirit.
However, may I send and invite to our mate Chris Watson, who can represent me by proxy?
He might turn up in his pink tank!
Unfortunately I will be celebrating our wedding anniversary with the wife on Sept 07. I think her ideas of fun might be somewhat removed from a BR meet.
I didn't realise that he was still so bothered about this place Mark. I really thought he have achieved 'closure' by now.
Anyway, in the interests of an enjoyable and convivial atmosphere let's just hope you're right and the BRG-T is soapbox free.
>>you had all better have some pretty good excuses not to make a showing
Yes, just to briefly echo Dan's point as above.
There may be some of you who are already making excuses. I can only say that, unless in the direst of circumstances, this is not acceptable.
You know who you are, and proper signed written notes from parents just may be admissable, but probably not.
So - see you there!
HF - Turn on ur AOL!!
Sorry about the private message Mark, its the only way to contact instantly!
Has anyone figured out a way those who can\'t be there can put a pint behind the bar??
In the North I would just put my farthings and pennies into an envelope addressed to the pub, but as it is the South....
If everything fails I shall just be forced to have a cyberpint.
Still an excellent idea, which I hope is a success.
Crinkly Dave (shortly to become \"Crumbly Dave\" as everything which was crinkly is now failing or falling off
Can anyone take some pics and post them please? I can't make it but I'd love to be there and a few pics would be the next best thing.
Yes some pictures are de rigeur. I may have lost Bafta -- he is on his way here, I do know that, - but if we do connect I shall make sure we have a few pics from the Philippines.
Dan - any idea if the pub in question would be amenable to CD's idea? It's a lovely thought of his, but of course being a Suvvern place could we trust their integrity?
I'll be there and I'll bring a digital camera of some sort. Are we going to wear name badges (all saying B*g*sh if we want pies thrown at us!) or shall we maintaining respectable anonymity?
Blimey - I hope that all these people bringing cameras remember their wide angle lenses to get a shot of me with Volvoman ;-)!
"Lord of Lard"
Is there a 'Backroom' Tee-shirt?
If not, go to myweb.tiscali.co.uk/beegraphics/hj.jpg and copy the image there, buy a sheet of transfer paper and make your own (just remember to print the image horizontally flipped!). Failing that, send me a tee-shirt that fits you (pale colours are best) plus 50p and enough to cover the postage and I will do one for you.
Anyone wanting me to do this can e-mail me for my address
Apologies, I had missed some of the latest postings here. Thanks to HF for a very large kick up the backside!
Has anyone figured out a way those who can't be there can put a pint behind the bar??
That's a very generous offer of you Crinkly Dave. If anyone wants money sticking behind the bar then email me at dannyj_uk@yahoo.co.uk I'll not only make sure it gets put to good use but that everyone knows where it has come from!
Armitage Shanks - Excellent you can make it and even better you can bring a digital camera.
Please can anyone else with a digital camera bring it along? No doubt we'll end up with some interesting photos which can go on Lee's (Citroenian!) website at communities.msn.com/honestjohn
Thanks also for Technoprat's offer - anyone wanting to take up the offer is more than welcome! There was a suggestion of everyone getting trilbies but a) the Police, suspecting some mafia resurgence will probably arrest us all and b) have you seen the price of them?!!
I'm really looking forward to this meet - if everyone's as nice a chap (or chapess) as DanJ (and as good at drinking ;-) ), then a good time will be had by all!
How's about a roll-call of people who can definitely make it, so that we all have some idea of who's coming?
I'll start - yup, I'll be there! (Hope that doesn't put you all off!)
I will be there, with a camera. Technoprat, I'll be there in one of your 'T' shirts but I can't find your e mail address in your profile. Please e mail me if possible and I'll do the Biz with a 'T'shirt (XXL) and some funds!
Well it's probably fairly obvious from above postings that I'll be there. I'd hazard a guess that Dan's probably coming too! ;)
Anyone else know for sure yet?
I shall pop along if i am in the area.
we will also do our best to come along, hopefully me and HF are not going to be the only girls there! are there any others, id like to know how many we're going to be outnumbered by!
I have a feeling I may be in attendance :) I, like Mr Shanks, will also be armed with a digital camera so you have been warned - there's a HJ photo site at communities.msn.com/honestjohn just gagging for some new photos!
Don't worry bugged - HF will keep everyone in check, trust me on that...
That\'s a shame - I have a Birthday Party to go to that day :-(
Otherwise, I\'d have been there like a shot
Superb work...
I am up in Scotland that weekend but good luck and haapy travels to those who go....
Bugged - I think we can safely say we'll be outnumbered.
Dan - I will throttle you (motoring term!) if there are any attempts to include me in the digicam pics.
>>HF will keep everyone in check
Yes. Naturally. Of course. Might depend upon how long we stay and how many small low-alcohol halves I consume though...
Funny thing this, I couldn't get into this thread earlier but now I can ???
Anyway for those of you who - like HF - were confused by my post on the other thread it was directed at Dan (not the autograph hunter) and I posted it there 'cos I couldn't get in here at the time. OK !!
Anyway Mrs V & I won't be going 'cos we need to be keeping a close eye on our lad but we hope whoever turns up has a very nice time.
Dan - you mentioned above, I believe, a desire to see V purchase that legendary round. Now you can see what lengths he goes to to avoid this! ;)))
(V - note the smileys, here and in the other thread!)
Hi V. Of course it is a shame you can't make it but right now your place is at home with your lad. We all hope he is better soon...Dan
In response to Dave - stay calm! Wouldn't dream of adding anyones photo without their permission. And if my boss does spot my postings on here, I'll be asking him exactly what time he was perusing the site! :)
It might be worth asking people's permission first before adding their pics to Lee's MSN communities website. Remember that quite a few people here access the BR from work (me included) and you can imagine the brown stuff hitting the fan should anyone's boss see an employees mugshot and tie that in with the time(s) of their posting(s) to this site. Better safe than sorry.
I'd love to come to this but am planning to be in a long line of MINIs wandering through the Yorkshire Dales. I'm not sure my whippet and stottie cake money is any use dahn sarf - went there once but everyone spoke funny and beer was amazingly expensive.
Actually that could have been Newcastle come to think of it.
Hope you have a great time, look forward to seeing the photos
PS - If anyone finds anything on the MSN that they don't want there, contact me at msn_citroenian@yahoo.co.uk
The email is also in my profile
MINI adventure in progress
Well, it's a week today that the BR meet will have happened and some of us will exactly 7 days from now be making our ways home after what I think will be a really fun day.
I trust that people have now successfully cancelled any peripheral disturbances like holidays, important business meetings etc - and that those that live on the IOW or other nearby islands have booked their tickets ;) I will show some lenience towards those in the southern hemisphere, for now at least - but I will expect or at least hope for your presence next time.
I don't think anyone else has offered a valid excuse. So, we will look forward to meeting you all.
Sunday, 2pm, or a little before. See you there I hope.
Thanks for bringing the thread back to the top of the list HF. I have a feeling a few people have been on holiday and may either have not seen or perhaps forgotten about our impending meet!
Looking forward to it as well and meeting everyone who makes it. In case of emergencies or difficulties finding the venue (which hopefully should not be a problem given those lovely directions I did for you all!) I will provide a contact number here a bit later this week - watch this space.
Anyone like to take bets on what the weather will be like? :)
Well you know I would love to be there... but... Polo wont be fixed by then and there's no way I'm bringing the courtesy Micra for you to all laugh at! I love it but it seems to provoke a certain scathing reaction from men!
On the other hand I could bring the one I live with, but he drives a big white Freelander covered in graphics - dunno which is worse?!
Far be it from me to comment on Freelanders :)
Well, you could always get the train - after all, it is a pub we're meeting at...
Note from Hon Chairman (unelected) Asia-Pacific Branch:
I am still waiting for our other member Bafta to contact me, he is lurking in one or other of the 7,107 islands that comprise the Philippines and he has yet to send a runner with a message in a cleft stick.
We are of course ahead of you, by which I mean our time zone is Zulu 7, so if Bafta and his squeeze don\'t make it, Miss Philippines and I will be giving the cold San Miguel a bit of a nudge over here in concert in our favorite hangout, the Handle Bar.
Suggestion for next year: video conferencing?
>>Anyone like to take bets on what the weather will be like? :)
My ten-day weather forecast (provided by my ISP rather than myself attempting amateur meteorology) suggests that we will have rain in London from Friday through to Tuesday at least :(
Dan do you think this place will allow us to use its internal facilities if need be?
Growler - your idea of video conferencing would be amusing, especially since, if I'm reading you rightly, you'll have already been drinking for 7 hours once us lot get together!
Yes, a good point. Miss Philippines can get a bit frisky after a few of the amber nectars and become something of a handful. I suppose at 105lb she doesn't quite have the storage capacity I do with my more considerable bulk. If we stuck to iced tea till say 9 p.m. which would be 2 p.m. your time maybe that would be a good idea. Trouble is I can't see meself lasting till 9 p.m without a reviver or 6.
We shall ride the Hog to the bar, then leave it overnight in their secure area which they obligingly reserve for bikers who get too ****-faced to ride and then cab it home.