Well case proven then - Land Rover Defender 17 to 71.
As you mention them did you see the Land Rover on cool/uncool cars (Top Gear) the other week? Missed it so have no idea what they said.
Quick Mark, delete JBJ's post before someone in Westminster 'borrows' it from the internet and turns it into official Government policy !
Sorry Growler and all you other old tigs, but age DOES come in to it. By the time I will have the available dosh (ie kids away, mortgage paid off, inheritance in)to buy my Ferrari, I shall be to old and doddery to fold my aged frame into the low portal of a 360 or a 355
(is that why you bought the big Ford truck G? ;-) )
The more prestigious the car, the older the driver.
This doesn't work in reverse however.
Well when I win the lottery next week I'm gonna go buy a Merc SLK over the counter at Rycroft Mercedes, I'll just give them an extra £10K to take the showroom model the same day. :-)
But of course that will only be to tide me over until my factory ordered SL arrives, which is also a bit of a stop-gap until the Aston Martin that I will have ordered from Reg Vardys has arrived :-)
I'm 19. :-)
Ah, but I took the thread to be about one selecting one's choice of vehicle by how others perceive it, and form thereby stereotyped impressions of you, which somehow challenge or unsettle you, bring out apparently deep-seated insecurity, inspire loathing and contempt, envy and lust, and thus generate instant character assessments of you.
Pigeon-holing is I believe the term here.
For example, quoting past discussions on this board, I have seen Honda Accords equated with elderly gentlemen in flat caps, and what is deemed appropriate by some mythical self-appointed body at the golf club as to what shall, not only be suitable wear in the 19th hole, but also suitable wheels to park beside the Chairman's Bentley without somehow causing it, and him, to contract some form of social SARS, thus rendering you persona non grata in Weybridge. Heaven forfend your wife should have to suffer ill-disguised whispers in the butcher's shop, or be ostracised at her origami class, or worse, your neighbour complain bitterly that he can't sell his house because of the impression given to potential buyers by that, that, that(I can hardly bring myself to say it)Astra in your driveway.
We have also seen recent lively debate about the judgements made about their drivers predicated on the fact they have a BMW around them. This has led to the categorising of BMW drivers as arrogant, inconsiderate of others, and compensating for a lack of manly personal equipment. Now, like all of us, I don't judge a book by its cover or a man by the cut of his jib via gross over-generalisations; it merely happens that in this case we are right :@D After all, an exception is essential to the proof of any rule.
Now, one can bridle on the one hand at such misplaced bias -- how are we not to know that that Accord owner is not a wealthy entrepreneur who wishes to maintain a low profile and is of modest taste, or that that person with a BMW has not simply rented it while his Mercedes is in the shop, or perhaps a young man with hope eternal in his breast who has splurged his meagre savings as part of his strategy for the weekend to inveigle Sharon from Accounts between his sheets? Or that the grizzled ancient chugging along in his Micra at 35 mph who we are cursing is not in fact a servant of the Lord at St. Agatha's who has just come from a selfless afternoon spent at the old folks' retirement home helping Mrs Perkins remember where she left her crayons?
Or, one can exploit this foolishness for one's own benefit. How nice to drive a big SUV which intimidates others (very necessary here), infuriates the beardie weirdie open-toed sandaled tree hugging brigade, drives up Caltex' stock price every time I fill up, takes up two parking slots in the car park, and get glared at by pimply liberal arts graduates yet to have developed ideas of their own to replace the received wisdom of the Grauniad force-fed them with their mothers' milk!
I always had a perverse want to rock up to the Ritz in Piccadilly in a rusting hulk, alight, toss the keys imperiously to some fibrillating flunkey and watch him foam at the mouth while I escort my mistress into the marbled splendour of his overpriced and outrageously snobbish establishment, check into our suite and order two chiliburgers, one with extra fries.
Now, what might provoke a much livelier discussion would be gender-typing of car drivers in any of the four legally recognized categories....
V - I have a sneaky feeling that the powers that be are already contemplating this. I'm sure that Red Ken has mentioned that he wants to ban cars over ten years old from the congestion charge zone. So much for social inclusion and freedom of choice!
How's Mrs V, by the way. I hope that her work problems are sorted now. Mine aren't....but that's another story.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast."
That's a relief. When I saw the headline, I assumed that Blair's lot (in collusion with the SMMT) had dreamed up a scheme to outlaw old vehicles! Still, I wouldn't put it past them...
A chap at work who is past 60 and drives like a doddery old fool has just bought a Seat Leon Cupra-R.
He looks so out of place driving that car it is just comical.
That's unkind. Maybe he's achieved something he's been wanting for years. Let him enjoy.
How old are you by the way?
What are the four legally recognised categories?!
1. Yes please
2. No thanks
3. Not on your nellie
4. Run away! Run away!
Thanks for your clarification, andy! ;)
I think I go against every single age stereotype with my car. I'm 19 (Was 18 when I got it) and drive a Xantia TD ;)
Good for you! At least a Xantia isn't as old-manny as my corolla!
My uncle (a right tuff-nut) drove around in a 'beige' Skoda Estelle a couple of years back! Nothing says "watch out pentioner driving" than beige with a brown roof! mmmmm!
Then again I learnt how to drive on an old airfield in it when I was 12. Fantastic. I'm gradually working my way up, at this rate when I'm 70 i'll have a blacked out Corsa with a massive sub. yee haa.