The problem for any government now is raising tax from the people who have the most, who find it easiest to avoid. The extra problem with this colour of government is that they don't want to.
Answer, Same all over the world, so it is the next section dowmwards... "The well off" who will be hit as well as the "working class" and the lower echelons of society.
Another problem is that the rich are getting rapidly richer, not only because their incomes have grown but because they hoard money - wealth which in truth is created by society as a whole, is taken out of circulation.
Answer. Through hard work, (damn hard work at times) a lot of initiative and not SPENDING like an idiot on fripperies I am "comfortable" and happy to pay reasonable taxes and contributions to society.
I have never understood why socialism is such a dirty word, and yet we love the NHS - the biggest socialist idea we have ever implemented or probably ever will.
Answer// The NHS is brilliant, except where it isn't. and I cannot defend the waste there is, mismanagement and sheer bullying of staff that goes on.
Edited by _ORB_ on 16/11/2020 at 20:10