Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - _

A little footnote today that the bailout requested by TFL will only be given if the Charging zone is extended. And there is a "threat" to cancel all transport services if Citizen Khan does't get his bailout.

Think we'll be giving it a miss again.. PERMANENTLY!

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Senexdriver

One of our sons lives in SE London, just off the South Circular, and we follow that road for a few miles when we visit him. I heard the proposal to extend the congestion zone mentioned on the radio this morning while not fully awake and my first thought was our route to him. I’m wondering which side of the S Circ the boundary will fall. If the extension comes to pass, it might be time to find a new route, although that will be bound to add time to our journey. Sigh...

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - _

The limit is entry onto the roads inside the area. We go to Ealing on the N Circ from brent cross down hangar lane. As long as we don't turn left southbound we're ok and dont turn right northbound.

Same rule apply to the old zone

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - gordonbennet

They won't stop there, it'll be shoved out to the M25 before you know it, with the lorry low emission zone, making the place even more expensive to live and those outside ever more reluctant to go anywhere near.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Smileyman

I grew up and learnt to drive on roads that the traverse the A406 - NCR, my family that remained in London area still live there. I am seriously concerned that if I visit my parent I'll have to change to a longer route from the M25, use the A12 and not A13/A406 from the M25 or suffer this extra cost on top of the Dartford Toll.

It's another madness proposal from anti car zealots.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

I do find it amausing that Citizen Khan and his TfL cronies are going for this, given it'll drive up 'infection' rates by forcing more people onto public transport, no doubt their intention all along in order to get more government money (ours through endless borrowing) in effective 'free' income subsidies to further encourage total lockdowns.

Same seems to be going up north as well. Sounds like threats of 'socialism or else we tank the economy and blame you Boris'.

And seemly almost everyone nods and accepts all this.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Manatee

I do find it amausing that Citizen Khan and his TfL cronies are going for this, given it'll drive up 'infection' rates by forcing more people onto public transport, no doubt their intention all along in order to get more government money (ours through endless borrowing) in effective 'free' income subsidies to further encourage total lockdowns.

Same seems to be going up north as well. Sounds like threats of 'socialism or else we tank the economy and blame you Boris'.

And seemly almost everyone nods and accepts all this.

I think you'll find it's the government that is insisting that "Citizen Khan" extends the zone and that he doesn't want to do it. Even the Daily Mail doesn't have your version of the story.

How can you construe the desire of northern local leaders to find other ways to deal with the infection rate as threats? They want to look after their populations and the government wouldn't even talk to them yesterday.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - daveyjp

Decisions like this show the current Government are now a dictatorship.

Its one which affects millions and should be consulted upon, just as extending the zone west was and then not implemented.

Time for a Judicial Review to be launched, before the dictators new laws which remove that as an option to challenge Government decisions.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Brit_in_Germany

>I think you'll find it's the government that is insisting that "Citizen Khan" extends the zone and that he doesn't want to do it. Even the Daily Mail doesn't have your version of the story.

I think you will find that Khan is simply playing politics, pretending he is "bravely resisting" extending the congestion charge zone when there is no such demand on the table, just an option, along with others, for him to come up with the funding for the TfL bailout.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

I think you will find that Khan is simply playing politics, pretending he is "bravely resisting" extending the congestion charge zone when there is no such demand on the table, just an option, along with others, for him to come up with the funding for the TfL bailout.

It's not just the left wing media reporting that government has demanded this extension along with general increases in fares and further tightening of concessions on bus/tube.

Do yo have any evidence that Sadiq Khan has other options?

The reality is that in next year's Mayoral election the Tories will try to make out these are Labour's choices even though they know that is a brazen lie.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

I think you will find that Khan is simply playing politics, pretending he is "bravely resisting" extending the congestion charge zone when there is no such demand on the table, just an option, along with others, for him to come up with the funding for the TfL bailout.

It's not just the left wing media reporting that government has demanded this extension along with general increases in fares and further tightening of concessions on bus/tube.

Do yo have any evidence that Sadiq Khan has other options?

The reality is that in next year's Mayoral election the Tories will try to make out these are Labour's choices even though they know that is a brazen lie.

SKY News is now left wing. Accusing the Tories of lying then, IMHO doing exactly that is misrepresenting Khan's and Labour's agenda is rather hypocritical, if not surprising.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Brit_in_Germany

Since they were installing cameras to extend the zone to the north and south circular in August, ( ) this story smells somewhat iffy.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

>I think you'll find it's the government that is insisting that "Citizen Khan" extends the zone and that he doesn't want to do it. Even the Daily Mail doesn't have your version of the story.

I think you will find that Khan is simply playing politics, pretending he is "bravely resisting" extending the congestion charge zone when there is no such demand on the table, just an option, along with others, for him to come up with the funding for the TfL bailout.

Especially as he WANTED to extend the zone soon after he won in 2016, but it was bad PR. Now, he's getting the government to do his dirty work and pay him for the priviledge as if Corbyn had won in 2019.

Clown World.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

Especially as he WANTED to extend the zone soon after he won in 2016, but it was bad PR. Now, he's getting the government to do his dirty work and pay him for the priviledge as if Corbyn had won in 2019.

Clown World.

2016 was before Covid.

The world in the pandemic is a very different place.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

I do find it amausing that Citizen Khan and his TfL cronies are going for this, given it'll drive up 'infection' rates by forcing more people onto public transport,

The ULEZ is intended to improve local air quality. It's not a policy of Sadiq Khan alone; the conception was during Boris Johnson's time as mayor.

Do you or do you not believe that removing NOx from the air is important?

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

I do find it amausing that Citizen Khan and his TfL cronies are going for this, given it'll drive up 'infection' rates by forcing more people onto public transport,

The ULEZ is intended to improve local air quality. It's not a policy of Sadiq Khan alone; the conception was during Boris Johnson's time as mayor.

If that was the case, why didn't he extend it before? WHy not ban all cars from London? Is it because 99% of the most polluting vehicles are commercial ones, needed to keep the city alive, and cars owned by the poorest, who can't afford to change?

Do you or do you not believe that removing NOx from the air is important?

Yes, but doing so by penalising the poor and middle classes is not the way. Yet another straw man argument to distract from the issue at hand. I thought you would've been fine about less affluent people being safer in their cars than catching COVID on buses and the Tube? Turnabout is fair, eh?

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - misar

A very revealing thread.

Not because of insight into the congestion zone but for what it reveals about the extreme political views of one or two regular posters. Not to mention their predilection for quoting half truths or nonsense which support their views.

Edited by misar on 17/10/2020 at 17:42

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - _

The original Congestion charge was easily defined to cut traffic (and make a few bob) around the West End and the City of London, and I avoided it as I didn't need to go there.

Political reasons aside, the extension and the ULEZ are sensible.

It IS a crying shame that there is such a major health Pandemic at the moment, but the plan was always to extend outwards.

A London centric scrappage scheme to help the neediest as regards ULEZ would help and making the whole thing cover a few less hours would help some people.

Or £5 a day in the new outer region rising annually to get to the full charge in 5 years?

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

A London centric scrappage scheme to help the neediest as regards ULEZ would help

I believe there is, or at least there are plans for, such a thing.

In so far as petrol is concerned by the time the scheme is extended in 2021 only cars 16+ will be affected. More serious for diesels but even then it's 6 or 7 years.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

The original Congestion charge was easily defined to cut traffic (and make a few bob) around the West End and the City of London, and I avoided it as I didn't need to go there.

Political reasons aside, the extension and the ULEZ are sensible.

It IS a crying shame that there is such a major health Pandemic at the moment, but the plan was always to extend outwards.

A London centric scrappage scheme to help the neediest as regards ULEZ would help and making the whole thing cover a few less hours would help some people.

Or £5 a day in the new outer region rising annually to get to the full charge in 5 years?

Paid for by whom? If everone then had cars that didn't get charged, then TfL would have no extra income, which is the real reason (and pushing anyone not rich enough to do as they please) onto alreaady (pre-pandemic) crowded public transport, most of which doesn't go where users need it to.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

Paid for by whom? If everone then had cars that didn't get charged, then TfL would have no extra income, which is the real reason (and pushing anyone not rich enough to do as they please) onto alreaady (pre-pandemic) crowded public transport, most of which doesn't go where users need it to.

The intention is to improve air quality by removing pre 2005 petrols and pre c2016 diesels because the, produce NOx and particulates at levels which are a proven health issue. The income to TfL is a bonus. If, when NOx/PM10 is reduced to an acceptably low level (whatever that is), an attempt is made to re-purpose the charge it can be challenged.

That the powers that be MIGHT attempt a re-purpose is no reason whatever to stop the current scheme and it's extension.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

A little footnote today that the bailout requested by TFL will only be given if the Charging zone is extended. And there is a "threat" to cancel all transport services if Citizen Khan does't get his bailout.

Think we'll be giving it a miss again.. PERMANENTLY!

To be crystal clear it's not the Congestion Charge it's the Ultra Low Emissions Zone aimed at reducing NOx and diesel particulates.

It wouldn't have affected your MG and won't affect the replacement.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Warning

> To be crystal clear it's not the Congestion Charge it's the Ultra Low Emissions Zone aimed at reducing NOx and diesel particulates.

They got drivers to reduce emmissions, as London was facing issues with poor air quality, but the Sadiq Khan gave the green light for London City Airport to expand. Any improvement from drivers buying cleaner cars, is offset by rising aviation.

The Government gave the green light for Heathrow's third runway. Most of the demand, is from oveaseas traveller changign planes at Heathrow. They built a cruise terminal in London Greenwich, which lets cruise ship chug out smoke 24/7, whilst docked. A car driver, will be if their car was idling.

Motorist pay £1.10 per litre for in fuel (about 80pence is fuel duty and VAT). Fly a plane and the airlines don't pay VAT or duty on aviation fuel.

Any improvements in CO2 reduction or air quality is gazzumped by favoured industries.

Edited by Warning on 18/10/2020 at 10:55

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - focussed

Is this pollution overstated? Particularly that modern engines both petrol and diesel are many times cleaner than in the past?

"In their practices and clinics, pulmonary physicians see [deaths caused by cigarette smoke] on a daily basis; however, deaths caused by particulate matter and NOx, even after careful investigation, never," write the pulmonary physicians in their counterposition.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - FP

"Is this pollution overstated?"

All I can say is that it was very obvious that the air quality was so much better during lockdown, even just walking the pavements here in suburbia.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

They got drivers to reduce emmissions, as London was facing issues with poor air quality, but the Sadiq Khan gave the green light for London City Airport to expand. Any improvement from drivers buying cleaner cars, is offset by rising aviation.

The Government gave the green light for Heathrow's third runway. Most of the demand, is from oveaseas traveller changign planes at Heathrow. They built a cruise terminal in London Greenwich, which lets cruise ship chug out smoke 24/7, whilst docked. A car driver, will be if their car was idling.

Any improvements in CO2 reduction or air quality is gazzumped by favoured industries.

None of that is true; the impact of aviation or cruise ships on air quality inside the N/S Circular roads is nugatory,.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

They got drivers to reduce emmissions, as London was facing issues with poor air quality, but the Sadiq Khan gave the green light for London City Airport to expand. Any improvement from drivers buying cleaner cars, is offset by rising aviation.

The Government gave the green light for Heathrow's third runway. Most of the demand, is from oveaseas traveller changign planes at Heathrow. They built a cruise terminal in London Greenwich, which lets cruise ship chug out smoke 24/7, whilst docked. A car driver, will be if their car was idling.

Any improvements in CO2 reduction or air quality is gazzumped by favoured industries.

None of that is true; the impact of aviation or cruise ships on air quality inside the N/S Circular roads is nugatory,.

Wow. Just wow. Presumably they emit all sunshine and roses. Also a great comfort to those on the flightpath inside and those outside near to Heathrow or at City Airports.

PS. If Khan was really serious about air pollution, he'd outright ban the vehicles emitting the most - but, like all politicians, he'd rather give most no decent option (public transport is not a universal solution for all circumstances [try doing the weekly shop or lugging home a large item via bus or Tube, especially if it doesn't stop near to your home/destination]) but tax them, time and again, whilst rich people get their EVs and charging points subsidised with poor people's taxes.


Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

Wow. Just wow. Presumably they emit all sunshine and roses. Also a great comfort to those on the flightpath inside and those outside near to Heathrow or at City Airports.

PS. If Khan was really serious about air pollution, he'd outright ban the vehicles emitting the most - but, like all politicians, he'd rather give most no decent option (public transport is not a universal solution for all circumstances [try doing the weekly shop or lugging home a large item via bus or Tube, especially if it doesn't stop near to your home/destination]) but tax them, time and again, whilst rich people get their EVs and charging points subsidised with poor people's taxes.


I can only assume you wilfully misunderstand this stuff.

The ULEZ is about getting those vehicles emitting the most off the road. There is a scrappage scheme to help those on limited incomes make the change. It's not about congestion or forcing people onto public transport.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

Wow. Just wow. Presumably they emit all sunshine and roses. Also a great comfort to those on the flightpath inside and those outside near to Heathrow or at City Airports.

PS. If Khan was really serious about air pollution, he'd outright ban the vehicles emitting the most - but, like all politicians, he'd rather give most no decent option (public transport is not a universal solution for all circumstances [try doing the weekly shop or lugging home a large item via bus or Tube, especially if it doesn't stop near to your home/destination]) but tax them, time and again, whilst rich people get their EVs and charging points subsidised with poor people's taxes.


I can only assume you wilfully misunderstand this stuff.

The ULEZ is about getting those vehicles emitting the most off the road. There is a scrappage scheme to help those on limited incomes make the change. It's not about congestion or forcing people onto public transport.

Oh I understand. With the greatest respect, I believe you're talking about yourself.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Warning

The ULEZ is about getting those vehicles emitting the most off the road. There is a scrappage scheme to help those on limited incomes make the change. It's not about congestion or forcing people onto public transport.

That strategy is flawed.

There should be a quota system, per car.

If an executive is chauffeur driven into city centre HQ in hiscompanies provided 4x4 or Bently. Those bigger cars will emit more pollution, even if they are newer cleaner engines. That car may do 40,000 miles per year, it will create more pollution, then someone who has an older non-ULEZ car, but does only 6,000 miles per year.

What about the pollution cost of building a brand new car?

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Andrew-T

<< the impact of aviation or cruise ships on air quality inside the N/S Circular roads is nugatory >>

As a resident of Cheshire I can declare my ignorance and disinterest in this topic, but I seriously doubt that you are entitled to this dismissive claim. I accept that cruise ships may have negligible impact, especially as they tend to operate downwind of the city centre. But claiming that Heathrow air traffic contributes little, when planes (used to) deploy every 45 seconds or so, beggars belief. And all this happens upwind of the centre.

Since lockdown has greatly reduced this traffic, it should be possible to find data to support or disprove your suggestion.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - FP

Between 2017 and early 2020 (before the Covid crisis) London air pollution was dramatically reduced. It seems fair to attribute this mainly to the introduction of ULEZ and, if that is correct, presumably air traffic played little part in it.

During early lockdown, air pollution decreased further; this most recent change may well involve a reduction in air traffic, but of course vehicle use decreased too.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

Between 2017 and early 2020 (before the Covid crisis) London air pollution was dramatically reduced. It seems fair to attribute this mainly to the introduction of ULEZ and, if that is correct, presumably air traffic played little part in it.

During early lockdown, air pollution decreased further; this most recent change may well involve a reduction in air traffic, but of course vehicle use decreased too.

It has nothing to do with the ULEZ, given pollution levels elsewhere also dropped, due to the introduction of less poluting cars, vans and buses/HGVs.

What happens when the vast majority of vehicles comply with the ULEZ maximum pollution levels or eventually they all go (tailpipe) pollution free? The goalposts are moved yet again to first of all redcue the levels further, and eventually the have a London-wide congestion zone to keep revenue up, despite the vehicles not polluting at all.

Taxes by another name.

BTW - driving a car is far less of a risk, COVID-wise, than going by public transport. I wonder how many rich people are travelling by public transport at the moment?

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

As a resident of Cheshire I can declare my ignorance and disinterest in this topic, but I seriously doubt that you are entitled to this dismissive claim.

There are some numbers in this report page 20 on. There's no doubt aircraft produce large quantities of NOx on airport but their overall impact is small. NOx is a local pollutant; it breaks down quickly in sunlight and with air movement.

Hence my suggestion that LHR has (had?) little impact on NOx the area witihn N/S Circular or Greater London . City airport was a small player, five million passengers puts it in the same league as a regional airport.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

As a resident of Cheshire I can declare my ignorance and disinterest in this topic, but I seriously doubt that you are entitled to this dismissive claim.

There are some numbers in this report page 20 on. There's no doubt aircraft produce large quantities of NOx on airport but their overall impact is small. NOx is a local pollutant; it breaks down quickly in sunlight and with air movement.

Hence my suggestion that LHR has (had?) little impact on NOx the area witihn N/S Circular or Greater London . City airport was a small player, five million passengers puts it in the same league as a regional airport.

The vast majority of the pollution emitted by aircraft is during takeoff (especially) and landing. The prevailing wind direction then will blow said pollution back into London.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

The vast majority of the pollution emitted by aircraft is during takeoff (especially) and landing. The prevailing wind direction then will blow said pollution back into London.

So why do the maps linked by Warning not show that?

Edited by Bromptonaut on 20/10/2020 at 21:09

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

The vast majority of the pollution emitted by aircraft is during takeoff (especially) and landing. The prevailing wind direction then will blow said pollution back into London.

So why do the maps linked by Warning not show that?

Last time I checked, wind didn't just blow everything into one area. How much of the general pollution is increased over London by planes flying over it and the surround area? The problem is that they seem to focus on NOx, which does show some correlation to west London, and nothing on particulates, which is a major pollutant from jet aircraft.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Warning

None of that is true; the impact of aviation or cruise ships on air quality inside the N/S Circular roads is nugatory,.

Here is a map of the pollution over London (based on 2016)

The yellow blob on the left hand side of the map are Heathrow's two runways.

This map is produced by Wesminister council:

Those Heathrow planes have to fly over London and dropping pollution.

My issue is they are trying to get motorist to reduce pollutions, whilst at the same time giving the go ahead to a a third runway at Heathrow.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

Here is a map of the pollution over London (based on 2016)

The yellow blob on the left hand side of the map are Heathrow's two runways.

This map is produced by Wesminister council:

Those Heathrow planes have to fly over London and dropping pollution.

Those two maps show NOx across the whole of London. I entirely accept that there are raised amounts around Heathrow itself. However given the highest levels are visibly aligned with the runways I suspect the worst of it is constrained within the airfield boundary.

If the aircraft were dropping pollution surely there would be trails westwards from Central London to the airport aligned with the east>west operation that predominates.

My issue is they are trying to get motorist to reduce pollutions, whilst at the same time giving the go ahead to a a third runway at Heathrow.

A legitimate point of view but if government decides the economic gains form expanding LHR and requires mitigations, for example 'shore' supplies rather than diesel powered ground power units and electric tugs does your position stay the same?

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

A little footnote today that the bailout requested by TFL will only be given if the Charging zone is extended. And there is a "threat" to cancel all transport services if Citizen Khan does't get his bailout.

Think we'll be giving it a miss again.. PERMANENTLY!

To be crystal clear it's not the Congestion Charge it's the Ultra Low Emissions Zone aimed at reducing NOx and diesel particulates.

It wouldn't have affected your MG and won't affect the replacement.

Until the politicians move the goalposts again, bearing in mind they've done already and nationally have instituted and pulled forward laws to ban new ICE only car sales when not in manifestos.

Give them an inch and they'll take a foot.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - daveyjp

As it is about NOx it does need proper review and implementation. Leeds has a ULEZ and charging was due to be implemented to certain classes of vehicles. It suffered delays for a number of reasons, but was due to come into force this year.

Covid saw a huge reduction in traffic and therefore NOx levels reduced, but this had to be disregarded.

However the threat of a ULEZ and offer of grants to companies affected to upgrade to exempt classes of vehicle means in the 2-3 years since it was announced a huge number of polluting vehicles (especially buses and older diesel taxis) have been replaced to modern vehicles. Leeds Council do not now expect the city centre to exceed permissable levels of NOx so the charging scheme has been shelved.

The same analysis is needed in London to prove the case for charging over a wider area.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bolt

Is Leeds putting in Cycle lanes on major routes and roads that are not meant for Cycle lanes, doing so although not mentioned, is causing more pollution because traffic is held up longer in places where it was free to move

in some places the cycle lanes are not being used but causing traffic holdups due to lane loss, if it was not for these lanes -pollution would more than likely be less than it has been due to traffic being static more than it used to be, all because TFL are trying to stop motors going through London at a rate that will help prevent pollution

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

Is Leeds putting in Cycle lanes on major routes and roads that are not meant for Cycle lanes, doing so although not mentioned, is causing more pollution because traffic is held up longer in places where it was free to move

in some places the cycle lanes are not being used but causing traffic holdups due to lane loss, if it was not for these lanes -pollution would more than likely be less than it has been due to traffic being static more than it used to be, all because TFL are trying to stop motors going through London at a rate that will help prevent pollution

If I recall, TfL did the same with traffic light phasing to pretend congestion was worse than it was - some time ago now (during Livingstone's 'reign'), to justify hikes in the congestion charge and to extend the zone

When I've been working in London, as a pedestrian I encountered more dangerous situations crossing the road with cyclists (many of whom completely disobeyed the law/highway code) than with drivers.

TBH, the actions of many a pedestrian were outright dangerous - not because they were fed up with not being able to cross the road due to heavy traffic, etc, but taking risks to shave a few seconds off their journey or not being attentive, often engrossed in their mobile phone.

Traffic, and as a consequence pollution, would be far less congested and lower respectively if sensible policies were inacted rather than those for ideological reasons against X or Y or by jobsworths trying to justify their lofty positions and high salaries on the public purse.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

If I recall, TfL did the same with traffic light phasing to pretend congestion was worse than it was - some time ago now (during Livingstone's 'reign'), to justify hikes in the congestion charge and to extend the zone

This was alleged but I don't think it was ever proven. The change that was made in the Livingstone era was to extend pedestrian phases to ensure that (a) people could cross two limbs of a crossroads and (b) proper provision was made for the disabled.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bolt

(TBH, the actions of many a pedestrian were outright dangerous)

No change there then!

(Traffic, and as a consequence pollution, would be far less congested and lower respectively if sensible policies were inacted rather than those for ideological reasons against X or Y or by jobsworths trying to justify their lofty positions and high salaries on the public purse.)

Its not going to change other than get worse, some areas are now losing side roads to residents only with most roads now 20mph including main roads, and getting more congested because of it, no thought whatsoever is given to Smokey vehicles in London or suburbs, so I do not see how they want to clean up the air when so many bad motors still go through the net (if thats what they call it?)

then there is talk of extending ULEZ to the M25 all round, which has been mentioned on the news a few times, wont that be fun...

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

A little footnote today that the bailout requested by TFL will only be given if the Charging zone is extended. And there is a "threat" to cancel all transport services if Citizen Khan does't get his bailout.

Think we'll be giving it a miss again.. PERMANENTLY!

When I first read this I assumed that there was a mistake, resulting from the commonplace confusion (assisted by media conflating the Two) between the Congestion Charge and the Ultra Low Emission Zone. It appears in fact that, as a condition of a further bailout for TfL, where income has gone off a cliff, the Westminster government are forcing extension of the Congestion Charge to the N/S circular.

At PMQs yesterday Johnson said this was Sadiq Khan's fault as he had bankrupted TfL before the pandemic began. I think that's a provable lie and TfL's troubles date back into Johnson's tenure as Mayor and that the delay to Crossrail has had a dramatic effect on TfL's revenue.

It would be interesting to see the BBC More or Less programme examine the facts.

It's a blatant play by Johnson to have the threat of an extension that he can blame on Khan when the postponed mayoral election is fought next year.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - misar

It would be interesting to see the BBC More or Less programme examine the facts.

It's a blatant play by Johnson to have the threat of an extension that he can blame on Khan when the postponed mayoral election is fought next year.

Absolutely. It is a relief to have somebody in this thread finally post the truth. Unfortunately it will be ignored by those interested only in promoting their prejudices.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - _

Just a little thought.

All those HGVs delivering to and from inside the North/South circulars, Taxi drivers taking passengers in?

Extra costs for everyone.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

A little footnote today that the bailout requested by TFL will only be given if the Charging zone is extended. And there is a "threat" to cancel all transport services if Citizen Khan does't get his bailout.

Think we'll be giving it a miss again.. PERMANENTLY!

When I first read this I assumed that there was a mistake, resulting from the commonplace confusion (assisted by media conflating the Two) between the Congestion Charge and the Ultra Low Emission Zone. It appears in fact that, as a condition of a further bailout for TfL, where income has gone off a cliff, the Westminster government are forcing extension of the Congestion Charge to the N/S circular.

Err no - it's the treasury - which as you well know is not the same as the Chancellor or government. Besides - Khan WANTS it to go ahead, but for someone else to be blamed for enacting it.

At PMQs yesterday Johnson said this was Sadiq Khan's fault as he had bankrupted TfL before the pandemic began. I think that's a provable lie and TfL's troubles date back into Johnson's tenure as Mayor and that the delay to Crossrail has had a dramatic effect on TfL's revenue.

And whose fault was that? I know from personal experience working alongside Tfl that huge amounts of money have been wasted over the decades by them as well as the DfT at governmental level. Rarely (and sadly) have ministers been in control of big spend projects.

It would be interesting to see the BBC More or Less programme examine the facts.

I somehow doubt if the BBC could be relied upon to properly investigate this all and come up with an unbiased account.

It's a blatant play by Johnson to have the threat of an extension that he can blame on Khan when the postponed mayoral election is fought next year.

I believe you mean 'in your opinion'. Any facts (and by the way, quoting a sympathetic media outlet, BBC included, isn't) to support that claim?

As opposed to Khan doing exactly that to blame the government for his own significant shortcomings in his own mayoralty and huge overspending from 2016 - 2020, and help his chum Starmer to pin the blame for everything COVID-related to the government?

Don't forget that Khan has been actively campaigning for ongoing NATIONAL lockdowns (in support of the Labour front bench, who stated that they might be extended indefinitely despite there being no cause to denact them at all) which would bankrupt the nation and casue far more deaths than COVID ever will.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - misar

As I predicted, unfortunately the truth will be ignored by those interested only in promoting their prejudices.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

Err no - it's the treasury - which as you well know is not the same as the Chancellor or government. Besides - Khan WANTS it to go ahead, but for someone else to be blamed for enacting it.

Are you seriously saying that the Treasury acts independently of Ministerial control? And then does so on an issue that could determine an election for the capital's mayor?.

And whose fault was that? I know from personal experience working alongside Tfl that huge amounts of money have been wasted over the decades by them as well as the DfT at governmental level. Rarely (and sadly) have ministers been in control of big spend projects.

I'm not sure how many decades TfL has existed. London Transport in one form or another has been a political football since the sixties (as far back as my memory goes) and probably further. Crossrail is a huge part of its problems and only a very small part of that has been on Khan's watch.

I somehow doubt if the BBC could be relied upon to properly investigate this all and come up with an unbiased account.

More or Less is well respected by statisticians for explaining how the numbers play.

I believe you mean 'in your opinion'. Any facts (and by the way, quoting a sympathetic media outlet, BBC included, isn't) to support that claim?

I'm waiting for the facts to emerge.

Don't forget that Khan has been actively campaigning for ongoing NATIONAL lockdowns (in support of the Labour front bench, who stated that they might be extended indefinitely despite there being no cause to denact them at all) which would bankrupt the nation and casue far more deaths than COVID ever will.

There's a debate to be had over whether the various restrictions in tiers 1-3 in England or those enacted by the devolved governments are a viable strategy and what alternatives might be viable.

The current contention between government and opposition is about that patchwork of local restrictions v a short sharp and nationwide 'circuit breaker;. The latter was proposed by the scientists 4 weeks ago and over ruled. Leicester and parts of the North West have been under restriction for months to no avail.

Let's see how the Welsh circuit breaker Guinea Pigs go on between now and 09/11/2020, then after for breaking the link.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 22/10/2020 at 22:02

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bolt

Let's see how the Welsh circuit breaker Guinea Pigs go on between now and 09/11/2020, then after for breaking the link.

IMO, they are leaving it too long to bring the CB in as in between time people are traveling about and spreading COVID 19, if they are going to do it make it straight away

and as a PS, didn`t Boris throw away Millions of pounds on a what never happened Garden Bridge 50+ Million iirc, without other amounts he refuses to talk about -only Grins about- when questioned..

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

and as a PS, didn`t Boris throw away Millions of pounds on a what never happened Garden Bridge 50+ Million iirc, without other amounts he refuses to talk about -only Grins about- when questioned..

I was reflecting on that while making tea this morning and intended to add it here.

Another example, pertinent to TfL is the 'Borismaster' bus. About twice the price of a conventional hybrid bus and no better (in some ways worse) at getting people from A>B in reasonable comfort.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

and as a PS, didn`t Boris throw away Millions of pounds on a what never happened Garden Bridge 50+ Million iirc, without other amounts he refuses to talk about -only Grins about- when questioned..

I was reflecting on that while making tea this morning and intended to add it here.

Another example, pertinent to TfL is the 'Borismaster' bus. About twice the price of a conventional hybrid bus and no better (in some ways worse) at getting people from A>B in reasonable comfort.

And here's me just reading you moaning about the use of 'Citizen Khan'. The words pot, kettle and black spring to mind.

Boris didn't design the buses. TfL management did manage the project though.

PS. 'Conventional' hybrid buses in London are terrible - they, like the bendy buses and the 'nuRoutmasters' are always braking down - something which (working in London over the last 10 years on and off) I've seen rather a lot.

Bad designs and management (TfL). Notice I don't blame Khan for that either - bus design is hardly part of their remit as mayors. Policy decisions, like the interchangeable congestion and ULEZ charges and zones, however, IS.

Red Ken wanted to extend the zone westwards (to areas on London he knew he'd never win the supportt of), something Boris said no to, but Labour, which included Citizen Khan asan MP, seemed to support at the time if I recall.

Him extending the ULEZ to the N/S circular boundary is to most people barely different to the congestion charge, especially poorer people who, even with a 'scrappage system' cannot afford to buy a new car, given scrappage systems only give money to people buying new cars - I mean, if someone's toting around in a car worth £1k, how on earth can they afford a new one costing £20k even with a £3k scrappage rebate (that Khan and Co want)?

All these proposals will do is force more people onto public transport or out of London for good, otherwise they'll be far worse off. The ULEZ works in the same way as the Poll Tax, charging the same to rich and poor, which rich people who can already afford expensive EVs get subsidies and ratepayer funded charging stations. So much for being ''progressive'.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

And here's me just reading you moaning about the use of 'Citizen Khan'. The words pot, kettle and black spring to mind.

Those buses are well known in London as Borismasters and I don't think the man himself objected to that any more than he does to the term Boris Bikes for the Santander rental bikes.

Boris didn't design the buses. TfL management did manage the project though.

He was all over it and strongly personally identified with it. A promise to bring back the Routemaster was part of his 2008 campaign and there are pictures all over the net of his driving the project (as it were). The purchases were on his watch.

PS. 'Conventional' hybrid buses in London are terrible - they, like the bendy buses and the 'nuRoutmasters' are always braking down - something which (working in London over the last 10 years on and off) I've seen rather a lot.

Are the Borismasters any better? Wrightbus did the bodywork/assembly but the drivetrain was presumably bought in.

Red Ken wanted to extend the zone westwards (to areas on London he knew he'd never win the supportt of), something Boris said no to, but Labour, which included Citizen Khan asan MP, seemed to support at the time if I recall.

IIIRC it was extended west towards Chelsea but Johnson cancelled it.

All these proposals will do is force more people onto public transport or out of London for good, otherwise they'll be far worse off. The ULEZ works in the same way as the Poll Tax, charging the same to rich and poor, which rich people who can already afford expensive EVs get subsidies and ratepayer funded charging stations. So much for being ''progressive'.

It's logically absurd to say the CC & ULEZ are the same thing.

The CC affects everybody.

In terms of the less well off anybody with a petrol car over 15 years old is in the clear for the ULEZ. Those with older diesels are undoubtedly caught but those are the major emitters of both PM and NOx.

The scrappage scheme for the ULEZ is NOT tied to new vehicles.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

Let's see how the Welsh circuit breaker Guinea Pigs go on between now and 09/11/2020, then after for breaking the link.

IMO, they are leaving it too long to bring the CB in as in between time people are traveling about and spreading COVID 19, if they are going to do it make it straight away

and as a PS, didn`t Boris throw away Millions of pounds on a what never happened Garden Bridge 50+ Million iirc, without other amounts he refuses to talk about -only Grins about- when questioned..

I wonder who they're going to tap up to pay for trashing their economy more in the proces - English taxpayers? Their decision, then they should fund the consequences in full.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bolt

Let's see how the Welsh circuit breaker Guinea Pigs go on between now and 09/11/2020, then after for breaking the link.

IMO, they are leaving it too long to bring the CB in as in between time people are traveling about and spreading COVID 19, if they are going to do it make it straight away

and as a PS, didn`t Boris throw away Millions of pounds on a what never happened Garden Bridge 50+ Million iirc, without other amounts he refuses to talk about -only Grins about- when questioned..

I wonder who they're going to tap up to pay for trashing their economy more in the proces - English taxpayers? Their decision, then they should fund the consequences in full.

Bound to get us to pay, we usually do... But what makes me laugh is non of these MPs ever answer a question, they either repeat what they have already said or change the subject, I know they are all Boris's YES men otherwise they wouldn`t be there, but they are now becoming a waste of space, if they have no clue (which they do not) Say so instead of waffling on, its boring now....

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

Brompt - many government departments regularly act in defiance of their supposed political masters as you well know, given your previous job - the Treasury are well known to do this, especially with their 'leaked plans' to undermine the Chancellor of the day if that person doesn't fit in with their narrative, and of course, the best example is the Home Office.

I would note that the Opposition spokespersons were interviewed on the 'circuit-breaker' lockdowns and admitted they would likely be far more than 2 weeks and open-ended, but the each contradicted themselves. See the reports (and YouTube clips from Sunday morning shows like Marr/Sophy Ridge andother video evidence from govt scientists to back it up) of this on Guido Fawkes.

You should work for Sir Kneel-a-lot Starmer as his spin doctor. Lots of agenda-driven opinion and supposition dressed up as facts, in my view.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

Lots of agenda-driven opinion and supposition dressed up as facts, in my view.


Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

Lots of agenda-driven opinion and supposition dressed up as facts, in my view.


I said to just view the videos in those reports - from the (Labour) politicians themselves. Hardly agenda, just reporting facts that the left wing media don't because it's inconvenient to their agenda. You obviously didn't bother visiting the pages and viewed the videos.

Did you think that Guido doctored them? Nope - they just extracted sections from actual TV programmes you often refer to.


Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

Did you think that Guido doctored them? Nope - they just extracted sections from actual TV programmes you often refer to.

I've watched the videos. Politicians being tripped up at interview is nothing unusual which is why Johnson hid himself away in the GE.

Guido's not there to give Labour a fair hearing and by no means all of those vids justify the interpretation he puts on them. He's used and edited clips selectively to make the interviewee look a chump.

Any form of lockdown is intended to buy time by stopping the virus spreading. When lockdown ends there's a period of low transmission while the virus gets back into its stride; see the period from July to September.

A two week circuit break might buy four or six weeks, maybe more

Leicester and Manchester are/were on equivalent of tier 2 for months and still no further forward.

Either it needs something more, like a circuit breaker, OR we try the other approach of sheltering the vulnerable.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 24/10/2020 at 11:25

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

Did you think that Guido doctored them? Nope - they just extracted sections from actual TV programmes you often refer to.

I've watched the videos. Politicians being tripped up at interview is nothing unusual which is why Johnson hid himself away in the GE.

Guido's not there to give Labour a fair hearing and by no means all of those vids justify the interpretation he puts on them. He's used and edited clips selectively to make the interviewee look a chump.

Any form of lockdown is intended to buy time by stopping the virus spreading. When lockdown ends there's a period of low transmission while the virus gets back into its stride; see the period from July to September.

A two week circuit break might buy four or six weeks, maybe more

Leicester and Manchester are/were on equivalent of tier 2 for months and still no further forward.

Either it needs something more, like a circuit breaker, OR we try the other approach of sheltering the vulnerable.

But surely they weren't tripped up - they are being interviewed by outlets favourable to Labour - the BBC and Sky News. It is their own policy shortcomings - to just oppose the Tories and have no real idea what they'd do themselves, and thus have no answers when journalists - even sympathetic ones - actually (for once) pose probing questions.

Even some the government scientists now believe that lockdowns are useless - precisly because they don't stop the virus spreading that quickly, but DO stop many people with illness and disease being treated, cause mental problems, especially for those already worst affected by them and the ill/elderly.

These are likely to outweigh those who died from (and not just with - which are what the figures are taken from [28 days whatever the catual cause of death]) COVID by some margin once this is all over. I could understand things early on because not much was known about the virus - but we knoew a lot more now, especially of the effects on the people who DON'T have the diesease or who getting it mildly (which is about 90-95% of those who get it).

An elderly family member has been badly affected by lockdown in terms of their mental health because the could not see friends, family, go out and do things to interract with others.

Given Labour don't have an answer other than endless lockdowns, and a good number of the medical/scientific 'experts' seem to care more about protecting people from the 19th largest killer rather than the other 18 above COVID-19, never mind the health impacts of trashing the economy and long term indebtedness.

Your examples of Leicester show that lockdowns don't work that well. It was the improvement in teh waether, especially the temperature and increase in humidity in Spring that reduced transmission, and treatment improved so less dies as well.

A report was shown in the Telegraph (unforunately I don't have the link) that confirmed this because this was one of the reasons why the instance of COVID was far lower in Asia and Africa - the virus in droplet form survives many magnitudes longer when its cold and dry - far less so in either hot and/or warmer but moist conditions.

Plus, in East Asia, there likely is far more of a natural immunity to COVID due to similar viruses being spread around the regions over the last decade or so.

I also understand that the South American country was the world's most strict lockdown - its either Chile or Peru I believe - has also has the highest death rate in that region.

Apologies for going off-topic, but there we are.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

But surely they weren't tripped up - they are being interviewed by outlets favourable to Labour - the BBC and Sky News.

I'm not getting into any further debate on those lines. If you want to believe mainstream UK broadcasters are favourable to Labour then carry on. Your prerogative.

I agree (shock horror) that there is a debate to be had as to the value of lockdown in ANY form versus the cost to Mental Health. I'm seeing the latter in my partner and both my (adult) offspring. Colleagues too. Similarly with the economic cost.

I'm not sure I'm following which scientists actually support an end to lockdowns or challenge their efficacy; Sage was in favour of the 'circuit breaker' a month ago. The failure of the lockdowns in Leicester and parts of Manchester may be because they allow some level of social and economic activity to continue. Neither am I convinced there has been any massive, quantum if you take the general usage, increase in knowledge. I don't think there's a political debate over lockdowns, just the type but I don't think ANYBODY is advocating a return to the open ended version entered into back in March. Incidentally, even then I seem to remember the analogy was about moving the peak of a Sombrero along. Another might be kicking the can down the road.

Unless we use the time to develop Covid specific hospitals, taking the load of District Generals, plus ensuring the infrastructure for dealing with the dead is good enough - Italy and the State of New York both got caught by lack of the latter.

Another Forum I visit has a UK resident of Chile as a regular contributor. He mentions aggressive lockdown including curfew but not a massive death rate. Maybe that's Peru....

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Andrew-T

<< Game>set>match. >>

These tit-for-tat exchanges become steadily less illuminating, especially when attention is prominently drawn to my 'facts' and others' 'nonsense'. All that data usually comes from personally preferred sources, and some may be fact, others less so.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - misar

Did you think that Guido doctored them? Nope - they just extracted sections from actual TV programmes you often refer to.

You conveniently ignore that although Guido is right wing he gives similar treatment to all politicians when he sees an opportunity. He has a great collection on your hero Boris.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

Did you think that Guido doctored them? Nope - they just extracted sections from actual TV programmes you often refer to.

You conveniently ignore that although Guido is right wing he gives similar treatment to all politicians when he sees an opportunity. He has a great collection on your hero Boris.

Fine - if you believe that Guido is wrong - don't read the text in the report - just watch the videos - that aren't made by Guido but the likes of the BBC and Sky News (hardly friends of the Tories or Guido) - of the Labour politicians themselves.

I think it rather shows the attitude of some who only get their news from one source, who closes their eyes to things that actually happen because it destroys their narrative. Unlike some people, I actually bother to read articles from some left wing media outlets from time to time, including when BRers here quote them.

I may disagree with their content quite a bit, but when a video (that hasn't been selectively edited mid-sentence) shows a person saying or doing something, that's evidence in my eyes.

A pity some people cannot see that due to ideological reasons and refuse to even view an article or video from certain outlets, even when that video is just a reposting of one of another outlet, and one that certainly doesn't shre their political views. Perhaps you should do the honourable thing view the article and video, and then make you mind without prejudice. That's what I do.

And Boris isn't my 'hero' either - far from it. Is Captain Hindsight / Sir Kneelalot yours?

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

Threat averted - for now:

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - misar

A bad day or two for the usual suspects around here. First the mayor they vilified for allegedly expanding the congestion charge pushes the government into a U-turn on its demands. Then Boris does another even sharper turn and agrees that national lockdowns can be necessary after all.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

A bad day or two for the usual suspects around here. First the mayor they vilified for allegedly expanding the congestion charge pushes the government into a U-turn on its demands. Then Boris does another even sharper turn and agrees that national lockdowns can be necessary after all.

How petty and hypocritical.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Bromptonaut

How petty and hypocritical.

Really? It's petty to point out that the threat extend the Congestion Charge has been averted?

I see no hypocrisy at all.

Congestion Zone - Extension to N & S circular roads - Engineer Andy

How petty and hypocritical.

Really? It's petty to point out that the threat extend the Congestion Charge has been averted?

I see no hypocrisy at all.

It appears that today's news that the 'science' behind the 2nd lockdown is fundemantally flawed. I could tell that by how nervous Whitty and Vallance were and IMHO especially how poor their 'presentation' was. To me, and (finally) some in the media it was mostly meaningless rubbish and lots of assumtptions upon assumptions, often with the worst case used as the actual.

Bad science = bad decisions.