SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - don1964

hello there, i hope someone can help me!

10 months ago i bought a 2015 Vauxhall Astra gtc 1.6 cdti sri (108bhp), 6 months ago my wife buys a 2017 Hyundia Tucson 2.0 premium se.

i had never driven an suv before and i absolutely loved it so i started looking into suv's for my self and came across the Ssangyong Korando, a lovely looking car, (to me anyway!) i recently found a 2015 2.0 diesel at a very good price (i can't quite afford a Tucson!!) and having read quite a few owners reviews, they seem mostly positive

this is where i am struggling!

the Astra is a lovely car and my head is telling me to keep it but my heart is telling me to trade it in for a Korando!

so the big question is:- head or heart??



SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - Chris M

"head or heart?"

Specsavers I'd say. The Korando is an improvement for SsangYong, but they were starting from a very low base. The Astra GTC is a very nice looking car as far as I'm concerned.

If the Korando is the car that now suits your needs then change, but I definitely wouldn't on looks alone. SUVs in general do not look good with one or two exceptions.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - SLO76
Robust and reliable but a bit woolly to drive. The biggest issues with these are horrendous depreciation and the lack of availability of aftermarket parts. Most stuff including exhausts are usually dealer only and expensive due to the low sales volumes. It might cost less than a Tucson upfront but in the longterm it’ll cost more. Buy only if you get it stupidly cheap and plan on keeping it til it dies. Take a long test drive too as they’re not great to drive,

The Astra has a Fiat designed Diesel engine, one that hasn’t the best of reputations for longterm reliability so I would be looking to offload but I’d favour a more mainstream replacement like a Kia or Hyundai.
SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

The Korando is an improvement for SsangYong, but they were starting from a very low base. The Astra GTC is a very nice looking car as far as I'm concerned.

This isn't really helpful at all is it?. Did it not occur to you that as the OP is very keen on the Korando, he likes how it looks?. Making the issue of which looks better between an Astra and the Korando entirely irrelevant.

Personally, i like the looks of the Korando. One of my customers used to have one (in red), and i always felt it was a nice looking car. Simple unfussy lines with nice proportions, i felt it was a better looking SUV than most, and certainly more so than any of BMW, Mercedes or (most) Audi offerings.

Owners do seem to like them, but i'd wager most were bought due to price, warranty, dealer location, towing capability or a combination of the above. Not typically the kind of car folk buy from the heart!. Road tests are very critical of the Korando's ride handling and refinement (basically saying it drives like a tractor, which may be an exaggeration!) not to mention the interior quality. So have a good long test drive to see how you find it. But also, as SLO points out, parts availability isn't great, so (even if you do like how it drivers) if you don't have a dealer nearby, i'd be inclined to give it a miss.

Re the Tuscon, bear in mind that it is the mechanical twin of the Kia Sportage, the current version of which debuted in 2016, but the previous model ran from 2010-2016. So might be worthy of consideration, and will certainly drive more like your Wife's Tuscon than a Korando.

You have not given a budget, but given 2015 Korando's run from £6k up to about £11k (optimistic!). So even saying £8k, that could get you into a 2014(ish) Sportage 1.6 turbo diesel (this has 133bhp, there is also a less powerful 1.7 with 114bhp, you will get into one of those about a year younger for the same money)

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - Chris M

"This isn't really helpful at all is it?. Did it not occur to you that as the OP is very keen on the Korando, he likes how it looks?. Making the issue of which looks better between an Astra and the Korando entirely irrelevant."

Yes it did occur to me that he is keen on the Korando. But he also says the Astra is a "lovely" car. I'm agreeing with him there and giving my personal opinion that the alternative isn't.

How helpful is it for you to suggest he should be looking at a Kia when he is asking for comments between an Astra and Korando?

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

How helpful is it for you to suggest he should be looking at a Kia when he is asking for comments between an Astra and Korando?

Hmm, lets see.

1, the OP says his wife bought a Hyundai Tuscon which he has a drive in and absolutely loves.

2, He can't actually afford the Tuscon in question.

3, The Sportage is the mechanical twin of the Tuscon (so will drive in a similar manner).

4, The Sportage is available within a similar budget to the Korando.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - Old.Roverboy

If the OP really reallt must have an SUV/Crossover

The Sportage is plentiful, pretty solid and lots of aftermarket spares available, plus it is still a nicer place to be than the Korando. Go carefully on your budget and you might find one with a bit of Kia warranty/ Don't forget even the oldest ones from a KIA dealer will have 1 year full warranty.

I looked at the new Korando and still prefer the Sportage, which is what I am buying.

I year KIA Warranty

Edited by Old.Roverboy on 28/02/2020 at 19:16

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

Oh, and i was also forgetting about the Tuscon's direct predecessor, the Hyundai ix35 (2009-2015). this would be in a similar budget to the equivalent Sportage.

Edited by badbusdriver on 28/02/2020 at 19:04

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - paul 1963

Keep the Astra.....

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

Go carefully on your budget and you might find one with a bit of Kia warranty/ Don't forget even the oldest ones from a KIA dealer will have 1 year full warranty.

The third generation Sportage, which i was referring to, ran from March 2010 to Feb 2016, so the oldest of these would have passed out of their warranty period a few years ago. With its replacement, the fourth generation (current shape), the oldest will still have three years warranty remaining (assuming full dealer history).

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - Meteiro

Having owned a Korando for 4 years, I can tell you don't get the auto on the 2.0. it was replaced with a vastly better Aisin unit when the 2.2 was introduced in late 2015.

Drives fine but 'unengaging'. Plenty of power, superbly reliable, 4 wheel system is excellent. Interior is a bit heavy on plastic but it's a solid tank of a build. Seats are fantastic, get them heated (ELX model) and it comes heated rear as wheel.

I would only hesitate as most dealers wouldn't touch it when I looked to change it. Not a well known make still and pricing varies a lot as a result, but getting better. Newer Korando (2019 on) is another vast step forward again.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

Having owned a Korando for 4 years, I can tell you don't get the auto on the 2.0.

Yes you do, but only as a 4x4 with the more powerful 173bhp version of the engine (the FWD versions had 147bhp). And i'm talking about 2015 cars, which is the age of car the OP mentions.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - Meteiro

Having owned a Korando for 4 years, I can tell you don't get the auto on the 2.0.

Yes you do, but only as a 4x4 with the more powerful 173bhp version of the engine (the FWD versions had 147bhp). And i'm talking about 2015 cars, which is the age of car the OP mentions.

Sorry I don't understand the point you're making here. The car you linked to is still a 2.0 Auto...

OP may or may not be looking for similar spec but thought I'd give my first hand experience. If useful, great, if not, feel free to ignore.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

Sorry I don't understand the point you're making here. The car you linked to is still a 2.0 Auto...

Exactly!, you said, "you don't get the auto on the 2.0".

Which clearly isn't true, you do get the auto on the 2.0.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - Meteiro

Sorry I don't understand the point you're making here. The car you linked to is still a 2.0 Auto...

Exactly!, you said, "you don't get the auto on the 2.0".

Which clearly isn't true, you do get the auto on the 2.0.

No, I said I can tell you don't get the auto on the 2.0...

As in I"am telling you not to get it, it's not brilliant..."

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

No, I said I can tell you don't get the auto on the 2.0...

As in I"am telling you not to get it, it's not brilliant..."

Aah, fair enough!

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - Glaikit Wee Scunner {P}

Eats, shoots and leaves?

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - edlithgow

I knew what you meant.

Used to be someone on campus with one, with a snorkel, winch and suchlike macho-inery.

Iooked sort of "traditional" 4X4 rather than over-styled SUV.

Actually I saw an ex-Soviet (presumably, unless there was local manufacture) GAZ69 in Turkey last month and the Koronado strikes me as a bit of a shiny version of that.

This is a good thing.

(Unless you only really want and need a car rather than an off-road vehicle.)

(That can't apply to many people, surely?)

Edited by edlithgow on 01/03/2020 at 00:48

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - Ethan Edwards

If the OP has his heart set on a Korando then enjoy. Me I'd save a bit longer and buy the vehicle which started his quest. The Sportage. Or do some more searching still, but each to his own.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

Actually I saw an ex-Soviet (presumably, unless there was local manufacture) GAZ69 in Turkey last month and the Koronado strikes me as a bit of a shiny version of that.

Really?, can't see the resemblance myself.

Me I'd save a bit longer and buy the vehicle which started his quest. The Sportage.

It was actually the (Hyundai) Tuscon the OP's wife bought which he liked but couldn't afford.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - edlithgow

Actually I saw an ex-Soviet (presumably, unless there was local manufacture) GAZ69 in Turkey last month and the Koronado strikes me as a bit of a shiny version of that.

Really?, can't see the resemblance myself.

Ah. Wrong SSanyong.

I was thinking of the second generation, which is the one I've seen (and coincidentally,Wickipedia tells me, is/was also manufactured under license in Russia,)

This one

See it now?

The one you linked to just looks like any other modern-styled SUV.

I'd say the Tucson (Truckson) is a cleaner design.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - don1964

Hello again guys, thanks for your replys!

Chris M, specsavers, that made me laugh!

I've always liked to be a little different, my previous car was a Renault Wind, a two seater hard top convertible. I also ride an automatic maxi-scooter, a Sym Maxsym 600i, not your typical mainstream vehicles if that makes any sense! i think that's why i like the Korando, it's not everyone's cup of tea, (exclusivity!! haha)

I've read the professional reviews, the majority seem to agree that the Korando is 2-3/5 stars, I can categorically state now "I am not a professional driver", I wouldn't know 'understeer' if it bit my bum!!

A couple of points i should have mentioned in the OP, my budget, between 7-8k depending on bank manager (wife!!) and whether she likes my choice! My 'local' dealer is 23 miles away in Preston, so no big problem there.

My grand kids are getting bigger, and dependant on my wife and i for transport, its murder trying to get them in the back of a 3 door hence the need for a bigger car. My wife very rarely takes them in her car as she claims they are too messy! haha.

I think my next move will be a long test drive, test the water so to speak.

As i said earlier, thanks for everyone's input, it is much appreciated!



SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

I've always liked to be a little different, my previous car was a Renault Wind, a two seater hard top convertible. I also ride an automatic maxi-scooter, a Sym Maxsym 600i, not your typical mainstream vehicles if that makes any sense! i think that's why i like the Korando, it's not everyone's cup of tea, (exclusivity!! haha)

I can understand that Don, i am very much in favour of supporting the underdog myself!. And as i mentioned earlier, i actually like the looks of the Korando, it isn't as 'shouty' (LOOK AT ME!!) as most modern SUV's.

I've read the professional reviews, the majority seem to agree that the Korando is 2-3/5 stars, I can categorically state now "I am not a professional driver", I wouldn't know 'understeer' if it bit my bum!!

I wouldn't take too much from a mototring journalist's review, by and large, they are only interested in how fast it goes, how well it handles on a twisty road and how good its 'infotainment' system is. By all means, look at owners reviews, but best to do as you say, take it for a good run. And if you like it, go for it.

But let us know how you get on.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - don1964

Thanks badbusdriver, i'll certainly keep you informed.



SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - gordonbennet

Apples and pears.

These ssangyongs arn't going to drive like a modern euro hatch, but that isn't what they are about, they have to be up to conditions in their homelands or they won't sell, so euro style driving dynamics arn't on the designs sheet, just as coping with harsh conditions without things like springs breaking arn't on a euro hatchbacks designs sheet.

If you like how it drives buy it, then look after it with sensible preventative maintenance so it lasts.

I like how Landcruisers drive, HJ thinks they are too cumbersome for towns, personally i find them a better bet on Northants third world in town road surfaces than some euro thing likely to snap its springs or burst a 30 aspect tyre on a freezing cold morning in a fresh pot hole, but each to their own i don't expect anyone else to like what i like, and that's how it should be unless we become a communist dictatorship where proles may only buy what the state dictates, a situation we appear to be moving towards so buy what you like before the state denies you that freedom too....i suspect the ssangyong will be a bit like a smaller LC, built to take a bit of rough stuff so it isn't going to drive as other europeanised cars would.

Edited by gordonbennet on 01/03/2020 at 10:30

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - concrete

A lot has been said about your vehicle choices. I would consider a Korando if you tow or go off road camping or trekking. Otherwise you do not need the majority of its features and capabilities. If it is purely a vanity project then fair enough, crack on. Personally I would keep the Astra and start saving towards a more suitable SUV that will fulfil your daily needs. Kia, Hyundai etc etc. Having said that SSangyong do offer smaller SUV/Xovers that seem well priced if you intend to keep it for the duration. I know a couple of locals with them and they are very happy with them, but they tow cattle boxes and trailers and go off road. They will also keep the vehicle for their duration. Choices, choices!! Good luck.


SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - SLO76
“ I like how Landcruisers drive, HJ thinks they are too cumbersome for towns”

Me too. I flogged loads of Mitsubishi Shoguns back in the day and loved the rugged robust simplicity of an old school ladder chassis off-roader. I always wanted a 92 on Shogun 2.5d GLS 3dr despite it being slow, bouncy, cumbersome and greedy. I just liked the look and the feeling of driving something that could last two decades with ease.

The Land Cruisers were rare at our site though, mostly older Mk II SWB 2.4 TD’s which were tough but a bit too rough. Owners of later models typically kept them forever. We did get loads of LR Discovery’s and Classic Range Rovers, mostly with electrical or gearbox issues and a fair number of older Daihatsu Fourtracks which were God awful to drive.
SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

Driven a "God awful "Fourtrack way back in 1990 and found it OK. If you want more rudimentary try a Suzuki Jimny from the 1990s - drove an lwb pick-up one back in 1990 on dirt and sealed roads in NSW for a day. That was an experience!

I have pleasant memories of driving a late (‘independent’) Fourtrack while working at a car hire place which shared premises with a Daihatsu dealership. Ever since, I’ve always hankered after one, but they are getting very scarce these days with most having succumbed to rust or been worked to death by their (usually) farmer owners!. Currently 3 showing nationwide on Autotrader, the youngest of which is 21 years old!.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - SLO76
“ I have pleasant memories of driving a late (‘independent’) Fourtrack“
This was an old 88 E plate 2.8 non turbo. Bounced all over the road and was painfully slow. Buyer never had a single problem with it though, there was nothing on it to break.
SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

This was an old 88 E plate 2.8 non turbo. Bounced all over the road and was painfully slow. Buyer never had a single problem with it though, there was nothing on it to break.

I wondered if it was an older one you were referring to SLO. Yeah, 73bhp, live axles, leaf springs and the narrow track, a lively ride indeed!.

I do vaguely remember getting a lift in the back of a 1st gen Fourtrack van (F20 i think?). That was very bouncy and very noisy!.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - edlithgow

Hired a Fourtrack in Cyprus sometime in the early 90's.

I forgot my license so the deal was the GF would drive on-road and I'd do any off-road stuff, of which she was pretty determined there would be none.

Big storm, Bogged. Coast road washed out in front and behind. Slept in car (I'd originally wanted to camp ) dug it out next morning, then scrabbled out up a stream bed over the mountains. She seemed to think I'd planned all this.

Best / worst bit was a maybe a 50 metre 50+ degree scrabble over smoothish bare rock, close to the ridgeline. If I'd rolled it that would have been a very long roll and would have severely tested our uncertain insurance position.

Very dramatic if you've never done that sort of thing before, but there are no pictures (I asked) because of don't-encourage-him stylee sulking.

Accordingly I like the Fourtrack a lot. AFAIK you don't get them here (rust wouldn't kill them, though the Taiwanese would) but there was an upmarket Bertone version (BMW engine) on campus.

Should have contacted the owner and got an option on it for when he scrapped it, but didn't think of it, and its gone now.

Edited by edlithgow on 15/03/2020 at 12:58

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - don1964

hello there, i hope someone can help me!

10 months ago i bought a 2015 Vauxhall Astra gtc 1.6 cdti sri (108bhp), 6 months ago my wife buys a 2017 Hyundia Tucson 2.0 premium se.

i had never driven an suv before and i absolutely loved it so i started looking into suv's for my self and came across the Ssangyong Korando, a lovely looking car, (to me anyway!) i recently found a 2015 2.0 diesel at a very good price (i can't quite afford a Tucson!!) and having read quite a few owners reviews, they seem mostly positive

this is where i am struggling!

the Astra is a lovely car and my head is telling me to keep it but my heart is telling me to trade it in for a Korando!

so the big question is:- head or heart??



hello again all, sorry for bumping this thread! i did say i would be back!

as you've probably guessed i went and did it, took the plunge on a 2.2d 66 plate se korando, i've had it just over a month now and i absolutely love it!!

it did take a while to find the right one though, i enquired about three that were on autotrader and all had gone by the time i had phoned!

the one i got was located in Leeds, i made an appointment to view, turned up, test drive and bought it, 31k on the clock, full dealer history and 18 months ssanyong warranty left, all for the princely sum of £8500, i even got a good trade in for the gtc.

the car its self is brilliant, like others have said, it's basic and has lots of plastic but everything i need is there, bluetooth, electric windows all round, ac, cruise control, excellent all round vision and very comfy seats! the best bit? it pulls like an ox!!

fuel economy is around what i had expected, i'm averaging around 38mpg which isn't too bad.

so, the verdict! i really do like it and i do intend to keep it for a good few years, the icing on the cake? my wife likes it too!!

did i mention that it pulls like an ox?? haha.



SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - Avant

Thanks for coming back to us, Don. Good luck with the Korando: it sounds like a lot of car for the money.

SsangYong Korando - astra gtc vs ssangyong korando, head or heart? - badbusdriver

Good to hear you like the car Don.

The motoring press may not think much of the Korando, but owner reviews paint a different picture..........!