Doesn't the uncharged battery provides a load for the alternator? Or are we talking about the vehicle giving the jump start?
No, as the doc states you have to give the alternator something to work on.
This is not a new thing by any means, when jump starting cars in compounds they were left running to put some charge in before we loaded them up, we discovered you could leave the engine running all day long if nothing was switched on and no charge would be put into the battery, but if you left even the sidelights on the battery would then charge practice it was better to put hazard lights on so the vehicle would be seen to still be running later, we first discovered this on mk5 Ford Escorts.
A colleague had to have the digital dash in his Laguna replaced after jump starting someone, personally as advised i prefer a jump pack, preferably a pro one with an isolator switch.
One other warning whilst we are on jump starting, be careful to leave the door open or have the keys on you for the car with the flat battery, Mondeos in particular are prone but this no doubt applies to other cars, if you open the door and stick the keys in the ignition and then find a non starter you then pull the bonnet cable but re-close the driver's door leaving the keys in the ignition there is a chance that the central locking will trigger when you apply the jump leads, so make sure either you have the door ajar or the keys in your hand before applying jump power.
Edited by gordonbennet on 01/02/2020 at 18:10