Fiseta 1.25 zetex 64 reg - fiesta air con! - up north!AnUU69HpI17bgeA32svYOatQvxQjUg


I bought a very low mileage fiesta from a dealership 3 months ago and it has an odd 'whooooh' ghostly spinning rotating strange noise only when the air con is on. If I get in and start up and switch air con on and then lift the clutch in first I can manufacture the noise which is a fast whoooooh.

The video above is only 6 secs and that is the noise, but how do you describe it?

Anyway I ended up paying another ford dealer to identify the problem and though disinterested they said it was the air con clutch and best to replace that and the air con compressor. They identified it having also seen the above video.

Took it back to the selling dealership and they apparently changed the above and re-gassed, but same noise as soon as I switched air con on.

I guess they know the cause having had the car for a week, but seem to have washed their hands of it having done what the identifying ford garage had suggested. I am stuck with it unless I can identify the cause and few garages want to listen for noises without charging big bucks!

Is it a bearing, blower, belt, pulley or something else. I am in Newcastle/ Northumberland if any one can suggest a good garage to help!

The selling dealership should be the one to identify and fix, but good luck with that it seems. Anyway, look forward to any advice, thanks.

Fiseta 1.25 zetex 64 reg - fiesta air con! - elekie&a/c doctor

locating odd noises on a car can be very tricky and time consuming. Trying to diagnose a noise from a 6 second video is virtually impossible. However, as the noise seems to occur when the ac is switched on ,could it be the cooling fan that you are hearing. This will kick in virtually immediately .

Fiseta 1.25 zetex 64 reg - fiesta air con! - up north

Thanks. Yes you can hear the fan kick in and it isn't related to that; this noise might be 6 secs, but is so frequent it drives to distraction and it can last some while at the same sound. Doesn't seem to occur when stationary but when in gear and moving. Switch the AC off and it stops.

Edited by up north on 30/08/2019 at 19:20

Fiseta 1.25 zetex 64 reg - fiesta air con! - elekie&a/c doctor
Not something I’ve seen before . The ac on these Fiesta models does not give much trouble, so I’m struggling to see a connection between the ac and the car moving. The ac system operation is the same whether the car is stationary or not.
Fiseta 1.25 zetex 64 reg - fiesta air con! - up north

I can manufacture the noise as video by preparing to pull away in first with handbrake on as I lift the clutch and accelerate gently with air con on, switch it off no noise, switch it on and there you go. So whatever is moving and spinning under load. Not sure why it is exaggerated only with ac on and stops when ac is off if not ac related, unless it is connected to something running the air con and something else engine related or whatever the belt runs.

Diving along will get the same noise which stops when I switch air con off then switch on and it returns intermittently as I drive along and definitely not a normal air con noise.