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Reported for dangerous driving? - NUFC1975


On motorway at weekend - motorway was 4 lanes splitting into 2. I was in lane 3 (going right) and needed to be in either 1 or 2. I realised late but was blocked from changing by a row of cars sitting in lane 2. I sped up a bit but they were also creeping up. I couldn't slow as had someone right behind me.

So basically I've been daft - put foot down, got ahead of line of cars & made it into lane 2 just before junction. Close but I felt I was in control at all times.

About 20 mins later I pull into service station for a pee & car pulls up next to me. I get confronted by the other driver who is really quite upset & says they've reported me to the police as "I could have killed them". All I could really do at that stage was apologise - whilst being slightly freaked out about being followed.

What might happen here? Guy at work seems to think 0% of anything (no dashcam apparent etc). But I'm worried about it in all honesty - it would have looked great in fairness,

Ironically I'm booked on an advanced driving course week after next as I'm interested enough to do it.

Thanks for any replies.

Reported for dangerous driving? - FP

Do we assume you crossed the cross-hatched area which presumably separates the two "forks" of the motorway as they diverge? If so, and if there is traffic-camera evidence of this, you may be in trouble if the police have the time to dig out the footage.

Your manouvre was less than sensible and you should have been in the correct lane long before you realised you weren't - maybe there's a lesson here in concentration and anticipation.

Reported for dangerous driving? - NUFC1975

No I didn't cross that area. Was in lane before that. Issue seems to be how close I've cut in before other car.

What would 'trouble' mean for this?

Edited by NUFC1975 on 16/07/2019 at 19:14

Reported for dangerous driving? - gordonbennet

Bloke was a drama queen, rest of us haven't got the time or the inclination to go following people who we think have slighted us on the road and getting into confrontations, and the trouble with confronting people is you don't know if the person you are about to fits into the first part of the next sentence.

I wouldn't give it another thought, if the old bill have the time between almost daily knifings and shootings and monitoring wrong think on multiple genders to ponce about with this non event i would be very surprised.

Reported for dangerous driving? - NUFC1975

Thanks for the honest replies. We;ll see how it pans out.

Do these things have to be closed off within 14 days? can I forget it after next week?

Reported for dangerous driving? - Hugh Watt

Start forgetting it now, NUFC. Gordonbennet summed up perfectly - it's most unlikely there'll be any follow-up. We've all made a driving blunder once in a while, mostly without consequences and always learning from it. NUFC eh, plenty to worry about there. ;-)

Reported for dangerous driving? - Bromptonaut

If he has dash cam footage and your driving was sufficiently egregious there might be some follow up. At that point you'll need to worry about what you might say to Police. If you are up front and honest, as you have been here, and admit you made a mistake there's a pretty good chance they'll NFA it.

Reported for dangerous driving? - Gerry Sanderson

I would be not so bold as to take the advice to forget it for several things can come into play.

1. Complainant may be bluffing and made no report to police. If so NFA

2. Complaint made to police. Despite lack of resources and more pressing matters they are duty bound to examine complaint. If for lack of good evidence i.e. camera, independent witnesses they may nip the investigation in the bud in which case NFA

3. If they are of the opinion further investigation needed i.e statement from complainant, camera evidence etc and interview of offending driver to get his account.

But first within 15 days of the incident send notice of intended prosecution to registered owner of offending driven vehicle (or driver if his details know.) This does not mean prosecution will follow but a requirement of law to let the driver be aware of a possible prosecution ahead. Failure to do so bars any proceedings.

To establish the details of the driver Police will accompany the NOIP with a request for Reg Keeper to name driver at date and time of incident. Offence not to do so and return with 28 days otherwise prosecution for not doing so.

Armed with drivers details interview offender.

File then prepared outlining possible driving offences – dangerous or due care etc and submitted to Crown Prosecution Service who will decide whether to institute proceedings at Court.

So as will be seen - in the lap of the Gods as to how far it will go.


Reported for dangerous driving? - Gibbo_Wirral

What happened to the days of "well I've missed my turn, I'll just go on a bit and turn round or find another way".

Now it seems to be just "force my way in and screw everyone else"

Reported for dangerous driving? - Middleman

But first within 15 days of the incident send notice of intended prosecution to registered owner of offending driven vehicle

Just a slight correction. It must be sent so as to arrive within 14 days of the alleged offence (sending it within 15 days - with the probability that it may not arrive until day 17 - will not do). And it must be sent to the Registered Keeper (there is no such thing as the Registered Owner).

Edited by Middleman on 19/07/2019 at 14:02

Reported for dangerous driving? - MarcWalesUK

Filtering is legal on a motorbike and a quad bike and a car is no different its just the gap that a vehicle can fit through.

So you were filtering. If i had done that on my quad nothing would have come of it and that's driven on a car licence.

Reported for dangerous driving? - Middleman

Filtering is legal on a motorbike and a quad bike and a car is no different its just the gap that a vehicle can fit through.

Indeed. But if you "filter" dangerously or carelessly you can face prosecution. Driving below the speed limit is legal but that alone does not rule out dangerous or careless driving.

Anyway, in the absence of a follow up from the OP I imagine there was nothing further to report.