Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - Jungerns

Am not normally slow off the mark but for the life of me I cant get the fuel filler open on a Cooper S on a 57 Plate

I thought it could automatically be opened whilst doors were unlocked ?? Is there are a manual switch inside instead ??

I'm a female so be gentle lol

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - oldroverboy.

Google is your friend.

Out of curiosity, How long have you had the car?

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - Jungerns

Google is your friend.

Out of curiosity, How long have you had the car?

Just yesterday but it had half a tank on purchase. As I was down to about 60 miles last night when I parked up thought I'd better check on fuel filler as clearly no key insert.

Hence the question when it didnt open as expected

Thanks for link...I did actually go on youtube but didnt see that one which is very clear. I have got just 1 other question reference the wing mirrors can I ask here or start new thread ??

Edited by Jungerns on 07/06/2019 at 07:16

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - Happy Blue!

Ask here. we are all agog if you managed to fill up!

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - Jungerns

Ask here. we are all agog if you managed to fill up!

lol all sorted re fuel thanks and the 2nd question actually related to the wing mirrors folding up electrically.

As regards that simply wasnt turning the dial enough clockwise to activate the fold and vice versa. Again all sorted

Having said that I wanted to put couple spotlights on the front. Intention was to purchase complete with brackets and than get auto electrician to wire them in

The query Im getting on Ebay is what "R" number is it as regards first or second generation. All I could answer was the exact date of registration (01/09/07) plus the registration number ??

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - elekie&a/c doctor
Second generation but check here :
Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - skidpan
Second generation but check here

If its a hatch its more than likely to be the 2nd generation but the OP has not said if its a hatch or convertible. If its a convertible it will be a first generation since the new model was not introduced until late 2008/early 2009.

IMHO the easiest way to tell is by looking at the bonnet/front scuttle area. If there is a flush metal panel its a first gen, if its sunken plastic its a second gen.

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - Jungerns
Second generation but check here

If its a hatch its more than likely to be the 2nd generation but the OP has not said if its a hatch or convertible. If its a convertible it will be a first generation since the new model was not introduced until late 2008/early 2009.

IMHO the easiest way to tell is by looking at the bonnet/front scuttle area. If there is a flush metal panel its a first gen, if its sunken plastic its a second gen.

Its a hatchback not convertiible. Whilst I havent looked at car prior to this response I'd say right away its plastic

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - Jungerns
Second generation but check here :

Thank you. Clearly a R56 from that site

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - elekie&a/c doctor

Even easier way to distinguish between first and second generation ; first has a regular ignition key with a metal blade that turns in the side of the steering column ; Second has an all plastic round key that pushes into a slot to the right of the steering, with a separate stop/start push button.

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - Jungerns

Any idea roughly how many hours labour it would be to fit couple spotlights assuming brackets and wiring all supplied, by an auto electrician ??

Bmw Cooper S - Fuel Filler opening on Cooper S - elekie&a/c doctor

Spot lights will need to be wired into the high beam circuit. Make sure you use a suitable relay for the lights. Not a difficult job. Any competent sparky should be able to do this in 2 hours or less.