I would like ask, what can I do with insurance..
I was receive renewal to 174£/monthly today.
Now I pay 116£/monthly.
Here is my situation:
I was claim twice.
First claim is from 02/2017, when drunken driver crash to my car and run away on road before my house. - 685£ for repair.
Second claim is from 03/2018 fire damage from another car and total loss. 1505£ claimed.
I was never been in my car when happened.
Both claims are as my fault, because in first case insurance company cannot identified this driver.
Second case I was send proof, which car start burn and fire, but insurance company don't accept this and mark as my fault again..
And now send me renewal to 174£ due next month..
I was try compare pages and everywhere is price so high.
But i think is really unfair this claims as my fault, because never been in car. Is possible some here resolve this? Or going to court or somewhere?
Really thank you for any advice.