Could be the torque converter itself, has it seen hard use, is the correct level showing on the gearbox dipstick and oil looks clean, assuming it has a dipstick.
Alternatively it could be something as obscure as an engine or gearbox mounting going a little soft, and yes i have had odd things like this before and they can take an awful lot of tracking down, especially if the sound is intermittent.
A quick change of the transmission oils would be my first move here and see if it makes any difference at all, not forgetting any extra oils that might be required to send drive to the rear axle on one of these, it would be cheap enough and is part of good ongoing servicing anyway, and you'll be able to filter and examine the old oil, doesn't need to be Honda's Gucci oil, there are many makers of equivalent oils much cheaper to be found.
Edited by gordonbennet on 05/03/2019 at 13:57