I don`t know how many other B.R`s notice that many of the reg plates fitted to new cars are fitted way out of horizontal. In some cases, I have noticed the plate almost an inch/25mm higher on one side than the other. This begs the question, - are U.K. spanner monkeys all short sighted, or do they turn up for work high on coke/export lager!!!!
I never understood why the industry does not settle on a standard and have pre-drilled plates and captive non corrodind inserts the the plate to be fixed to. Clearly far to obviuos. Regards Peter
When I collected my new V70 2.4T in The Netherlands in March, I didn't pay much attention to how the Dutch export plates were fitted.
Having ordered a pair of legal UK plates, to the correct size, I was then pleased that I declined the offer to purchase any new plastic screw or sticky tape: The Dutch plates were simply clipped in to a plastic tray that holds them on all four sides.
After springing the plates out, the UK ones slotted straight in. Perfick. The best thing that the EU has ever done for me! :-))
>>> The Dutch plates were simply clipped in to a plastic tray that holds them on all four sides. <<<
Holds was meant to be 'held', but you get the drift.
The Old Speckled Hen that's nearly disappeared from the glass obviously works wonders!
The reason plates and PDI is done to such a poor standard is that the school leaver doing the job earns less than the bog cleaner and had less training.In most dealerships its just a 'nothing' job.