Yuasa are actually what the japanese prefer to fit to their cars Hybrid & others, in my experience they are a very good solid reliable battery & generally come with long warranties.
Its best to make sure you have your radio code if you need one, generally speaking Honda put a card in the owners handbook wallet with the 4 digit code written on it.
Its pretty easy for anyone to change the 12 volt battery but do take extra special care that you get it the correct way round & the polarity is correct.
You have nothing to worry about with the IMA system it just resets it completely so when it starts as normal the state of charge guage will read zero but don't worry! you will also see four green charge bars appear on the charge/assist guage just let the engine idle until these green bars go out - the state of charge guage will gradually have risen & settled at its true reading. Hope this helps.
hybrid battery solutions