Lots of good advice above.
A few bits and pieces from me:
The Crit'Air thing is going to get bigger. Places with emission-restricted zones at present are: Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Lille, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Chambery, Ma***ille.
If you’re going to be near, or passing through, check exactly where the zones are. If you need a sticker, you can get one sent to you here in the UK (if there's time before you go).
Priorité à droite – I have, in many thousands of kilometres of driving, only been caught out by this once. It was in a town somewhere in France, where a car came bowling out of a side-street. Fortunately I was going slowly and was able to stop. Rural cross-roads are another potential danger point.
As I understand it, the breathalyser thing is as good as dead and I wouldn't bother about it.
GB Stickers are compulsory within the EU unless your UK registration plates display the GB Euro-symbol.
Halfords do a Motoring Abroad Kit for £35, but I'm not convinced it's actually cheaper than buying the bits separately.
Edit: Love what the swear filter has done to that port in the south of France!
Edited by FP on 30/10/2018 at 13:18