Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - HB1man


So Engine for my Mazda 6 2015 seized yesterday. Took it to Mazda, said in needs a new engine.... 9k....

Was driving then all of sudden no acceleration and engine and oil light came up. Drove to side of road. Tried to restart, first time it cranked, second time just died... Had if for a year and a half, disappointed would be an understatement. just out of warranty for last 6 months

They said they will speak to Mazda as i have had all service history at Mazda since I got it (1.5 years ago).

Problem is before that the service was not at Mazda so doubt anything will come of it, That's what the guy on the phone from Mazda was hinting at.

I'm in UK. Any help with what my options could be? Can I claim anything from Mazda since I just had my service there last month?

Would a local garage be of any help, second hand motors? Dont want to go down a route where I am just spending more an more cash on it without getting a fix.

Any help/advice would be great.


Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - SLO76
I’m assuming it’s a 2.2 diesel? Very common to see these fail but the petrol engines are usually bulletproof. I always recommend dealer servicing with anything complex like this, not only do you get goodwill beyond the warranty term but you’re guaranteed they’ll know what they’re doing and will use the correct oil. I’d want to verify that the last garage to service it hasn’t caused the problem by using the wrong oil. Might be worth getting it tested to see.
Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - HB1man

Thanks. Yes its a 2.2 diesel.

Well the dealership that it is at is where it was serviced last month. The cost is 9k to replace which is pretty much what the car is worth so would not be worth it for me.

Probably thinking buying a second hand engine and selling if possible. Need to see if thats even possible first..

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - SLO76
The second hand engine industry is full of rogues and scumbags so you need to be very careful. You could end up with the wrong engine or something that’s knackered too. I agree that it has no value without an engine but I’d be tempted to sell it as salvage rather than take the risk.
Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - skidpan

The car is 3 years old so possibly still under warranty.

But if its over 3 years old you are still within the time allowed by consumer law 2015 for a repair. At that age you would have to prove its a defect that was present when the car was new and considering how many failures there have been on cars with this engine it should not be too difficult.

I am normally wary of offering advice to use this law but in your case I would feel its well worth a try. I suggest you make an appointment with a speciaist solicitor and in the meantime research as much as you can about failures of this engine. No need to go far, plenty on here and the Mazda forum

Best of luck but if I was in your position its a route I would be taking.

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - HB1man

thanks. Will consider this although think the difficulty will be in proving it was there before I bought it and the 'proof' needed for that

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - Engineer Andy

As per my question and the OP's answer, the problem could well be partly or completely down to it doing predominantly shorter trips of late, and the DPF active regen being interrupted (and the consequences that follow for this particular engine) when the car is switched off, say at the end of their commute.

I doubt if this could be caught in that EU 6 year 'free from manufacturing defects' warranty claim rule as its not a fault of the manufacturing process - its more that it not being driven as it was designed to, though you could argue there is a design flaw that makes the consequences of doing so far worse than, on other diesel engines, though I think all suffer to some degree in this regard. Mazda would've been inudated with claims had it been proven to be the case.

I do think, however, Mazda should make some offer of goodwill on the first instance of this issue occuring IF the original owner (or if it was sold by a main dealer to the current owner) was not told that such cars will experience DPF related issues like this if driven from cold for short trips most of the time. What that contribution should or would be is another matter...

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - gordonbennet

Used engine out of write off the only real option here (though likely to be in high demand from the many similar failures), even if you had full main dealer history the reports seen here and elsewhere don't exactly convey confidence in them doing the right thing, but you never know.

Edited by gordonbennet on 25/09/2018 at 15:32

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - HB1man

Thanks. Do you know any reliable places where I can purchase one? tbh, i am thinking to get it fixed at a reasonable price and sold ASAP

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - Engineer Andy

Just to ask a question, well, a few: if you bought it second hand, what was the mileage when you bought it (how old was it at the time), and what is the mileage now, and what annual mileage do you do, and what type of driving: mainly urban short trips from cold, a mix with longer trips on faster flowing roads, or mainly motorway driving?

I ask, as problems with Mazda disels, and especially that engine (see HJ's review of the Mazda6 and the Good an Bad section, re: active DPF regens being interrupted and fuel being dumped into the sump until it goes pop) can easily result from running them on predominantly short urban journeys from cold - ie. if that's you, then you might want to consider getting rid of the car even if you fix it and get a petrol engined car, especially if you don't do more than 20k miles pa. The petrol engined cars are signifcantly more reliable, though it won't be as quick (2.0) as the 2.2TD for the most part.

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - HB1man

Second Hand. Had done around 38k

Your right. I don't do a lot of miles. 10k a year with short trips and a 10 mile daily commute.

Thats the plan. Get it fixed without paying crazy amounts and then sell.. Just figuring out the best way to fix...

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - Engineer Andy

Second Hand. Had done around 38k

Your right. I don't do a lot of miles. 10k a year with short trips and a 10 mile daily commute.

Thats the plan. Get it fixed without paying crazy amounts and then sell.. Just figuring out the best way to fix...

Probably for the best. Someone else's problem afterwards.

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - KJP 123

I think that I have to agree with Engineer Andy. There is a rule that goods have to be durable for a period deemed to be 6 years but Mazda would seem to have an argument that it was usage not a manufacturing fault that caused this failure. It seems that the further the DFP is away from the engine heat the more active regens. it has to do.

Not sure how far I would go in blaming dealers for not advising customers on suitability of a car; what about the harsher ride, durability and cost of large diameter wheels and tyres? Some level of common knowledge on the part of customers has to be assumed and they can be offended.

Ebay and Gumtree have listings for this engine. Only looked at Ebay but price seems to be £1,800 to£3,000. First entry has only done 12,000 miles but is at top of price range: car registration and photo of its damage is shown. Probably a good bet if keeping car but, as has been said, a diesel is not suitable for your usage so maybe something cheaper and sell it.

Mazda 6 2015 - Mazda 6 2015 - Engine Seized - HB1man

Hey. To give you guys an update.

I have got the engine fixed/rebuit. Timing chain and gone and bearings. Engine fixed and running ok however the dpf has gone.. mechanic says he tried cleaning but did not work, checked the fuel injectors all ok so it needs a new one, they said they put a hole through the original one in order for car to run! Car runs fine now apparently except when it's still/idle there is white smoke coming out.

Wanted to get a second hand one but they do not want to get one as saying majority are busted. Saying they even tried one from another mazda (there at a breakers) and also didn't work as was faulty.

Going to get it today. I either get it repaired with new one for 2kish, take a risk on a used one or just sell as is to webuyanycar. I wouldn't mind taking a risk on the used dpf but Frankly not confident that that is the only problem. Probably just going to cut my losses and sell.

Edited by HB1man on 30/10/2018 at 13:44