Might seem like a strange question but wondered what others might think.
We've been thinking of installing a couple of CCTV cameras at the front linked to a recorder. We haven't had any trouble but might be moving in the next year or three and wondered whether a potential buyer might be encouraged or put off?
If I were you, I'd first check your local Police Crime Map, going back from the latest one (probably with crimes from 3 months ago) and go as far back, month by month, to see if your street and area has experienced any crime of note, especially those that would be reduced if CCTV were installed, like burglary, car crime, serious anti-social behaviour and/or violence outside the home.
If any/all of these are quite regular and significant in number, then, yes, I'd have (HD) CCTV installed. If not, its more of a hinderence (as well as a significant expense, which I doubt that you'd recoup from [possibly] lower insurance premiums [better to get better locks and store expensive items more securely]) as it could discourage future home buyers by implying that the area has a crime problem when it didn't. A security light or two might be a more useful, cost-effective alternative that can double as a helpful tool for finding the door lock or getting the car in/out of the garage in the dark.
Alarm systems can often be not that great either, as many, even supposedly 'quality' brands, go off on false alarms quite a bit.