Much to my amazement, TfL has replied. An extract of their letter said:
If you believe this information is incorrect we would encourage you to send us a copy of the vehicle' s Conformity Certificate. Alternatively you may wish to contact the vehicle manufacturer's homologation department.
They will need to provide you with a letter signed by a named individual from the homologation department which contains the following information
- vehicle registration mark (VRM) - vehicle identification number (VIN) - euro standard the vehicle was manufactured to - Fuel Type - Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) value and - Particulate matter (PM) value (if diesel)
Clearly TfL is not using the latest information as some previous models of this car were Euro 5, or TfL is simply not up to speed so they assume all are Euro 5. This car is Euro 6.
I've passed it to the leasing company, but I would still have to pay penalties, so it's in my interests to get it sorted.