I am majorly disappointed that HJ continues to promote Japanese cars in view of the fact Japan flagrantly ingores the International Whaling Commission's ban on whaling, especially in the South Atlantic Ocean Sanctuary. I appreciate many people are not bothered by the IWC's ban nor Japan blasting whales with explosive tipped harpoons then allowing them to die a slow drawn out death but, these are probably the same people belly aching over the really trivial and tedious VW 'dieselgate scandal.' We do not even treat animals slaughtered in the UK to be treated like this. You may be could make an exception for Japanese manufacturers whose cars are made in the UK being exempt although personally, I would not buy anything from them.
By your words, anyone who doesn't actively campaign against whaling should be boycotted. There are MANY things that countries around the world allow their people and firms to do that are bad (to me at least), never mind the state-sanctioned nasties.
Many countries in the Middle East are fighting proxy wars and often killing thousand (if not many more) civilians in the name of religion, dogma, ego or all three, yet I don't see you wanting to boycott their oil sales, never mind what the likes of Russia & China seems (in my opinion) to be doing as regards bullying neighbours, etc, or how Venezuela is treating its own citizens, for example.
Germany has been just found out to be, with the full knowledge of the EU Commission, engaging with Russia in an apparently illegal 'sweetheart' deal for natural gas that means it gets a huge discount, paid for by higher prices for other European nations, and often ones that (to me at least) Russia has its 'eye on' to regain influence by bullying tactics and more. Why not call for a boycott of German cars in that case?
Japanese car makers make cars - they don't hunt whales. You may find some actively support environmental campaigns, or at the very least employees do. Don't tar another nation with one brush. Far better to politely (after all, that's what most Japanese people value) persuade the Japanese people to stop whaling by showing them hard facts about the damage its doing. They are a democratic country and are more likely to listen to reason than shouty protests and calls for boycotts, which tend to only work on dictatorships.