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Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - csgmart

Saw this short video on the BBC news website.


Interesting that the US gets treated differently to the EU and other markets.

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - focussed

Saw this short video on the BBC news website.


Interesting that the US gets treated differently to the EU and other markets.

So 350,000 VW owners refused the software update?

Or are consumer laws in the US actually working in favor of the consumer?

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Engineer Andy

Saw this short video on the BBC news website.


Interesting that the US gets treated differently to the EU and other markets.

So 350,000 VW owners refused the software update?

Or are consumer laws in the US actually working in favor of the consumer?

More likely the second - who wouldn't want to be paid in full for a non-new car that, if 'fixed' (even if for free) would use more fuel and not drive so well at best, and have knock-on problems at worst, again, even if fixed FOC.

What's more galling is that, unlike in the States, where the government pretends to be 'on the side of the consumer' (my opinion), all they are doing, similarly to BP, is bashing foreign competition and getting a nice big cheque for doing so.

All the while in Blighty, we are likely to get fined £Bns by the EU before we leave for poluttion levels being 'too high' in cities, most of which are likely to be diesel fumes, and how much is due to VAG diesel cars with defeat devices? And what's being done to punish VAG in the EU? Nothing (no consipracy of silence there, eh Mrs Merkel?). We should pass on the fine to them and add 100% on for the cost of cleaning up the mess - more people with respiratory problems than otherwise would be the case.

Of course, Theresa the Appeaser won't do that, lest it anger her masters over the Channel and remaoner Tory MPs back home.

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Steveieb
Which countries who drive on the right could these cars be sent to ?
Maybe certain South American countries or Eastern Europe ?
Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Bolt
Which countries who drive on the right could these cars be sent to ? Maybe certain South American countries or Eastern Europe ?

None, they should be scrapped, we are supposed to be after improving the air quality not making it worse, which, by using these cars in other countries would do.

defeating the object imo

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Leif
Which countries who drive on the right could these cars be sent to ? Maybe certain South American countries or Eastern Europe ?

None, they should be scrapped, we are supposed to be after improving the air quality not making it worse, which, by using these cars in other countries would do.

defeating the object imo

From a VW point of view, the aim is to sell them on with minimal loss. They did not do this through choice.

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Bolt
Which countries who drive on the right could these cars be sent to ? Maybe certain South American countries or Eastern Europe ?

None, they should be scrapped, we are supposed to be after improving the air quality not making it worse, which, by using these cars in other countries would do.

defeating the object imo

From a VW point of view, the aim is to sell them on with minimal loss. They did not do this through choice.

IF they fix the problems then fair enough, unless I and others have read it wrong, they put a fix for their emissions in the software during testing for MOT (please correct if wrong)- and they did not do this by choice- I see.

So why did they do it, experimenting with software maybe?

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Leif
Which countries who drive on the right could these cars be sent to ? Maybe certain South American countries or Eastern Europe ?

None, they should be scrapped, we are supposed to be after improving the air quality not making it worse, which, by using these cars in other countries would do.

defeating the object imo

From a VW point of view, the aim is to sell them on with minimal loss. They did not do this through choice.

IF they fix the problems then fair enough, unless I and others have read it wrong, they put a fix for their emissions in the software during testing for MOT (please correct if wrong)- and they did not do this by choice- I see.

So why did they do it, experimenting with software maybe?

You misinterpreted my post. They did not allow customers to return cars by choice, it was imposed on them by the US authorities. The point I am making is that your post was rather idealistic, and car makers operate through self interest.

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Engineer Andy
Which countries who drive on the right could these cars be sent to ? Maybe certain South American countries or Eastern Europe ?

None, they should be scrapped, we are supposed to be after improving the air quality not making it worse, which, by using these cars in other countries would do.

defeating the object imo

In my opinion, the act of scrapping them (including of all the people and machinery involved, recycling materials or sending to landfill) and building new cars to replace them will almost certainly emit more fumes of some sort, never mind use more fuel than if they were properly fixed (including supplementary fixes) and put back on the road, albeit likely running at a slightly lower mpg for the remaindre of their lives.

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Bolt
Which countries who drive on the right could these cars be sent to ? Maybe certain South American countries or Eastern Europe ?

None, they should be scrapped, we are supposed to be after improving the air quality not making it worse, which, by using these cars in other countries would do.

defeating the object imo

In my opinion, the act of scrapping them (including of all the people and machinery involved, recycling materials or sending to landfill) and building new cars to replace them will almost certainly emit more fumes of some sort, never mind use more fuel than if they were properly fixed (including supplementary fixes) and put back on the road, albeit likely running at a slightly lower mpg for the remaindre of their lives.

considering they will have already built cars to replace them anyway it makes no difference, scrapping is better than land filled with scrap unless they fix the problems, which I doubt they will bother due to cost

no reason why any of it would go to landfill if its scrapped and recycled properly, but as its their fault its their problem

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - focussed

Fri 30 Mar 2018 21:54

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - bolt
Which countries who drive on the right could these cars be sent to ? Maybe certain South American countries or Eastern Europe ?

None, they should be scrapped, we are supposed to be after improving the air quality not making it worse, which, by using these cars in other countries would do.

defeating the object imo

Yes that's right - continue promoting the myth that cars are the only cause of air pollution.

15 of the largest ships in the world emit an equivalent quantity of harmful pollutants as all the vehicles in the world today - but that's impossible to police or tax, so it gets ignored.

If you need to get an idea of just how many ships are transitting the English Channel right now, check out www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-0.8/cen...7

Edited by focussed on 01/04/2018 at 13:56

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Bolt

Yes that's right - continue promoting the myth that cars are the only cause of air pollution

I think its a myth anyway allways have done, my point was these motors were taken off the road because they broke the emmisions laws, which are being stored possibly to resell as is

imo this is being hypocritical if they are to be sold to another country that emmisions laws are not as strict, so allow these cars to be used, they may as well have carried on using them in the country they were originally used in

I often visit an area that overlooks the shipping lanes so see it regularly

I do believe global warming is taking effect but I do not believe motors have anything to do with it,imo its a natural phenomenon thats been taking place on and off for millions of years

it seems though, some people do not believe the world changes, I do

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Mr Carrot Cake

Boring colours. I think I saw one yellow car.

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - daveyK_UK
Regardless of the motives for the US consumer law, at least its working in the interest of consumers.

It’s been widely established by commentators on both sides of the EU debate that it places German and to a lesser extent French car makers special interest at the heart of its policies.
Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Engineer Andy
Regardless of the motives for the US consumer law, at least its working in the interest of consumers. It’s been widely established by commentators on both sides of the EU debate that it places German and to a lesser extent French car makers special interest at the heart of its policies.

I would say yes and no to that statement - I think the motives behind the US Government's handling of dieselgate is of importance, as, in my opinion, they go easy on US car manufacturers for the same reason that the Germans/EU have as regards VAG - they prefer to hit foreign competitors (including countries) rather than home-grown ones that have significant political influence, AND, more importantly, employ hundreds of thousands of people from their country who are eligable to VOTE.

I mean, would the US goverment be going after Ford or GM if they'd done the same - I think not. In my opinion, most Western countries consumer law is a waste of time, as business interests take precedence over proper (and fair to both sides) consumer protection. Occasionally the politicians and their underlings in the quangos virtue signal on consumer issues, normally when an important election is due or to deflect from other problems of their own making. The US themselves have spent decades, in my view, in propping up their failing motor industry with effective subsidies for making rubbish cars.

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - madf

See the handling by the UK of the Whirlpool saga. Refusal (effectively) to repair faulty goods likely to cause a fire - spread over years..

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - sammy1

This waste to the planet as a whole is a scandal, VW should shipping these cars to a country where they are acceptable emmission wise, or consider the cost of changing the engines and anciilary mechanics to petrol. What about the rest of the Audi diesels? Surely any damage to the planet has already ocurred on the making of the vehicles in the first place. Like other views I think that is almost hypocritical to believe that the more developed nations are saving the planet with their politicaaly driven motives. If they are that concerned then we should stop manufacturing, liner cruising, flying, shipping countainers all over the world,wars, going to the moon, volcanoes, forest fires etc. The rapid increase in world population is unsustainable. The harm the human population has done to the planet over the last 100 years is evident everywhwere. You may say that you have to start somewhere but the reality is humans are selfish and governments need growth so making the right noises is seen to be doing something

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - corax

Like other views I think that is almost hypocritical to believe that the more developed nations are saving the planet with their politicaaly driven motives. If they are that concerned then we should stop manufacturing, liner cruising, flying, shipping countainers all over the world,wars, going to the moon, volcanoes, forest fires etc. The rapid increase in world population is unsustainable. The harm the human population has done to the planet over the last 100 years is evident everywhwere. You may say that you have to start somewhere but the reality is humans are selfish and governments need growth so making the right noises is seen to be doing something

I agree entirely, although I think we would find it difficult to stop a volcano :-)

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Bolt

Like other views I think that is almost hypocritical to believe that the more developed nations are saving the planet with their politicaaly driven motives. If they are that concerned then we should stop manufacturing, liner cruising, flying, shipping countainers all over the world,wars, going to the moon, volcanoes, forest fires etc. The rapid increase in world population is unsustainable. The harm the human population has done to the planet over the last 100 years is evident everywhwere. You may say that you have to start somewhere but the reality is humans are selfish and governments need growth so making the right noises is seen to be doing something

I agree entirely, although I think we would find it difficult to stop a volcano :-)

I am more worried about plastic waste getting into the food chain than the state of the air, its amazing how little attention has been made to something that a lot of people chuck out their car windows onto the road

and other waste thrown into roads parks and anywhere they cannot be seen dumping, one local road has an old trailer full of rubbish dumped almost in the middle of the road,thats just an example of how bad dumping is now !

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - corax

Containers need to be biodegradable - you'll never stop people dropping rubbish, but at least it might disappear after a year or so.

The type of plastic used to store meat seems to be one of the worst. It's never recyclable, and it seems crazy that the contents get eaten in a few minutes but the wrapping lasts thousands of years.

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Steveieb
Heard today from a motoring colleague that some of the stocks are finding their way back onto to the UK market .
After paying for shipping at £800 and uk type approval they are on sale for between 7-10 k and advertised on Autotrader.
Has anyone seen any of these VW/Audis on sale ?
Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - 520i

In left hand drive format?!

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Steveieb
Would say yes as it would be too difficult to source the parts and convert to RHD.
And at a bargain price they may sell.
Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Engineer Andy
Would say yes as it would be too difficult to source the parts and convert to RHD. And at a bargain price they may sell.

I don't know why they don't just sell them (if they can't in the US) to another LHD country, especially on the same continent, many of whom probably want a good deal for a car more than caring about pollution (and not so bad if they're replacing older, more polluting cars anyway).

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - sammy1

Which is more polluting a diesel golf burning 1 gallon diesel to cover 70 miles or the eqivalent petrol car burning 2 gallons to go the same distance. When you take into consideration getting the crude out of the ground or sea(more cost) transport to refinery then to filling station twice as much petrol has to be moved for the equvalent miles. If governments want us out of our cars a vast improvement of public transport and availability is urgently required.

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Bolt

If governments want us out of our cars a vast improvement of public transport and availability is urgently required.

people have been telling them that for years, but didn`t you know they are deaf/not interested, probably got shares in oil

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - galileo

If governments want us out of our cars a vast improvement of public transport and availability is urgently required.

people have been telling them that for years, but didn`t you know they are deaf/not interested, probably got shares in oil

I think it is the fuel duty that is their main concern, about 58p per litre now (or £2.63 per gallon). If you were constantly being nagged by pressure group after pressure group to hand out more taxpayers' cash would you encourage people to buy less fuel and forgo the revenue?

Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Steveieb
The scientist who broke the news about VW s software fixes was driving a 1996 Honda Accord which probably emitted far more pollution than any VW/Audi diesel !

Another factor maybe, is that the US imports more goods from Germany than China , which usually is quoted as the largest imbalance .

And how do the Tuc tucs and the Ape get type approval in the EC?
Volkswagen - VW graveyard in the US - Engineer Andy
The scientist who broke the news about VW s software fixes was driving a 1996 Honda Accord which probably emitted far more pollution than any VW/Audi diesel !

OF course, but it doesn't take into account all the polution caused by people over the same period buying three cars, which needed energy to (and thus CO2 emissions and otherpollutants produced):

  • Mine the raw materials for the two new cars;
  • Transport said raw materials to be refined into pure ones for use in industry;
  • The refining process of the materials and processing all the way until usable metals, plastics and carbon composites are formed;
  • Transportation of said refined materials to manufacturing plants and again from them to the car assemby plant;
  • Design, test and manufacturer the car;
  • Transport it to the local dealer plus storage and sales requirements;
  • Provide marketing;
  • Etc, etc.

If this was so much lower (per car, on average) than the difference in CO2, NO2 etc emissions from one generation of car to another, or even two generations apart, then we'd ALL be (by law) required to change our cars every 3-5 years.

Its the reason why (good) engineers never recommend, despite government 'campaigns' to do so, to change perfectly serviceable/reliable boilers that just happen to be (say) 15-20 years old and 20% less efficient than the latest ones. That and you never save the money you spend on buying and installing the new one over its lifetime (even if that's 15 years or more).

In my opinion, only change if the unit (car, boiler, whatever) isn't reliable (despite regular new parts) and is having a big knock-on impact on your life, including if parts get scarce and expertise is thin on the ground (and become thus very expensive to keep going [then it is worthwhile to change]), OR if the way it works isn't condusive to your needs and cannot be modified to suit reasonably easily/cheaply at no cost to reliability or other important criteria.

Why replace something that works acceptably?