Nissan X Trail1.6 Dci - 2015 X Trail clutch issue when reversing - nig.xl

Car is nearly 3 years old with 30K miles. It's the 1.6 DCI 130 bhp lump with selectable 4WD.
So a month left of warranty I decided to get a niggle sorted out.
When reversing uphill I get an awful groaning sort of noise which begins as the clutch engages and continues until I reduce throttle or press the clutch again.
Initially Nissan had the car in and changed an upper engine mount which did nothing as expected.
Now they are saying it is a characteristic of the car ???
Clutch is also smelling pretty bad, but apparently that's normal too ???
I'm tempted to take it to another dealership which is a 2 hour round trip for me which is fine if it can get sorted but so far the car has been in 3 times to the local dealer and I'm just getting fobbed off.
Anyone heard of this issue on the T32 X Trail Diesel before?

Edited by nig.xl on 25/01/2018 at 16:01