I don't have a driveway at present but the Close is so quiet that parking on the road is rarely an issue.
However, in our last house we lived in a short cul de sac and we had the only driveway in the street, all the others being obliged to park on the road. Because of the position of our house at the head of the cul de sac, and because we had no frontage onto the road itself, we had to rely on our next door neighbour to leave enough space for us to get in, which she invariably did, bless her.
However, several other neighbours were less considerate, and I spent a good amount of time knocking on doors, politely asking folks to move their cars for the umpteenth time so I could get in, and because I am pretty good at asking nicely nobody ever refused.
However, there were occasions when the offender had themselves been having trouble getting into the street to park, and clearly felt like asking me why I considered myself to be a special case just because we had a driveway. Fortunately they never did ask, and eventually we left all that behind.
However, in the house before that we had Hell because of lorries delivering to a local shop and parking outside our house. Another story.
Good luck with your particular problem, ORB. It baffles me why some people seem to take the route of being stupidly ignorant when being considerate makes life so much easier for all concerned.
Edited by argybargy on 08/09/2017 at 10:51