Playing devils advocate for a moment, and bear in mind i've never even sat in a i40 let alone driven one.
The 1.7 engine in these is really quite a small unit for a large car, if its coupled with a high first gear then even if the driver thinks they are treating the clucth gently, its going to see some graft getting that car moving.
If this is part of the issue then the make and model is far from alone in this and many makes have similar issues and many owners of these modern cars are finding they are having early clutch failures where in previous car ownership this wasn't the case.
These modern Diesel engines have little useful torque until the turbo comes on stream, hence clutch being slipped involuntarily dozens and possibly hundreds of times a day.
I'm not criticising you understand, i spent many years driving car transporters so am well aware of this issue, some modern cars proving very difficult to load (including some high end 4x4's which needed to be set in low range if they had such a fitting) due to poor low engine rev torque and high first and reverse gears.
For those who have driven this car does this observation ring any bells?