Good point Galileo, i did wonder about that, but it's one thing us here using our judgement about such an obvious repair to our own vehicle...where we'd probably check the rest of wishbone for deterioration and the joint in question for wear and dirt ingress and if happy its serviceable repack with grease before fitting a new dust over...and advising a poster who is probably not mechanically minded to do the same, always assuming one can buy dust covers/boots still?
In theory the dust cover replacement should only require wheel removal and the bottom joint taper separating, a lot less involved, unless the joint is the type under constant pressure against the spring, as were Morris 1000's Marina's and oddly enough Landruiser Colorado series up to 2002, in such designs for those who haven't seen them, the suspension is designed that the bottom swivel/ball joint is under constant pressure from the road spring trying to rip the ball out of the socket, very poor design flaw with serious results if the joint rips out, most designs are the other way.
Edited by gordonbennet on 06/07/2017 at 15:20