I replaced the antifreeze on friend\'s 5 series bmw 6 cyl. 1994.
Job done... started it up, the temp. started rising well over half way, steaming all over the engine compartment. Tried to bleed it again on those two bleeders on top of radiator and on thermostat housing, no improvement. Also noted the heater is not blowing hot air, there are 3 rubber hoses going into the bulkhead onto the heater matrix - they were hot.
Anybody these poor man in big problems please
thank you
try asking on the BMW owners discussion forums (link posted many times previously). Alternatively, a serach on google brings up quite a few links.
PS. - I hope no lasting damage has been done to the engine.
As you may have noticed, I have removed Marcos's and your *discussion*. Los has asked a question regarding a cooling problem with a BMW. Now can anyone help him, rather than sidetracking off the given subject with personal views about the rights and wrongs of changing antifreeze and whether people have psychic powers or not? DD
Thank you guys for the input.Eventually got it sorted squashing
the heat matrix inlet hoses for about 15 min.