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Any - Enrolment Contract (Sixth Form College) - nick62

Hello, I am seeking legal advise on an Enrolment Contract for my 16 year old daughters entry into a Sixth Form College that both she and us (as parents) have to sign.

As it not motoring related I have not posted it in the "Legal Matters" forum.

Following a sucessful audition last week at one college, she has been sent an Enrolment Contract that must be signed within 30 days in order to guarantee the place. She has auditions at other establishments, the outcomes of which may not be known until after the 30 days above has passed.

Are we entitled to not go ahead with this college if "better" offers arrive subsequently, even though we have signed the Enrolment Contract?

I fully understand it is difficult with seeing the document, and why oh why is education so confusing nowadays, it wasn't like this in the 70's?

Any - Enrolment Contract (Sixth Form College) - FP

'Are we entitled to not go ahead with this college if "better" offers arrive subsequently, even though we have signed the Enrolment Contract?'

This of course depends on the wording of the contract. A contract binds two parties within an "offer/acceptance" framework. The college wants to know how many students are agreeing to enrol, so they can manage numbers and organise teaching.

I strongly suspect you know the answer already and are looking for a get-out. Unless there is something in the wording of the contract that indicates it is not binding (in which case, why bother with it?) then failure to enrol is a breach of the contract.

If you sign, you may wish to consider what sanctions would operate in the case of a breach. If money has been paid that would probably be forfeit. If no money is involved or the amount is small you might decide just to walk away.

Or you might decide to delay signing to see what other offers arrive, in the hope that the place you have aready been offered will still be available outside the 30-day window if you need it.

Really, we need to see the wording of the contract to be able to advise fully.

Edited by FP on 07/02/2017 at 16:05

Any - Enrolment Contract (Sixth Form College) - concrete

I suspect nick62 that your daughter would prefer one of the other options should her auditions be successful. If these other auditions fall outside the 30 day window then you are in a cleft stick. I would examine the contract very carefully and the wording of the clauses. Maybe you have a legal eagle in the family. I believe that 6th form is still part of government funded full time education, so I see no clause that could legally bind you to a certain establishment. I have heard that people readily change schools and colleges to suit their circumstances. I understand your motives and your desire to see her have the best education, but would this particular 6th form make a difference to her prospects if she continued to university? Would the prefered option open more doors later on? The choice is yours so good luck with your decision. If there is no binding clause I would accept and then decline later if a better offer comes through. These colleges are usually fighting each other for 'bums on seats' so don't be too worried about the affect of your decision.

Cheers Concrete

Any - Enrolment Contract (Sixth Form College) - nick62

Thanks guys, I also think the contract is probably not worth the paper it is written-on regarding binding you to that establishment. I think it is more to do with satisfying government "paperwork standards", so they get the funds to cover the cost of the course?

She will not be going to university as she is not acedemic in the slightest. But in this crazy world of British education, you "need" a maths GCSE to flip burgers.

Apparently anyone who does not pass English and/or maths GCSE is made to retake it whilst they are at sixth form college, and re-take it again until they pass (probably unlikely), or get to the end of their two year course - what a waste of time for those who are not up to it (what is the point of an exam if everyone passes)?

Having a son who is at the opposite end of the acedemic scale, (he got the best A level results in his school and has a place at Cambridge), makes you realise how incredibly difficult it is for kids who are not this way inclined!

Any - Enrolment Contract (Sixth Form College) - concrete

Take heart nick. My son is the same, IQ in the highest level, sailed his degree, but still a nice guy with his feet firmly on the ground with a lovely wife and excellent friends. We put that down to his common sense upbringing. The eldest girl did not wish to go to university, although very clever, just in a different way. She has excelled at two careers before finally joining the police and really enjoying a great career now. I remember at her initial training course, she was among the eldest, most of the younger ones had a degree of some sort but very little in the way of common sense or general awareness. She left them for dead academically and physically too as she progressed through the course. It is a shame that through this inept policy in pursuit of degree level candidates for just about anything, that the degree has now been devalued anyway. Just the opposite of what was intended. We just taught ours to use the brain they were given and we always played cards, board games and sports as a recreation and development tool. It seemed to work for us. The new joke is: What is the next thing you say after someone has told you they have a degree?

Can I have fries with that order!!! Shame but true.

I always remember my old night school lecturer who insisted there was a large printed sign on the wall next to the blackboard, which read.....

Just because you are clever doesn't stop you being a fool!!!!!

If you have put in the right stuff you and yours will get the right result.

Cheers Concrete

Any - Enrolment Contract (Sixth Form College) - nick62

Nice encouraging words Concrete, thank you.

Our daughter is very athletic, so hopefully in time she will find something she enjoys and pays well enough to live on?