Dear me, will the last honest person to leave the country please turn the lights out, these low life's deserve nothing other then cold darkness and hunger.
I doubt any claim has come in from the third party at all, this sounds like something has crawled out from under it's rock and hopes they can con your passengers into making a claim against you, using the rip of mob on the phone of course, to grab that pot before someone else who doesn't exist does, its a must buy today or quickly sales con, nothing else.
I used to get just the same vague lies when certain mobile phone sales bods would ring me around the time my mobile contract was up for renewal, they tried to make out it was Orange themselves on the line, i would play them along giving me the standard deal, then asked them specifics about the extra thousands of minutes i had on my far from standard contract (cos i've been with Orange virtually since they started up), of course they couldn't answer this because it wasn't Orange calling at all and they would finally have to admit it, yes silly i know but if i was on a 3 hour drive it was quite enjoyable wasting half an hour of their day and phone costs.
The calls no longer happens, presumably my mobile number is listed in the don't bother with this idiot category.
OP if they do call back it might be amusing, if you have nothing better to do, than to string them along for as long as possible wasting as much of their time paperwork and admin as you can manage, if you act eager to be in on the £6k cash going begging, helpfully enlisting your wife acting the right part if she's with you during the call, i bet you can get an hour of their day and possibly one or more return calls before they twig it.
Edited by gordonbennet on 14/01/2017 at 08:41