07 Ford Fiesta Style Climate - Unlocking Odd Sound - mr j whitehead

Hi guys,

Just got an 07 Ford Fiesta Style Climate, after a day of having it, when unlocking with the remote, there's an odd whistling/high pitched sound coming from what sounds like the engine bay, when unlocking with the key, there's no noise, the noise only lasts about 45 seconds max and only seems to do it in the morning.

any ideas of what this may be..

07 Ford Fiesta Style Climate - Unlocking Odd Sound - elekie&a/c doctor

Very odd.There is nothing under the bonnet connected to the cdl system.However,it is possible someone at some point has added an after market alarm system and this could be a noise from the sounder.

07 Ford Fiesta Style Climate - Unlocking Odd Sound - mr j whitehead

It's odd as it doesn't do it all the time, I have no idea about the alarm