Our last tennants claimed the house was very damp, and had a terrible problem with mould, (despite it being our former family home for 30+ years prevoiusly with NO problemes whatsoever)!
Went round to investigate and was no so pleased to discover almost every radiator adorned in damp washing and all the windows closed.
Both the tennants, (man and wife) have honours degrees, one first class I understand. It's a pity they don't teach them common sense at university.
From the level of knowledge and intellect displayed by many graduates these days they might as well have got them from cornflake packets.
There was a time when only the top 4 or 5 percent of were able to qualify for a degree course, now the system (GCSE/A Levels) is devalued so that pretty much any sucker can fork out £9000 a year to be a 'university student'.
Who benefits from this? Not the students who find their qualification is only good for flipping burgers or similar menial tasks, nor employers who find they need serious amounts of on-the-job training.
Of course, Dave and George of the last Government were graduates too, make of that what you will.