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Omega MV6 wiper stalk - smokie
Having had the car almost two years, I just noticed something...

On the right hand stalk I have the wiper stalk with the usual positions, and the little wheel to vary the intermittent wipe speed.

On the end of the stalk there are three buttons - a centre one which pushes inwards towards the wheel, then an upper and lower one marked R and S respectively.

It looks suspiciously like cruise control to me (R = RESUME, S - SET, button = ON/OFF), but it doesn't do anything. And the manual shows Cruise Control ("where fitted") on the left hand stalk but nothing on the right hand...

Anyone any idea what this might be?
Omega MV6 wiper stalk - Dynamic Dave
The "R" and "S" buttons are for the multi function display. "S" scrolls through the different displays - Constant Fuel Consumption, Average Fuel Consumption, Gallons left in fuel tank, Average speed, Trip Mileage, How many miles worth of fuel you have left, stop watch, and temperature display. The "R" button resets each one separately, or if held down for a few seconds resets the lot apart from Temperature and Constant fuel consumption. No idea what the middle button does.
Omega MV6 wiper stalk - henry k
I have no experience of an Omega but had similar situation with a Focus. Hope this might help.
I studied the Haynes manual and found that the button on the stalk just supplied an earth to the Trip computer.
I removed the stalk and unpluged it.
Identified the pin nos on the plug.
Turned on the ignition
Supplied an earth to the pin concerned and the functions cycled through.
So happy it was not the software I fitted a new stalk £25 and problem sorted.
Omega MV6 wiper stalk - smokie
LOL Dave - I KNEW that, don't know why I asked!! It was one of my favourite toys until I covered the MFD with the speed camera locator which I bought a couple of weeks back, so when I pressed the buttons I couldn't see anything happen!

Interesting that I couldn't see it in the manual - will check again...

Mental block! Sorry!
Omega MV6 wiper stalk - SpamCan61 {P}
Are you sure you've got 3 buttons guv? mine's only got the 'R' and 'S' buttons; which do indeed function as described. The data is on page 31 of my '96 vintage manual.
Omega MV6 wiper stalk - smokie
This is turning into another of those threads I wish I'd never started!

It LOOKS like 3 buttons, the middle one being bulbous. However closer inspection shows the bulbous part is integral with the bottom button, so yes, it's only 2.

However the part of the manual describing the wiper operation shows the stalk WITHOUT the buttons. Hence (some of) my confusion.

It's on p 37 of MY manual :-Þ

Omega MV6 wiper stalk - SpamCan61 {P}
Page 37..they must have added more toys between my model and yours....;-)
Omega MV6 wiper stalk - Chad.R
On my '95 Omega the Range function of the TC seems to be "stuck" - by that I mean it always shows the range for a FULL tank at the current average consumption not matter how many times I reset it. For example the fuel gauge may be in the red but if I'm doing a steady 50-60, the Range will show as 450+ miles!

All the other functions work fine. Any ideas on how to reset this?

Omega MV6 wiper stalk - Mark (RLBS)
Mine did exactly that, but only once. To get rid of it I ran the car almost out of gas, reset it while sat in a petrol station and then filled it, and then repeated that a few days later.

Seemed to solve the problem, although that could have been coincidence.
Omega MV6 wiper stalk - Chad.R
Cheers Mark - I'll try resetting it when I'm running on "fumes", must remind myself to put that jerrycan in the boot ;-)

Omega MV6 wiper stalk - nigethain
Dont look at the Fuel consumption or Miles left readouts.... It gets depressing when driving around town !!
Omega MV6 wiper stalk - smokie
Company fuel card :-))