Ford Fiesta 2006 - No-Fault claim advice required - c889096

My daily workhorse Ford Fiesta was damaged while parked unattended on the street by a driver who reversed into the O/S/R door and ran off. Long story, I got some witnesses and reported the incident to my insurer, TP insurer and police.

TP denied fault at the time and their insurance asked for my evidence. Very rude insurers.

I wanted to wait for TP to admit liability before proceeding with a claim. I asked some body shops to assess the damage and it will cost around £1200 to fix with a new door as the door will need replacing.

Its taken a while but now my insurance has all the info to pursue a claim (written witness statements, pictures etc) and have sent the documents over to TP insurer.

Now if the TP insurer admits liability I have the choice to

  • Making the claim directly with them (very rude and difficult insurer)
  • Making the claim with my insurer (helpful and friendly)

Who should I go with?

I have a feeling that the car will be a write off cat D mostly. I can get a second-hand door fitted with some paint-work to match it for £400. So I would like to be able to buy the car back and all that.

What is the best way to handle this? I have read some insurers don't offer buy back.

Note: I'd appreciate comments from those who have some experience (first or second hand) in this matter. Opinions often don't help much. Thanks.

Edited by c889096 on 07/07/2016 at 14:40

Ford Fiesta 2006 - No-Fault claim advice required - SlidingPillar

You've pretty well answered your own question. Speak to your own insurer and ask them if they offer buy-back.

Ford Fiesta 2006 - No-Fault claim advice required - c889096

The doubts in my mind are:

  • What if my insurer say they dont offer buy back?
  • Is it better for me to get it fixed myself and just send receipts to TP insurer (only worry here they are difficult to get hold of, dont answer phone, spent hours on hold)
  • If the car is a cat D write off does that mean my insurance policy will be closed and I will need to get a new policy. (I am only 4 months into my policy and paid £700 for it)
  • Will the no-fault claim count a being made on my policy during renewal (I've seen this increases premiums)


Ford Fiesta 2006 - No-Fault claim advice required - scot22

* Then its not an option

* TP insurers sound as if they would object to not having had input to repair work and opportunities to inspect

* Yes - if your insurers pay for the loss, that is the end of their liability for which you have paid. If TP pays I would hope that your insurers would simply accept change of details.

* Possibly.

There a well qualified people on the forum who can give answers with authority. These are just my opinions.

Last but not least : sorry you're having some much hassle through no fault of your own. Best wishes for success.

Ford Fiesta 2006 - No-Fault claim advice required - TedCrilly
You will get opinions but the only people who can provide DEFINATIVE answers to those questions are your insurance co themselves.
Ford Fiesta 2006 - No-Fault claim advice required - scot22

Exactly. However, people do sometimes post because they want to offload their concern and find out whatr other people think.