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European referendum result - FoxyJukebox

So--there will be no exit poll after the voting has finished on 23/6 due to there being no previous precedent. The Electoral Commison's earliest estimate of a nationwide result will come in around 07.00am the next morning.

So why pray is the media getting all excited by shifts of so called "polled public opinion" ( "Brexit in the lead/Remain in the lead?) when it is clearly pure conjecture?

European referendum result - Wackyracer

The show isn't over until the rotund lady sings. I can only assume that all this waffling on the state propaganda machine is to somehow try and persuade voters to change their minds.

When you realise just how obtuse some people are, it is no wonder that all this nonsense works on them.

European referendum result - concrete

So--there will be no exit poll after the voting has finished on 23/6 due to there being no previous precedent. The Electoral Commison's earliest estimate of a nationwide result will come in around 07.00am the next morning.

So why pray is the media getting all excited by shifts of so called "polled public opinion" ( "Brexit in the lead/Remain in the lead?) when it is clearly pure conjecture?

The answer is quite simple. The people employed in the news 'industry' will sieze on any piece of information that can be turned into a 'news' item. I levelled this criticism at Jeremy Vine and he wasn't pleased I asked the question, nor could he answer it. Just like politicians then! He was due to have an item on his radio programme about an announcement by the health minister. The health minister postponed the announcement, but Jeremy and his team had an item on why they thought the announcement was postponed. A win win situation there. I asked him why and he couldn't answer properly.I also asked him why, on the evening news, there was a reporter, a lighting man, a sound engineer and various other operatives outside the health department at 10.20pm. The outside reporter then simply told us exactly what the studio presenter had just told us. Ridiculous. And the cost! All I got was waffle and bluster. It seems that the news is now really a big club for the members to keep perpetuating any old bit of information. God help us and save us from these people. Concrete

European referendum result - focussed

Don't get too excited chaps - the result of the referendum is not legally enforceable anyway, one way or the other- constitutional law and all that sort of stuff.

European referendum result - gordonbennet

Exactly, an out vote doesn't actually mean we'll leave, not when slippery Dave and his mates are at the helm.

The road is still long and twisted after the 23rd whatever the result.

European referendum result - concrete

I realise that the result needs to be ratified by parliament, and those over paid, over stuffed shirts in the 'Lords' say they might resist it. Blooming cheeck. Not even elected and sticking their noses in. However there are two important points to remember.

Firstly, if, as Cameron keeps saying, the leave vote would throw our country into wreck and ruin, why as our leader did he make it posssible for this to happen? Not very clever at all. But he must stick with it now.

Secondly, I doubt whether even this lot of feckless degenerates who make up the majority of parliament would deny a fair result. I know that a 51 to 49 split on a 40% turnout is hardly a convincing mandate. But a referendum is a clear way of asking for a mandate from the voters who turn out. If the people who don't vote, don't give a stuff, then their vote is useless anyway. I am sick of people spouting off about politics, yet when questioned it turns out most of them don't vote!! The usual answer is 'That lot aren't worth voting for'. Well, no vote: no grounds for complaint is my view. I would make it compulsory to vote. No ifs and no buts. The biggest influence on Brotish politics is the apathy non vote.

Cheers Concrete

European referendum result - alan1302

Firstly, if, as Cameron keeps saying, the leave vote would throw our country into wreck and ruin, why as our leader did he make it posssible for this to happen? Not very clever at all. But he must stick with it now.

Is that not what a democaracy gives us?

European referendum result - concrete

Firstly, if, as Cameron keeps saying, the leave vote would throw our country into wreck and ruin, why as our leader did he make it posssible for this to happen? Not very clever at all. But he must stick with it now.

Is that not what a democaracy gives us?

I am satisfied with the democracy of this country. We are all able to excercise our votes and rid ourselves of unpopular government. Unlike the EU which we have to like or lump!

What I am questioning is Camerons judgement. Regarding the economic, security, health, unemplyment etc etc etc,. If all these situations will be thrown into absolute turmoil, as remain are suggesting if we leave, isn't there something wrong with a prime ministers judgement if he would allow the chance of that happening by offering the chance for 'turkeys to vote for christmas'?


European referendum result - alan1302

This is our chance to dump the EU shoudl we choose though.

Cameron does not belive the public will vote to leave which is why this has been given to us. By giving us the chance and him winning it gives him the control he needs.

European referendum result - galileo

This is our chance to dump the EU shoudl we choose though.

Cameron does not belive the public will vote to leave which is why this has been given to us. By giving us the chance and him winning it gives him the control he needs.

Cameron and Osborne, it should be remembered, are both millionaires with access to private healthcare, private education for their chidren, able to afford to buy houses of their choice and independent of public transport.

They neither know nor care how the ordinary voter copes, their chief aim is to stay in power here and then move to well paid jobs in the EU.

To this end, any lie or half truth is considered fair.

European referendum result - galileo

This is our chance to dump the EU shoudl we choose though.

Cameron does not belive the public will vote to leave which is why this has been given to us. By giving us the chance and him winning it gives him the control he needs.

Cameron and Osborne, it should be remembered, are both millionaires with access to private healthcare, private education for their chidren, able to afford to buy houses of their choice and independent of public transport.

They neither know nor care how the ordinary voter copes, their chief aim is to stay in power here and then move to well paid jobs in the EU.

To this end, any lie or half truth is considered fair.