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More reasons to vote leave - galileo

I went to the local garden centre for some 'Slug Clear' liquid, which I've used fguess or years as the most effective means of controlling slugs - much better than pellets and as its a liquid penetrates the soil, nothing left for pets to pick up and kills slug egges as well.

None on the shelf, I was informed that its no longer available, guess why? Banned by the EU unelected officials from February this year.

Do you use weedkiller? 99% of these contain glyphosate. Guess what, the EU is banning those later this year.

Once the EU referendum is out of the way, the EU plan to limit the wattage of toasters, kettles vacuum cleaners etc will also be implemented, "to reduce CO2 emissions".

If a kettle or toaster has half the power, it will just take twice the time so no actual saving, just waste of the user's time.

How much more of this interference do we have to put up with? Our Governments of all parties (and Whitehall) simply seem to accept this instead of standing up for us, so just as much to blame.

More reasons to vote leave - concrete

At the risk of provoking a backlash of protest, I wish to express my own humble opinion. Not for debate or sticture. Whatever others think is their business.

I hope we leave the EU. That's it.

I have good and sound reasons for thinking the way I do, but have no wish to impose my thinking on others. Come the referendum we shall all know how the people that actually voted thought.

Cheers Concrete

More reasons to vote leave - bathtub tom

If there's no european market for glyphosate, higher power toasters, kettles and vacuum cleaners etc, what chance do you think there'll be any manufacturer interested in producing them just for the UK market?

More reasons to vote leave - daveyjp
I sometimes wonder why intelligent people don't check facts before believing everything which is said to them about what the EU is 'doing to us'.

From fullfacts:

Claim: The EU plans to ban British kettles, toasters and hairdryers.

Conclusion: At best this is a stretch. It's not a ban: the EU is considering regulation which would limit the amount of energy appliances such as kettles and hairdryers use. A study into the proposals has been drafted, but no legislation has been brought forward yet.

In other news the EU aren't banning glyphosate.

Edited by daveyjp on 21/05/2016 at 21:56

More reasons to vote leave - Wackyracer

That is the reason I never buy or read newspapers, they are full of lies and nonsense.

I'll be voting out for my own personal reasons. Where I live I doubt they will get many yes votes.

More reasons to vote leave - focussed

Before you and the people around where you live vote to leave the EU, consider this:-

If the UK leaves the EU the UK will be governed entirely and completely, without any sanction or check, by UK members of parliament with an as yet unknown prime minister.

Think about that.

More reasons to vote leave - concrete

Before you and the people around where you live vote to leave the EU, consider this:-

If the UK leaves the EU the UK will be governed entirely and completely, without any sanction or check, by UK members of parliament with an as yet unknown prime minister.

Think about that.

Isn't that the whole point?? Governed by an ELECTED UK parliament as opposed to an UNELECTED European commisssion. The word ELECTED is our sanction and check. As for whoever is the Prime Minister, even he can be voted out of office or parliament at a General Election. A luxury not afforded to us by the European Commission.

As previously stated; if you want democracy, vote leave.

If you are happy to along with the status quo, vote remain.

All other arguments are virtually redundant because no one, including the government know what will happen if we vote leave. My view is that economically we are neutral except we will have democracy and more money to spend on UK services.

Simples. Cheers Concrete

More reasons to vote leave - galileo
I sometimes wonder why intelligent people don't check facts before believing everything which is said to them about what the EU is 'doing to us'. From fullfacts: Claim: The EU plans to ban British kettles, toasters and hairdryers. Conclusion: At best this is a stretch. It's not a ban: the EU is considering regulation which would limit the amount of energy appliances such as kettles and hairdryers use. A study into the proposals has been drafted, but no legislation has been brought forward yet. In other news the EU aren't banning glyphosate.

Not yet, but after June 23rd that can change.

The proposed glyphosate ban has been reported a few weeks ago and the garden centre believe it will happen. AstraZeneca is a major manufacturer of glyphosate at a plant in the UK.

Limiting kettle power is pointless, it takes a fixed number of calories/joules to boil a fixed mass of water, 2KW will do it twice as fast as 1KW but the total energy is the same. Many hotels/B & Bs already provide low power in-room kettles, it is noticeable how long they take even to boil 2 cupfuls.

The point is, this is needless meddling in matters which are none of the EU's business, to justify the (highly paid) existence of the committees who dream up these ideas.

More reasons to vote leave - alan1302
I sometimes wonder why intelligent people don't check facts before believing everything which is said to them about what the EU is 'doing to us'. From fullfacts: Claim: The EU plans to ban British kettles, toasters and hairdryers. Conclusion: At best this is a stretch. It's not a ban: the EU is considering regulation which would limit the amount of energy appliances such as kettles and hairdryers use. A study into the proposals has been drafted, but no legislation has been brought forward yet. In other news the EU aren't banning glyphosate.

Not yet, but after June 23rd that can change.

The proposed glyphosate ban has been reported a few weeks ago and the garden centre believe it will happen. AstraZeneca is a major manufacturer of glyphosate at a plant in the UK.

Limiting kettle power is pointless, it takes a fixed number of calories/joules to boil a fixed mass of water, 2KW will do it twice as fast as 1KW but the total energy is the same. Many hotels/B & Bs already provide low power in-room kettles, it is noticeable how long they take even to boil 2 cupfuls.

The point is, this is needless meddling in matters which are none of the EU's business, to justify the (highly paid) existence of the committees who dream up these ideas.

So, say we com out of Europe - you don't think the UK government may have the same idea anyway?

The UK leaving the Eu isn't going to create some kind of utopia in the UK...generally speaking there will be no changes at all...and some may change for the better and some for the worse.

More reasons to vote leave - dadbif
When we leave we will regain our sovereignty, we will be able to choose who we let into our country and not be made to implement laws passed by faceless beaurocrats in another country.
100 years ago tens of thousands of our young men were dying fighting the Germans, what would they have said if they were told that 100 years later our prime minister would travel to Germany to beg permission from the chancellor to reduce immigration to OUR country?
More reasons to vote leave - gordonbennet

I hope we leave too, not for any interference in things like this because we have enough apparatchiks of our own who'll dream up all sorts of things to keep them in cushty jobs forever and a day, always have always will.

I want out because the EU is not a democratic organisation, there are no elections to placements of real power, the parliament which is elected cannot make nor propose legislation.

I want out for the safety and security of our nation, last time i looked there was a jolly decent moat round the British isles, and the worse thing we ever did was to build that tunnel.

I want out because the country has seen immigration on a scale never before seen since around 97 when that bunch of placemen decided that our country needed to be changed forever, and it has, and unless we stop this free for all our children will be living in an increasingly dangerous and personally hostile country that bares no resemblance to the Jerusalem (wth its own faults) that i grew up in.

That immigration has seen our infrastructure housing NHS schools etc pushed to breaking point.

Of course there may be downsides to leaving, but it'll be our pigeon again...just as it was before 1972, there was a Britain before that year and it did pretty well overall...and we'll sort ourselves out by making our decisions again.

Unfortunately i fear that if there is a leave vote, then the official Tory OUT organisation (who arn't really anti EU at all in many cases) will use that as a re-branding exercise (Eire) and further votes till we eventaully give the right answer.

I also have little faith in our easily bought electorate, remember our elections of the last nearly 20 years has seen the Blair regime in power for three terms...unbelievable...and his heir Cameron who is as EU committed as he could possible be re-elected, staggering.

It wouldn't matter to me that the Germans have finally taken over Europe without a shot being fired, following two previous attempts that were repelled at great cost, except that decent men and women in their millions gave their lives to stop them before and their memory is being dishonoured by this willing surrender.

Germany rules the EU, assisted by legion of useful bought idiots, it owns the EU and we are currently stupid enough to contribute to this huge self deception.

This will be my second vote out, but i fear as before the result has already been declared, just the numbers to juggle.

More reasons to vote leave - dadbif
I voted to join last time, but was voting to joint a "trading community", how foolish was I? Not this time, I do not fear for myself, nor for my children, but the future that faces my grandchildren if we remain in terrifies me.
I firmly believe that our political classes have an agenda to eliminate our parliament in favour of a centralised European Parliament, Cameron already has to seek eu approval to build a nuclear power station in OUR country. For crying out loud, where will the creeping domination of our country end?
More reasons to vote leave - dadbif
Anyway, this is a motoring forum, so I shall shut up and think of oily matters. Apologies for the rants...
More reasons to vote leave - gordonbennet

General discussion Dadbif, rant away as much as you like.

Free speech has become one of the victims of the new world order and is going to become a real issue for many in the years to come IMHO, who's an extremist, one who's inputs/views are not wanted by those in charge?

Edited by gordonbennet on 22/05/2016 at 09:57

More reasons to vote leave - Wackyracer

Going a bit off topic with this, I thought the EU was supposed to make trade better for us within the EU.

Recently I wanted to buy a bit of electronic test equipment not available from within the UK, to buy it from within the EU would have been more expensive than what I paid getting it from Australia and paying import charges and handling.

More reasons to vote leave - Engineer Andy

So, say we com out of Europe - you don't think the UK government may have the same idea anyway?

The UK leaving the Eu isn't going to create some kind of utopia in the UK...generally speaking there will be no changes at all...and some may change for the better and some for the worse.

The difference is that we vote out those idiots who pass legislation in the UK - we can't for the EU Commission, or for that matter, the Parilament even if 100% of UK MEPs voted one way - the rest of those from elsewhere could (and do) outvote us, often to further their own nests (for financial and/or personal [power hungry] reasons) , not for the good of their constituents or all EU citizens.

Power should, in general, be devolved down as far as possible to local people to decide in the best interests of their local communities and countries. Yes, sometimes the 'bigger picture' is important, but not as a way of faceless bureaucrats and failed/corrupt (former) politicians to justify their existance in the EU politburo.

More reasons to vote leave - Engineer Andy
I sometimes wonder why intelligent people don't check facts before believing everything which is said to them about what the EU is 'doing to us'. From fullfacts: Claim: The EU plans to ban British kettles, toasters and hairdryers. Conclusion: At best this is a stretch. It's not a ban: the EU is considering regulation which would limit the amount of energy appliances such as kettles and hairdryers use. A study into the proposals has been drafted, but no legislation has been brought forward yet. In other news the EU aren't banning glyphosate.

I believe that the 'ban' on glyphosate is related to banning it in non-commercial garden products, i.e. if you employ a gardener to look after a home or workplace garden area, then they can continue to use products they can only buy through commercial outlets (presumably via some licence or suchlike). The final decision on whether the licence for manufacturers to keep using it more generally is up for renewal in June by the EU.

See: www.telegraph.co.uk/gardening/how-to-grow/gardener.../

daveyjp - as others have said, limiting the amount of energy used by electrical products is only worthwhile IF they employ some kind of non-direct energy transfer device, such as a motor, wherby the electrical energy used can be reduced by making the motor more efficient.

An electric heater, such as toasters or kettles, are by their very nature (all forms of energy will eventually end up in heat form through inefficiencies when transforming from one type to another) highly efficient (a small amount is lost to the environment is waste heat and sound [e.g. the 'hum' of a toaster]), with really only a small percentage of 'wasted' energy left to reduce through better insulation and some kind of cover on the top, controls (e.g. only of the toaster slots heating when one slice of toast is being toasted - this may already happen on expensive toasters) in the absence of some new technology to transfer the heat energy directly to the heated item without wasting it (e.g. burning toast). That would not come cheap, which is fine if you have £££ to spend, not so much on the poverty line.

What would be far better is for everyone to be better educated about wasting energy/resources, such as boiling only the minimum amount of water needed, using a full load of washing in the washing machine, not running taps for brushing teeth etc, etc. That and finding more efficient, sustainable and continuous ways of both generating and transmitting electricity, e.g. local combined heat and power for entire communities, invloving business/industrial use as well as for homes and schools.

So much energy is wasted at the moment by heat going up boiler flues, via industrial chimneys (and suchlike) and through poorly insulated buildings, plus we have huge amounts of roof space available across such buildings to site PV panels (even if they are currently only 10-15% efficient) to generate electricity we then wouldn't need from powere stations.

More reasons to vote leave - Bromptonaut

Do you use weedkiller? 99% of these contain glyphosate. Guess what, the EU is banning those later this year.

Actually it hasn't. Glyphosate has been relicensed for another 7 years.

Do you follow why the EU want to ban it?

If other countries think Glyphosate's risks outweigh it's dangers (carcinogen etc) are you OK with your children being exposed to it? Do you think the British public would want that?

Like much so called 'red tape' the reality is EU regulations cover stuff we'd have near identical domestic rules on anyway.

I've seen absolutely nothing put forward by the Outers that convinces me they've even got any real vision as to what they want after Brexit. All too much like Micawber - something will turn up.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 22/05/2016 at 14:21

More reasons to vote leave - Wackyracer

I've seen absolutely nothing put forward by the Outers that convinces me they've even got any real vision as to what they want after Brexit. All too much like Micawber - something will turn up.

On the flip side of that, the 'Inners' have not given one convincing reason why we need to stay in either. much of the 'In' reasons is all speculations and maybes.

Its not aimed at you personally Brompt BTW.

More reasons to vote leave - gordonbennet

Thing is no one knows for sure what will happen, and the extremes of both sides hasn't helped.

Whatever the cost, and yes to me personally too, i wish to regain the right to sack my leaders when they fail to do the right thing.

The issue for me is democracy, if you can't sack those who rule over you, and we can't, then its no longer a democracy.

More reasons to vote leave - Bromptonaut

On the flip side of that, the 'Inners' have not given one convincing reason why we need to stay in either. much of the 'In' reasons is all speculations and maybes.

Its not aimed at you personally Brompt BTW.

I think it's difficult for either side to come up with a killer reason. Even with stuff like today's furore over process/timing for Turkey to join fact seems thin on the ground.

My starting point is one of being reasonably committed to In. I don't even regard greater federalism as a red line. Trying to be more sceptical I still conclude that we're geographically part of Europe, that the EU is likley to be still there without us and is a huge market to which our businesses need unfettered access. Furthermore we've spent the last 50 years preparing for and being Members and we'd need some real and tangible gains on offer to leave. Norway or Switzerland seem to have potentially worst of both worlds; subject to regulation but in no position to influence it.

Out we might possibly be able to reduce migrant labour from EU. But we'd do so at cost to our own ability to work over there and to current ex-pats. Furthermore, government's attempts to reduce non EU migration for work - filling skill shortages etc - hasn't exactly been a crushing success. If business (and the NHS) needs the workers then will government succeed in bucking the market? EU migrant labour is for most part tax positive and free movement is probably a net gain to the nation.

The idea we can turn the clock back to 1972 or any other date is absurd.

More reasons to vote leave - Engineer Andy

I'd love to know the level of 'influence' you are referring to - to be honest, most of what comes out of the EU (rules and more regulations) is either direct from the Commission, EU Parliament or France & Germany stitching something up, none of whom we appear to have any semblence of control over the outcome.

We, at best, have an influence at the margins. Only those 'committed to the European ideal' (essentially a single nation state effectively ruled by people in Brussels [with Germany and, to a lesser extent, France pulling the strings] which we cannot vote out, rather like many dictators did, just without the bloodshed) have any real influence, essentially only the original EU states or those sucking up them to get funds.

The EU shouldn't be the political equivalent of 'Hotel California', especially as thos in charge appear to have no appitite for serious change in how it is run and it interferes (unnecessarily) in our lives, despite all the current turmoil in the region, which many people, including myself, believe has been brought about or helped make far worse by the actions/inaction of the EU.

More reasons to vote leave - concrete

My twopenny worth is about 3 points:

Democracy, Democracy and Democracy.

At present we haven't got that within the EU commission.

Apologies to my Welsh friends, of which I have many:

But any organisation that has that windbag Kinnock and his family, feeding from the trough and spouting about how good it is must be worth putting down. As for that creature Mandellson, best left unsaid. Suffice to say if either of them told me the grass is green, I would go and check!!! We have no say or control over these people. They can say and do as they wish and we cannot get rid of them. That is more than enough for me to vote OUT. They are not doing what ever it is they actually do because they are nice people. They are doing it for mainly selfish reasons IMHO.

Cheers Concrete

More reasons to vote leave - Bromptonaut

Tend to share your view on Mandelson - like Michael Howard there's 'something of the night' about him! I've a more benevolent about Kinnock in particular for fronting up and seeing off Derek Hatton and his militant mates. He paved the way for Blair in making the party electable again

My own experience of Commissioners is having met Cathy Ashton when she was Labour Justice Minister. She did a thoroughly cometent job piloting the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act through parliament and was personable and pleasant to work with. I think she's also recognised for stuff in Kosovo and helping bring Iran back into the international tent.

How does the 'lack of accountability' actually manifest itself in ways that affect you or me?

Edited by Bromptonaut on 23/05/2016 at 12:26

More reasons to vote leave - galileo

There was once a principle of 'no taxation without representation'.

We pay for the EU Commission and all the other EU powers that originate 60% of our laws (and God knows what percentage of niggling bureaucracy) yet we have no influence over them. Our MEPs, such as they are, are a tiny minority in the EU parliament and as numbers of countries increase become an even smaller minority.

So we can't stop them doing whatever they want, can't get rid of them, they have spent billions of taxpayers money and the accounts haven't been passed as true for 20 years, the Mafia are more honest and open.

For those too young to remember what this country was like before we came under the EU's interfering regime, I can testify that it felt like a much better place to live.

Edited by galileo on 23/05/2016 at 15:11

More reasons to vote leave - alan1302

For those too young to remember what this country was like before we came under the EU's interfering regime, I can testify that it felt like a much better place to live.

No matter what happens the country is not going back to how it was in the 70's - the UK and the world have changed hugely since then.

More reasons to vote leave - concrete

For those too young to remember what this country was like before we came under the EU's interfering regime, I can testify that it felt like a much better place to live.

No matter what happens the country is not going back to how it was in the 70's - the UK and the world have changed hugely since then.

Agreed. Not even God can change the past, but we can do something about our future. Concrete

More reasons to vote leave - concrete

I take your points Brompt. But have you read some of the speeches from the Kinnock corporation lately? Talk about hypocracy.

Anyway, accountability is the one thing the commissioers don't have to bother about. If they upset me or you or the whole UK, then tough. They are appoionted, not elected, are usually there for however long they wish or until they resign. We have no influence over them at all. As for the MEP's, the UK is vastly outnumbered by the mass of other MEP's, so the likelihood of winning a vote that suits us is miniscule. The only way to secure a winning vote is to have the approval of many other MEP's. Considering they could not agree on the colour of sh**te, that is also unlikely. A one size fits all does not work, just look at the Euro!

The well meaning individual is also a rare and ineffectual beast. Railing against the massed ranks of other European vested interests is a thankless task.

If you want accountability, ergo, democracy, then I am afraid the only course of action is to leave the EU as it presently exists.

Cheers Concrete

More reasons to vote leave - Wackyracer

Did anyone see the Andrew Marr show this morning? Does Tony Blair actually realise what is the combined total population of the other EU countries?

More reasons to vote leave - concrete

Did anyone see the Andrew Marr show this morning? Does Tony Blair actually realise what is the combined total population of the other EU countries?

I am sure there are many things that Tony Blair doesn't realise. The list is too long to publish. The quicker he and that cretin Brown disappear from view the better. Concrete

More reasons to vote leave - focussed

I see that the Leavists are proposing that after leaving, the UK would be able to scrap VAT on fuel.

I had a real chuckle about that -pure fantasy economics.

Would they be doing that before or after negotiating all those trade deals that are going to save the UK billions and every other country is going to be queueing up to sign?

The leavists couldn't negotiate their way out of a tissue-paper bag.

Oh and BTW Mr Gove doesn't want to be prime minister.

(never believe anything until it has been officially denied)

More reasons to vote leave - gordonbennet

I haven't bought a newspaper for some 30 years or more, and for many years now (since it became increasingly obvious most of the the MSM is bought and paid for) i've avoided live television news and current affairs broadcasts too, especialy those by the state broadcaster...similarly we seldom watch any live television of any descritption.

However, yesterday evening i switched the telly in the bedroom on sometimes around 9.30ish, and happened to catch some staggeringly childish propaganda, it appeared to be about the NHS being in danger should we stay in the EU...the screen was split into two sides, one side in the EU the other side after leaving EU, the story as i saw it appeared to feature someone being diagnosed and treated and the difference between the two...in this case it was like the difference between cattle class care and BUPA, BUPA standard after exit.

The result was little short of appalling, i assume it was pro LEAVE but i'm still unsure, for all i know it might have been written by the Remain crew as a false flag ''own'' goal designed to make LEAVE look like a bunch of knuckle dragging amateurs.

If this is an example of VOTE LEAVE's exit campaign then i can only assume the VL leaders have been hand picked as saboteurs to destroy any chance of there being a majority vote to leave...little wonder Farage's et al OUT group didn't get the official leave designation for i have no doubt Farage and Hoey (even Galloway) would have been as livid as i was at the pulling of this stunt.

Presumably when Johnson and Gove etc have completed their tasks of scuppering the leave campaign they'll be welcomed back into the tory ranks as heroes and given the sort of welcome agents/spies returning from a sucessful mission might expect.

I have no doubt at all if this is an example of what the general tv addict public have been seeing that the IN win is guaranteed.

More reasons to vote leave - Engineer Andy

I think the whole thing is like children arguing over a toy in the playground. Real facts are very hard to come by in this so-called 'debate/campaign'.

I doubt if most sensible people will even bother to take heed of anything most of the 'leaders' or 'spokespersons' (or for that matter foreign politicians/celebs/academics who all have a vested interest one way or the other, though mostly on the 'In' side) say. The whole thing has been a shambles. Unfortunately, that all helps in 'In' side via voter apathy, which is probably why they do it.

More reasons to vote leave - Wackyracer

The remain camp are doing their very best to make people vote leave, Liz Truss did the remain campaign a real sterling job last night. she said in soo many words that its better to put freshly caught fish into landfill than to throw them back in the sea.

More reasons to vote leave - concrete

The remain camp are doing their very best to make people vote leave, Liz Truss did the remain campaign a real sterling job last night. she said in soo many words that its better to put freshly caught fish into landfill than to throw them back in the sea.

Not only do they get elected they are allowed to breed!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!! Cheers Concrete