Ford Focus 125 Ecoboost - Turning Headlamps - caecarreg


My 2015 Focus Titanium Ecoboost has developed an itermittent fault on the nearside headlamp.

The lamps are motorised and turn slightly when cornering, however the nearside headlamp has started turning and staying way over to the left, when driving in a straight line.

After 3 hours sat in the local main dealer they have told me there is no fault, almost saying I must have imagined it!

Has anyone else experienced this turning lamp error, and if so how did you rectify the problem?

Ford Focus 125 Ecoboost - Turning Headlamps - slkfanboy

Buy a dash cam and the show them the issue, will save you a lot of hassle.

Ford Focus 125 Ecoboost - Turning Headlamps - Falkirk Bairn

Go to another Ford dealer under warranty you can go to any outlet. Even if not fixed NW have it registered as an issue if it comes back you can still get it fixed under the 12 month Manufacturers -the 2/3 rd years insurance warranty may not cover electrical issues.