I keep reading that it's 'proven' that using a phone while driving is as dangerous as drink driving. Sounds a bit odd that one, certainly got a whiff of 'one study says it does but we'll ignore the 372 which didn't find the same result' about it, but that's beside the point anyway.
The problem is using a phone while driving is so common and prevalent it doesn't really matter what you do. For every one the Police have the time to pull over, another fifty will drive past tapping away on Whatsapp. I think some insurance company survey found 30% (roughly) of drivers see no problem with it, so with numbers like that any law becomes unenforceable.
For what it's worth I don't tend to use the phone while driving but I don't see the harm in the odd message or call to let work know you'll be late if you're sat in traffic doing 0.3mph as that barely qualifies as 'driving' in my opinion. That's one thing, but when I see people using both hands to text while doing 60 that is.....quite skillful actually.
I couldn't do it. Would crash right away.