Maserati Ghibli Diesel - MPG Test Result - WHITETREV
To get the official MPG results do they use the information displayed by the car or do they use an independent means of calculating fuel usage. The reason for my question is that the Ghibli forum believes that fuel consumption shown is 12.5% more than it should be.
If the car shows better fuel consumption is this legal?
Maserati Ghibli Diesel - MPG Test Result - skidpan
All cars are tested in a lab in accordance with the EU testing cycle. This bears no relationship to the real world and most figures are approx 20% better than most can achieve.
Maserati Ghibli Diesel - MPG Test Result - gordonbennet
but but Skidpan, you might save £17.59 or even £175.90 on fuel between £2000 services and £1400 re-tyre episodes and don't even imagine what a timing belt/chain or DPF could set you back.